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Special Powers...


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Now before you flag this thread to be moved somewhere, or go on about how neat it would be able to have X-ray vision so you could give people cancer, let me explain the purpose of this thread and establish some background information on the matter before presenting a hypothetical situation and some potential results of that situation.


The purpose is simple, to get some discussion on the moral, cultural, psychological, implications of such a thing existing, and to provide an answer to a simple question; "If such powers exist in the world, would it benefit anyone to make their existence known?"


Of what powers do I speak? That's a bit complicated. First, lets ignore everything we are told to believe, or personally believe about special powers, psychic, magic, or otherwise. Afterall, you can't really think about possibility when you are already attaching all these meanings, perceptions, and doubts to that possibility. This is not a religious discussion, but forgive me for discussing religion briefly since it is actually what more than 90% of the world uses as a basis for their values, and understanding of the world. Almost all religion has one common theme when you get down to it. There is a form of energy which exists within living and some non-living things. In some beliefs, this energy exists exclusively in humans, or just within humans and living things. We will use this later assumption as a starting point.


This energy which exists within living things, often called a spirit, or a soul, is something which cannot cannot be quantified, cannot be observed directly, but is believed to exist. It is also believed that with years of disciplined training that this energy can be utilized by a person to perform minor acts. However, this is where it becomes complicated. On one side, you have this power, or focus of power which might exert itself in a way that creates a change, but is not readily explainable. On the other, you have a broad range of things which can be explained with physics, control of autonomic processes, "trickery", and psychology. Even in cases where this power might be able of application, you have these other things playing some role, either by nature of that power, or the teachings which came with learning to use that power, or by personal desire to make it seem more real. It has existed this way for thousands of years, although this thing exists, it is ignored by most, and any time it might exert itself, it is seen as either a trick, some unexplained act of science (which wasn't tested when it happened, and cannot happen again), or some divine blessing. So, either you're a liar, a crazy, or a religious nutjob (technical term) any time it is mentioned or suggested. Unfortunately, most of those who would believe you would also be liars, crazies, or religious nutjobs, all the more willing to share their beliefs with you. To make matters worse, depending on who hears of it, it could be turned into some over dramatized reenactment, force you into rigorous testing, or excessive scrutiny and hate. There is even a society which exists solely to prove that you are in fact a liar, a crazy, or that what you are claiming is really some other explainable force at work.


But let's say that something did exist. That you did in fact have a power. That the power could be controlled by your own will, but that you did not understand what it was, or why you had it. This power as you've experienced it is a kind of tingle that you can direct around your body. When you focus it on a single point, you can create a sort of push that can affect things outside your body, when you draw it away from a point, it acts as a sort of pulling. Significant concentration is needed to make this pushing or pulling have any sort of force behind it, and it can only be applied to things make direct contact with your skin. It is not magnetic in nature since it works on nonmagnetic things, such as water being pushed away, or drawn toward your fingertips. Additionally, with some concentration, you can sense the energy which exists within other people, creatures, objects, and after being around them long enough, can detect, by way of that tingle and you remembering their energy, where they are in relation to yourself. This detection works from long distances, through walls, in crowds, but only works with those things you know, and the more you do it, the harder it is to do. This power is not anything as extreme as being able to fly around in the air, or as useful as super strength, knowing the future, and due to many of its limitations, doesn't really have any practical application for anyone other than a stalker who likes having things stuck to himself. But it exists, and is something which only you can seem to do.


So do you tell anyone? Do you try doing anything with it? Or do you just shrug and go back to watching American Idol, and forget about it?


On the negative side... If you tell anyone, they think you're a liar, or are tricking them. If you try doing anything with it, it is assumed that it is a trick, and if that action of doing causes harm, emotional or otherwise, you have real legal implications. If you just forget about it, the world remains in ignorance, you aren't seen any differently, but you come no closer to knowing what the extent of that power is, or why it exists.


On the positive side... The person you tell will want a demonstration, probably record it for Youtube, and start a snowballing effect. That snowballing effect would continue until you were studied by various scientists, skeptics, and the like where they try to disprove and analyze every aspect of your power, forcing you into being just another meaningless celebrity, stalked by the media, crazies, and thousands of people who want to learn how you developed your power. From the exhaustion of the constant trials, interviews, your ability to maintain the concentration and practice to keep your power, and would eventually fail and be washed away as just a fraud or momentary curiosity. Anyone who might discover their own powers, as part of being made aware of yours would also become your responsibility since they would not have made that discovery without your groundwork... Essentially creating a second renascence of human potential, which, as history has shown, of course creates a backlash against those with that potential.


So, back to the original question; "If such powers exist in the world, would it benefit anyone to make their existence known?" And to that, do the reaction scenarios presented above seem accurate given the nature of current society?


In short, not discussing the existence of special powers, or even to what they might be, but rather if even something as seemingly useless as this might have profound implications, and just what those implications might be. The power itself is purposely insignificant so as to create a point of discussion, clearly, anything more meaningful, or obvious would have quite a lot of implication, be less likely to exist within reality, and be nowhere near as interesting to discuss since it would, by nature, have many more elements of fantasy.

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The question you are asking is rather simple: Do you tell someone if you happen to have some abnormal strength, or ability that would deem you, by most societies in the world, inhuman. Religion is becoming less and less prevalent in the world in which we live, and in direct response, in my opinion, morals are also on the decline. That is basically where the simplicity ends, I'm afraid. I wish I could simply say, if your skill, your manipulation of some otherworldly or worldly energies, helps another human being, saves a life, or even prevents a negative outcome; yes you should use it. But I cannot. If you were to possess said abilities, you would either be shunned by the world, or locked up in some testing facility in an underground base in the middle of the Utah desert. People live in fear of what they can't understand, and you doing something that they can't, let alone hardly, if anyone else, could have dire ramifications. It is a simple matter of whether the good of the act or ability weighs out the bad, but you must take into account the complexity of the consequences of using said powers or energies. It's an endless tirade of possibilities, most of which are not exactly shiny firefighter badges pinned to your new shirt.
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Years ago there was a show on television that I really enjoyed. The show was called "Real People" and it interviewed people with amazing abilities as well as the oddballs who believed ferries visited their garden. I remember this one kid on the show, who was born with Down Syndrome. who had a special ability. This kid, using nothing but his hands, could tare a quarter in half. I can't speak for everyone but I would love to have the strength in my hands to tare a coin in half. I consider that a power equal to the one you described. It was an ability that could be tested and done again and again. We just chalk it up to a down syndrome kid not knowing his own strength.


There are people with extraordinary abilities, we simply rationalize that ability. If it can be performed on demand, it's a fluke, if not, it's a lie or a trick. Coming forward with claims of having an ability only brings ridicule.

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The question you are asking is rather simple: Do you tell someone if you happen to have some abnormal strength, or ability that would deem you, by most societies in the world, inhuman. Religion is becoming less and less prevalent in the world in which we live, and in direct response, in my opinion, morals are also on the decline. That is basically where the simplicity ends, I'm afraid. I wish I could simply say, if your skill, your manipulation of some otherworldly or worldly energies, helps another human being, saves a life, or even prevents a negative outcome; yes you should use it. But I cannot. If you were to possess said abilities, you would either be shunned by the world, or locked up in some testing facility in an underground base in the middle of the Utah desert. People live in fear of what they can't understand, and you doing something that they can't, let alone hardly, if anyone else, could have dire ramifications. It is a simple matter of whether the good of the act or ability weighs out the bad, but you must take into account the complexity of the consequences of using said powers or energies. It's an endless tirade of possibilities, most of which are not exactly shiny firefighter badges pinned to your new shirt.

Read again, you seemed to have stopped halfway though and assumed I was presenting a generic case.


But let's say that something did exist. That you did in fact have a power. That the power could be controlled by your own will, but that you did not understand what it was, or why you had it. This power as you've experienced it is a kind of tingle that you can direct around your body. When you focus it on a single point, you can create a sort of push that can affect things outside your body, when you draw it away from a point, it acts as a sort of pulling. Significant concentration is needed to make this pushing or pulling have any sort of force behind it, and it can only be applied to things make direct contact with your skin. It is not magnetic in nature since it works on nonmagnetic things, such as water being pushed away, or drawn toward your fingertips. Additionally, with some concentration, you can sense the energy which exists within other people, creatures, objects, and after being around them long enough, can detect, by way of that tingle and you remembering their energy, where they are in relation to yourself. This detection works from long distances, through walls, in crowds, but only works with those things you know, and the more you do it, the harder it is to do. This power is not anything as extreme as being able to fly around in the air, or as useful as super strength, knowing the future, and due to many of its limitations, doesn't really have any practical application for anyone other than a stalker who likes having things stuck to himself. But it exists, and is something which only you can seem to do.


I'm talking about that specific power, nothing else. It offers little benefit to others on its own, cannot be used for personal gain, and is not significant enough to have any direct impact. However, merely by existing it has a certain amount of meaning and implication. That is really the heart of the matter. If such powers exist in the world, would it benefit anyone to make their existence known?

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I read the entire NOVEL that you presented above, I assure you (lol). I had very little time, so I just addressed the issue of whether it would be good or bad to reveal your powers, and in my opinion, that is a no.
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If such powers exist in the world, would it benefit anyone to make their existence known?

You could answer that in a dozen different ways. I say no. As you already presented, I think the cons are in a more sufficient number.


Ok, there are sufficient reasons to do it..but in the end? That is so vague..that it could be yes...something says me to stay on no though.

Although I do regret that, the current society couldn't handle something like this properly...theoretically....

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It's completely logical to believe that either people wouldn't show they had a specific power, nor would others believe what they see. People may wish for something extraordinary but in fact they want everything to be normal and believable. (well most of them). A group of strangely robed people might be returning people from death to life right below your own apartment and you may never know. In other words, it would hardly be possible to make the existence of something special known. And not much benefit would it bring.

Now sorry for annoying you. :whistling:

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I'd be more careul with that "power" that you're talking about.

If you would prove it to people that you have this ability and they believe you, your enemies can react in different ways. Some would say that you're just a show off and try to make you ashamed that you have this ability. Other would tell about you to the scientific world and then trick the scientists to look at you as a unique creature pr whatever, and use you as a test subject.

And believing too much in your power may be the ticket to the mental hosipital.

If I would have such a power, I'd use it wisely, in private.


So, to answer your question:

YES, it can make you famous (or infamous), but only is you play the card right.

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This is not like the movies when someone with special powers become a superhero and help someone else, showing powers to the world. No, we live in a mysterious world, there's many mystery we couldn't solved. Someone with special powers would not show their powers so we can see it, they used it either secretly, or there were none.


So I will say nothing about this, there's too much mystery we can't solved in this world.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Many people with Downe's Syndrome excel in their physical abilities. There's nothing supernatural about this. If you think about it it makes complete sense; it's just give and take. If you think about it there's nothing amazing about the ability to split a quarter in half with your fingers. However it remains to be very useful. Accordingly, society generally accepts these kinds of people.

In the 1930's, Edgar Cayce became noticed for his "abilities" as a "psychic." Of course at that time of the century he was never considered inhuman for what he did. Today there is a Cayce organization that does many things including investigating the pyramids of Egypt. So one of the world's deepest mysteries is being researched by an organization funded by the workings of a man who was potentially insane. I think it's wrong, but not even the Egyptians care much about the pyramids.


As far as one's discretion of their own actually supernatural powers, my opinions are uncertain. Maybe it's best to live a normal life and just not worry about it.

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