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Craftable kayak/Canoe for frostfall users


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The mod Summon Ethereal Horse gives you a spell to uh, summon a horse.

That's good and all, but what does that have to do with frostfall, you ask ?

That horse walks on water.

It only provides help for a part of your problem, and it's not what you've asked for, I know, but it's better than nothing, right ?

You could of course just make a horse which looks like a boat and "walks" on water, since it's probably the simplest thing to do, maybe with new animations, and obviously a new model for the boat. I'd say Chesko might do this, since it seems simple enough.

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This idea certainly seems very good. Especially when you think of the fact that in the outmost northern areas like winterhold there are almost no snowberries to be seen, which makes the use of extract a little expensive. I also think that kayaks and canoes would fit in just perfectly in these cold and icy régions. I also have a small suggestion: I use the hunterborn mod and it would be nice if there would be a patch (if this mod would happen) so you could pull killed game (like horkers or big slaughterfish) back on shore, or to the closest city (making a harponning option would even be better).


In any case, hope this mod idea gets the attention it deserves.

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  • 2 months later...

The Piotable rowboats is eh i was still geting wet and all sailable ships i am going to give a try it would be nice just the conoe and kyake idea whould be the TITS! i will 100% endourse that mod it its works well i would make it if i new how to make mods :P or adleast try to

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