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Name: Ren


Age: 21


Appearance: Short black hair, side fringe. Bright blue eyes (Most of the time...), quite tall, slim.


Equipment: Black hoodie, DCs, black skinny jeans, katana and a British Army L96A1 sniper rifle that belonged to her father.


Fighting style: Can pick off enemies easily from far away, but is deadly in CQC with her katana.


Personalitie: Quite funny but doesnt have time for s**t little comments an jokes, can be friendly, but get on the wrong side of her and she'l rip your head off. Quite tense and insecure, but has to be.


History: Didnt know her parents, lived with her grandfather. Her granfather gave her basic training in combat. Grandad was killed by slavers, but Ren escaped. Slavers are now hunting for her, so she has to be quick and cant stay somewhere for too long. Her grandad gave her her fathers sword, hoping it'd help if anything happened, and so far, it has helped.


Hiya Ren :) Wanna go kill some slavers?



This is a character for my up-coming RP, about a group of people running from slavers.

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  • 2 months later...
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Name: Scar

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Weapon: Combat Knife called Slasher, 357. Magnum ,and a Sawed Off Shotgun

Stature: Tall, Skinny, Mucular

Personality: Cold, A loner

From: Rivet City, Capital Wasteland

Affilition: The Rejects

Job: Scout

Hates: Deathclaws, Love, Familys

Loves: Killing, Making other people feel his pain


History: Watching Family Get killed when he was 10 by a deathclaw

Ever Since then he was a raider He knew it was wrong but that was life he was a famous raider too the regulators wanted his finger real bad.

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  • 2 months later...

might as well get my character out there:




age-4 cycles(13 years)




Appearence-He wears a suit of weatherd Brotherhood of steel armour cpverd by a clint eastwood looking poncho and a brotherhood helmet.


Weapons-Red carries a long barreled double barreled shotgun, a AR-15 broken down into four pieces and intergrated into his armour, a Hunting rifle with a rail for mounted optics is on his back, and he has a colt .45 peacemaker rovolver holsterd on his hip.

Skills-Red is more than adept with a firearm, he is a genius when it comes to making things


personality-Red is a robot that does what needs to be done, he has a moral grey area and usually doesnt care for compassion


description-made by a crazy mechanic whop was being hunter by a slave group, red was intended to be a body guard. He did his job until the slavers blew up the shack that red was defending. His memory core survived and was found by a early brotherhood of steel, who used his meory core to make red into a mobile sentry post. He was used to expand the brotherhood and secure outposts. Red did his job until he was blown up by a crazy'd mercinary with a rocket launcher. His memory was then foudn and he was made into a appliance holder for two scientists. He considers it his easiest job until the wife went crazy and riddled his body until it was just a aginst hole. His backup memory was found by a talkative trader and he was made into a bodygaurd while he was usoing a sentry bots body, he learned how to make makeshift items neccesary for human survival and how to make weapons from useless items. He eventually left and began wandering the wastes, doign what needs to be done, having a moral grey area in life.

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Introducing Rondel


Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Harsh and Cold.

region: Northern Germania

DOB: 12 august 387 bce

Body type: slender/athletic

weapons: Claymore, Large round shield.

facial hair: none

Eye color: blue

Hair Color: Black

Clothing: Tight leather covered in loose-fitting chain.

History: Son of the Norse Clanleader on North Germania. infamously kown for his abiliy to effectively carry and wield a Claymore in one hand.


Oblivion: Ilrael

Name: Ilrael

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Race: Mystic Elf

Class: Rogue/Warrior

Birth Place: Akavir

Body type: Slender

Eye Color: Red

Hair color: black

Hairstyle: Medium

weapon: Black Souba

Armor: Mithris Chainmail

Personality: Bubbly and cute

History: she lost all of her memories years ago when she had an argument with an illusonist, who didnt like the idea that sh was proposing. she now serves as a mercenary or a hired thief for anyone who pays her enough.

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  • 4 months later...

I think I'll get a couple of characters out there.


Fallout 3


Name: John Lawson

Age: 36 (In the Year 2280, all other ages are based on the current time-line).

Gender: Male

Personality: Kind and Caring of others, but a ruthless ******* when it comes down to guys trying to kill him.

Region: D.C. In The Capital Wasteland

D.O.B: February 23rd, 2244


Weapons: Anything use-able, though he always keeps a Hunting Rifle equipped with a Scope, the rifle he made himself. He also uses the Rifle not to shoot, but to use the scope, to scan an area for hazards. He also keeps a 10mm Pistol with him, as well as a couple of Combat Knives.


Hair Colour: Brown

Facial Hair + Colour: Full Hair & Black

Eye Colour: Hazel


Clothing/Armour: Any clothes that fit him, and a couple of Pre-War outfits as well. He is equipped with a set of Combat Armour w/o Helmet, when out in D.C. or The Wasteland.


History: Born in Rivet City, his mother & father both live there, still together. At the age of 9, the guards knew him as a trouble-maker, although they knew that he was exceptional at staying silent, sneaking around & hiding. After a talk with his parents, John was forced with a difficult decision: Go out into D.C. or The Wasteland and return when your 20, or be "put down", as the guards called it. He knew what Raiders did to people out there, and thought that he might suffer a less painful death if he stayed.



At first, he stayed, but late in the night, his father (who worked as a guard) dragged him out of bed at night, and escorted him out of Rivet City, telling him that he had a friend who was a Ghoul, in Underworld. He walked with a Travelling Trader, who escorted him as close to Underworld as her route let her go. Initially, the Ghouls in Underworld were wondering why he was there, and because John had never seen a Ghoul before, he was bashing them with a lead pipe left-and-right, which almost got him killed until his father's friend, Jordan, found him and took John under his wing. He spent alot of his life, up to 20 years old, with Jordan until he left. After that, he found a bunker in D.C. which seemed abandoned. John took it for himself, and utilized the un-set traps that were there. He took the place as his home. Shortly afterwards, he found some tunnels that led all around D.C. He soon after re-inforced the tunnels with doors and walls to keep the place safe, and that's his history.


Training: Expert of Hand-To-Hand and CQC + Small Fire-arms, he's lived in D.C. by staying hidden and taking what he can find from the dead, as well as stealing from Raider caches. He's had to fight plenty a Raider, and knows all there is about Survival. He can pick most locks, and knows how to hack a Terminal, no matter how hard it is. This is off-set by his in-ability to carry much, which he's balanced out by using a back-pack, as well as little knowledge of Energy Weapons (a knowledge he gained in 2269) and having trouble concentrating on what's around him.


Weaknesses: Partially deaf (2275), he can't hear alot of warning signals that most people could hear, which gets him into some pretty bad situations. He's also had severe exposure to radiation, causing some permanent effects on his perception of those around him.


Strengths: Because of being partially deaf, his senses have been increased allowing him to sense things and traps + enemies nearby that normal people couldn't know without some knowledge or anything. And because of exposure to radiation, he can regenerate his health over time, as well as healing crippled limbs - with a bit of sleep and shut-eye to help. He is also highly resistant to radiation, which - when combined with an Advanced Radiation Suit + Rad-X - can make him immune to radiation.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Introducing Jack Franchi


Name: Jack Franchi

Pronounced: Jack Fran-chee

Age: Unknown but appears late 40's.

Gender: M

Ethnicity: Mediterranean, possibly Italian or Spanish.

Resides: Several places but usually sleeps at Tenpenny Tower.


Appearance: A shady character with a worn, expressionless face. Wearing a dark business suit and a black fedora. There is a .44 Magnum strapped to his belt with no attempt to hide it. He orders a glass of wine and looks noticeably out-of-place in the bar. He looks around wearily, as if expecting a challenger. Confronted with none, he sits and begins sipping on the wine.


History: Not a lot is known about the early life of this character, only that now he works for an exclusive brotherhood known as The Capitol Mafia. He is the Generale, which puts him very high in the Family ranks. And he's not talking the bloodsucking Family that resides in Meresti Train yard, he means the family that runs the Capitol Mafia syndicate, the Condoterros. He leads an elite force of crime muscle men and has access to all the fronts, rackets and influences that the Capitol Mafia has under its possession. He is a feared man to those who are lucky enough to know him without being dead.


Another man enters the bar and without hesitation sits next to Jack. This man looks relaxed, his fedora turned upwards, revealing his forehead. He is a pale man that walked with a limp and always has one eye closed. The man then discreetly hands Jack a suitcase, which Jack takes and places it safely by his feet. Jack bends over in his bar stool to check on the case, then comes back up with the .44. He sticks it up the other man's nose and pulls the trigger. The ear-shattering sound of the gunshot causes the bar to silence for a moment, then everyone carries on as usual. Jack then stands, picks up the suitcase, winks to the barkeep, and walks out of the bar, leaving his half finished wine.


Jack returns moments later, again ordering a red wine but this time looking a little more open to conversation.

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  • 3 months later...

Alright, RP'ing sounds pretty fun. Might as well put up 2 characters.

Elder Scrolls Series Characters--


Character 1


Name: Aryan Jax

  • Gender:Male
  • Species:Imperial (Vampire)
  • Height: 6:00
  • Weight: 148
  • Eye Color: Dark Red - Seems to glow at times
  • Hair Color & Type: Long, stringy, and black.
  • Personality: He is very ruthless in attaining his goals, yet carefree in all else.
  • Age: 28 (True Age- Unknown)


Background: All of Aryan's life he had been searching for ways of attaining ways of immortality with losing one's soul in the process. For 12 years he had scoured even the farthest reaches of Tamriel, but, to no avail, he found no such way of immortalizing one's self without sacrificing their soul in the process. Disheartened at the fact that there was no such thing, he fell into a deep depression and considered himself a failure; he even went as far as outcasting himself from society. Devastated, lonely, and slightly mad, he wandered out from his hometown of Cheydinhal and went north. Deep into the Velothi mountains he went, journeying far into territory too harsh for the average person - this was the one place he hadn't ventured to.


It was there he found his answer to all the questions about immortality.


After a skirmish with a local pack of wolves, he had suffered fatal wounds even though he had stood triumphant. Wandering to the nearest cliff, he laid on the ground and slept there; death was imminent, and he knew it was his time.


Contradicting his thoughts, though, he woke up several hours in a strange room with a woman of unspeakable beauty.


"...Who are you...?" He asked, stunned at the fact he was even alive and well.


"I am Ezra," She said with a hint of amusement. "I found you lying on the cliff jutting over my resting place. You were nearing the brink of death... so..."


She shifted awkwardly for a moment.


"What did you do to me?" He asks, puzzled.


She smiled and said "Well... the only way to save you was to kill you. I did just that... in turn, saving your life."


"What?!" He says, exasperated.


"It's a hard concept to grasp, I know, but... I've turned you into a vampire."


And from then on he lived with this Vampiress named Ezra, learning the ways of the vampire.



Will add story sheet for Ezra later.




Aryan wanders passively into the bar, looking for fresh blood. Having not had a drink in three days time, he is starting to get ill.

Edited by Monsta138
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  • 3 weeks later...

Name: Sorgren

Age: 25

Class: Warlock/Necromancer

Weapon: His own breath, telepathy, cryomancy, necromancy.

Abillities: Complete control over the element of water, can corrupt other people to serve him, various summons, teleportation, crystal ball scrying.

Appearance: A frail looking man with a tall athletic complexion, pale skin, raven black hair, usually wears an intricate black metal style corpsepaint design on his face, dresses a long flowing black cape, horned steel pauldrons, spiked gauntlets and greaves, a silver ring for each finger linked by silver chains to a big o ring on his wrist, his eyes are completely black with a dark blue iris.


Self proclaimed god, aspiring to become a demon, plans to gain telepathic control over every living being in Skyrim, he has a very twisted mind and is by nature a sociopath, has his brother for his service.


Name: Yarhak

Age: 29

Class: Warrior/Blademaster

Weapon: A huge 2 handed longsword with a triskele engraved on the hilt, the blade is of the highest quality dwarven steel.

Abilities: He feels nothing, that is an advantage aswell as a disadvantage, the corruption cures him quicker then most people.

Appearance: A huge man, taller than his brother Sorgren and much stronger, he used to have flowing long dark blonde hair, now he is affected by Sorgrens corruption ritual and wears his hair light gray, his eyes are those of his brother, he is also pale, but his lips and his veins are black, his face is covered in black corruption in a similar manner in wich his brother wears his corpsepaint, he dresses his legs in shiny leather and his arms in spiked gauntlets, he carries a leather strap on his chest.


He used to be a famous travelling mercenary, now he is his brothers right hand and fills out dangerous assignements, usually taking on large groups of brave adventurers.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Name: Arsha


* Gender: Female

* Species: Orc

* Height: 7'50''

* Weight: 170

* Eye Color: Yellow

* Hair Color & Type: blonde and long and wild style

* Personality: variated depending on the situation but normally he's a good helpfull knight....

* Age: 25

Class: Banebuster( blunt,heavy arm,athletics,restoration,conjuration,block)

Weapon: 1 hand draedic hammend named ''Little leecher''(drains life) and a enchanted shield(damage and spell reflection) and a draedic war hammer named ''Arstanor''(drains fatige) and a full set of ebony armor(looking for draedic)


Appearance + background: Orcs are know for her brute strenght and this one doesn't seem to be one exception even whiout being a male,Arsha was ordered to support imperial city during the olbivion crysys in order to get the chance for get political support,she presented hershelf whit her ebony armour but whit plated weapons to the coincil,they were surprised when she told she was all the support Orsinium sent to help,but seem that afther closing some gates and earning gold seemed a good support,during one of her travels intro a oblivion world she found a draeda almost diying. Instead of killing him she healed him whit a basic but usefull spell and he tanked her a lot for saving his life and undercoverly bringed her to the armoury where she did get his actual weapons,when she tried them the draeda told him that their enchants cloud be recharged 2 ways,

1. normal way whit soulstones

2. by saying one of the prayers of the book that the draeda did give him

actually she dind't wanted to accept draeda religion and the draeda teleported the book no one know where.

afther closing the gate sometimes she spot that draeda in some spots of tamtriel and she's following the track in order to get the book to take it to the arcane university

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  • 4 months later...
In the quaint reach of the tavern, one old timer sits by the window. His eyes stare into the swirl of milk and cocoa at the table. Memories flash before him.


The Man

Like a slither of darkness against the sand in a duststorm...


A plate breaks nearby -


The man's attention darts to the disturbance - robbing him of a rare solemn moment.


The pretty barmaid harrased by four punky locals. They want a peice of her, claiming her as an object - a reward for their own rotten virtues.


In a flash two are already down - the third finding his face planted against the floor, a hard foot pressing into his shoulder. The fourth...mouth agape in surprise.


The Man

I think you boys have business elsewhere.


The punk fumbles around his person - pull out a small knife, he holds it up in defiance.


The Man

I've seen the same stunt a dozen times son. Never ends up good for -



His hand grips around the punks wrist. Punk's eyes widen in disbelief as the man pulls the knife out - staring at it in his hand.


The Man (weakly)

Never ends up


Good for one of us....


Punk makes the most of his time - running for the exit. His buddies picking themselves back up and rushing out the door.



Are...you alright?


The Man (groaning)

I've had worse.


He falls on his back. Vision grows blurry. A figure comes looking over him - he can't tell what their saying...he can't even tell if they're human or not.


A voice seems to call him from afar...familiar but...could it be?



It's not over yet Hoage...


A bloody smile.


Hoage (The Man)

It never is...


Memories flash by - training, registration....


Name: Hoage


Middle Aged,


Medium build


A veteran of war, a man who's seen much and never had time for a childhood or a family. A broken soul wandering the land from town to town. He keeps to himself otherwise.



Yep, just thought I'd provide a quick introduction to my flexible RP character, and my first on the nexus. He could easily fit into any timeline or universe - from Fallout to oblivion, to star wars, lord of the rings or even a modern day setting, and of course anything original.

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