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Features Starfield NEEDS to Have


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It has been said by Todd that ship and outpost building is an end game activity, which is a good thing. With a game world of this size and a potentially infinite amount of resources, we need massive money sinks to keep the economy from imploding(having millions of credits with nothing to spend them on). Here I'm going to list some things I would like to see for early to end and even further end game content that will keep us in a single play through longer than ever before. Whether they are added by Beth post launch or by modders is of little consequence but these features are a natural progression of the current mechanics. This is how I see them working best but obviously the creator might have different ideas.



1 - Dynamic Market Economy

This is Bethesda's first game world that is big enough to realistically simulate resource production and consumption and no doubt some of us are going to want a little "space trader" action. This too would be late game content though because buying and selling small amounts isn't going to affect the economy in any meaningful way. Knowing however that we can start our own corporation and that the vanilla game has at least a dozen or so neutral and faction aligned corporations, it just makes sense that these entities will be the largest consumers of resources and the individual NPCs will consume the resulting products. Once you enter the planetary market all of these corporations could start expanding by building new stations and star yards using the same mechanics as the player. To prevent the player from exploiting the market for early game enriching and breaking the economy, in order to participate in the planetary market place as a buyer you must have a capitol ship and to sell you must have a space station in orbit around the source. Transactions in the planetary market place would be in the 10's of tons


2 - Owning Capitol Ships

Buying a capitol ship would require a very large investment of 20-50 million credits and would require a very large crew(10 or more) to operate. No fast travel, no manual space flight and no planetary landing would be available but at least 2 standard ships can be docked and towed with the base model. The base model can be repaired at a ship yard but upgrading must be done at your own ship yard. Only one capitol ship is available for sale and all others must be built.


3 - Space Station Construction

Constructing a space station should require a large initial investment of 50-100 million credits for resources, shipment and labor as well as ownership of a capitol ship and relevant research completed. Unlike outpost construction this would not be instantaneous but rather it would take several in game weeks or months and you won't be able to use your capitol ship during the construction process. Once completed the station will have a command center, living quarters, storage facility, reactor and docking for several standard ships and one capitol ship. After the initial construction expanding and upgrading can be done instantaneously like outposts as long as your capitol ship is present. You would not be able to build a space station in orbit around faction occupied planets nor share orbit with any other station.

Completing relevant research and upgrading the station will allow you to open a planetary market to sell the resources produced on the planet.


4 - Capitol Ship Construction

Once you have a space station constructed and upgraded with a capitol ship star yard you can then upgrade and change the layout of your capitol ship instantaneously with the same interface as standard ships. Constructing a capitol ship would be possible after achieving the relevant research, having your capitol ship present and would take weeks or months to complete.


5 - Chat GPT Powered Ships Computer and/or Vasco

Herika - Chat GPT Companion Have a look at this.

Chat GPT isn't quite there yet for believable NPCs and in order to use it for all NPCs it will need to be integrated into the game engine. One day soon this will be a reality and gaming will never be the same. For now though this tech in it's current state is perfect for the Ship's Computer or even Vasco. Imagine being able to verbally request the "current mission status", "all power to shields", "hail nearby ship", "what equipment is needed for the planet we are landing on" or "plot a course to system X" without touching the controls or navigating a menu.



With these features Starfield would be the ultimate space game for ME. Thoughts?

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Unless the AI was running on a local machine, not sure how well game integration would work. thousands, if not tens of thousands of folks playing the game at the same time, would introduce a pretty significant load on whatever was running the AI. Trying to run it on a local machine? That's gonna need some pretty significant horsepower.... and then the game as well? I don't see that happening soon.....


The economy. Yep. Dynamic Economy would be very cool. Bring in huge amounts of some resource or other to a single location, and watch the local price tank. :D


Space construction. I could see requiring a dedicated ship for this purpose... the first one, you would have to buy..... then build your own orbital shipyard, to build more... (NOT inexpensive.....) Could have as many as you could afford though. :)

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Chat GPT Powered Ships Computer and/or Vasco? I'd settle for a voiced player character! :laugh:


If that happens (& it probably will), I'll actually buy the game.

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