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question about mods on nexus (plz dont judge)


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iv got another question... how should i download a mod? vortex or manual? i just saw something on youtube about this where some one says it was hell for him when he tried to do it with vortex like the mods not working ect. just wanna know if hes right or he was doing something wrong and i have nothing to worry about.

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On the opening page of forums.nexusmods.com there is a section exclusively for Vortex. I suggest you research your question and come to your own conclusion. Otherwise you will get as many opinions about Vortex as there are members (currently 41,415,919).

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I use Vortex, it works for me. Another option is MO2, and supposedly it has some rather nice powerful features over Vortex, but so far I felt no need to switch.

At least for SSE, the methods for getting mods are:

1. Manual download and install. You get the zip (.7z, .rar) file in your folder, and you can unzip it and do your copying manually. This method is ONLY for modding experts, typically if they don't actually want the mod itself, but rather to examine it, borrow resources etc.

2. Manual download but using mod manager. (This is pretty much how you install mods from places other than Nexus) You get the zipped file downloaded, drag-and-drop it into your manager, and it does the rest.

3. Automatic. You need to have your mod manager running and linked to your Nexus user account. You click the 'mod manager download' button, and manager gets the file and you can proceed to install it. Benefit of this is mod manager is 'aware' of the source of the mod, and can notify you, for example, when a mod you have installed has been updated. I would say 95% of the mods I got from Nexus have been installed that way.

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