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Nexus Mod Manager plans, answers and if you're a coder, we want yo


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N.M.M is not a bad mod manager but there imho addons that does not use scripted installers works good but if the addons uses a scripted installers then the addon may fail to install


readme files one thing that irritates me is most mod authors name the readme file as readme.txt that is ok if it is only one mod you are installing but most players install a lot more mods imho readme files need to go in a folder named readme/ModName


"open your favourite coding program and do it yourself and help out millions of other users in the process."

if your favourite code editor is visual studio express 2008 you can not open the project file because visual studio express 2008 does not support solution folders

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In response to post #11040397. #11041664, #11042089, #11049594, #11058613, #11063522, #11063999, #11064248 are all replies on the same post.

I never said I suffered CTD or problems, I said they are unstable. The Titanic crashed, the board Rose was on was unstable. All those games work fine after the community finished them, they were wreaks mostly before hand. You can add as many armor and weapons packs as you like, there not going to effect anything (load time if there in the same area or chest) its scripted based mods that cause eventual problems, but only if your silly and install and uninstall them willy nilly. You putting words in peoples mouths and are saying things that go against the collective opinion, most of the games it manages run like 3 legged horses.
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Pretty new to all of this (just started messing with Skyrim mods this week) but so far the NMM works ok for me. My issues with it:


I'm on the east coast and whenever I download a mod it constantly has to retry the download over and over until it tries the D.C. server


Start up takes a bit of time but I can wait


Sometimes doesn't open or respond


All-in-all, it's allowed me to get some great mods and has functioned well enough to get the job done. Hope to see more improvements and I will definitely be using this site and the NMM more often.

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I'd just like to say how much I admire you, Dark0ne. You pour so much time and money into this, and it's not just because you want to get money back, or because, and I'm not saying that this is a bad reason, you love it, but it's so much because you care about US. The community. You truly are an incredible person, and I hope that I get the chance to meet you in real life one day. Keep on keeping on.
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So allow me to start off by saying, i have been following the progress of the NMM for about a good year. What I have seen in that year are some major steps for this type of program. Not bashing NMM or anything, but the server issues are a major problem for me, also i am in the midwest (specifically nebraska). Just to go in depth on these server issues, I, for one, cannot download mods one after another as a good 6/10 mods either A) say they are downloading and just sit there, not changing servers or making any progress, or B) claims that the server is unreachable, and in the case of the latter i cannot download anything for a good 48 hours. :/ also just in my lighter opinion of the NMM, it is an amazing tool to use for modding, as i have neither the time nor the patience to install the mods manually nor do i have the time nor patience to scan them for virus's and thats where the NMM comes in. i believe if the NMM was an ai it would say,"oh? you would like to download this mod? and unpackage it and place it where it needs to be in your load order? why dont I just go ahead and allocate your BSA files and add contents to your ini. :)" but i digress, this is a wonderful help to a person who lives on a time oriented schedule xD ( i rarely have time to get a good 2.5 hour session of skyrim in except on weekends), and I for one have a group of friends that do a lot of coding and programming and Im sure we could find time to help with this wonderful piece of software. So it is now that i extend a hand feel free to message me on the skyrim nexus and i can forward your my E-mail.
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i just want to say i enjoy the Nexsus Mod Manager and have only one suggestion:in compliance with load orders,why not add a feature which auto resolves faulty load orders and places them in a order to allow it to run correctly?it may take time but i for on would love to see a load order to work.
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Thanks a lot for your kind words on Mod Organizer. :)


I'd like to point out one thing to people saying "why is it taking so long when programs like Mod Organizer have had it for yonks now and it was seemingly coded in a shorter time?":

Mod Organizer has been around for Oblivion since May 2011. And it's virtualized filesystem (whick made profiling very simple) is based on technology I developed during my diploma thesis.

Thus a lot more time has went into MO (esp. the backend) than is apparent, NMM is in no way progressing slower than MO.


To everyone saying " Drop MO and add its features to NMM": This is not "Highlander", there can not be only one Mod Manager. NMM, Wrye Bash and MO all have their merits and profit from each other (if not in code then at least in ideas). If we all worked on one program it would probably die of feature bloat.

Edited by Tannin42
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I know this part "claim we're using it as a cop out for not following a strict stable/beta release structure" was partially directed at me (though not solely at me) because of some comments I recently made in one of the forums about NMM. When someone says that the customers and users feel like it's being used as a cop out to dismiss many of the stability issues, that's a constructive critique.


I wish I knew how to share my thoughts on this without the authors of NMM taking it as a personal insult, as they (or at least one) did when I made my original post. Sadly, I feel like anything constructive or helpful I say about it will met with hostility and/or the assumption that I'm accusing the authors of not caring, not being competent, not being good; none of which I believe are the case.


But since I can't share my thoughts on NMM's development and why it's still in beta, I'll just point this out: Just because a customer/user doesn't like or agree with the reasons the author hasn't released a 1.0 version of a program does not mean the customer/user thinks the author is bad or the program is bad. It's possible to disagree with something without considering that something bad.


I use NMM because it's one of the best programs like it that I've ever used (it's better than the Curse client for WoW, imo). So for those that think my complaints and criticism of the program in some way mean I think the program or authors are bad, go suck a giraffe.

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