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Star Wars III


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I have only three words to say after watching the midnight show of Star Wars III:








*stunned speechless*


If you are reading this, stop right now and go see it. It's just that good. Lucas has absolutely redeemed himself for the other prequel disasters with this movie. Nothing more can be said here, there is no excuse for not seeing it yourself.

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All good things come to those who wait...


I'll wait about one or two weeks until the cinemas are less full, then I'll go watch it. But I will definetly go watch it.

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I saw episodes SW 5 and 6 for the first time this week but three will have to wait as I am going on holiday for three weeks on 27/5 and have no time before.


Whatever happened to your SW RPG Peregrine?


I went to see The Hitchkiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was okay but it doesn't really work as a full length film IMO as there is no real drama to sustain 2 hours.

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You know what pisses me off about Star Wars? It ends. Thats it... No more Star Wars movies. Ever. That sucks. I think that Lucas has rights to a 7, 8, and 9, but he's too old, he says, to make any more movies... However, the saga does continue in third party novels and video games, but its not as good as another movie.


By the way Lucas is a genius for his storyline. Absolute genius.


P.S. Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy sux...


(Read: Dr. Suess smokes crack, then has a love child with one of the muppets. This highly unstable muppet/child/thing then writes a movie...)

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I thought it was great, and am happy that it compensated for episodes 1 and 2.


As for 7,8, and 9.... No


I think that was a fantastic way to go out. Anyway I doubt it will come to 7-9.


I've seen it twice, have YOU? ;)

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Plan on it. Absolutely brilliant. Anakin's acting wasn't the greatest, but it was still one of the best movies I've seen.


Bit of a spoiler, but absolutely unimportant (doesn't tell anything about the characters, plot lines, or anything.)

I've come up with an equation of sorts. Here we go:


Y varies inversely as X, where Y is the quality of a given Star Wars movie, and X is the number of Gungans seen. (I'm no mathematician, so I hope I got that whole variation thing right.)

In other words, the fewer Gungans seen, the better quality movie. This one doesn't fail to please. :tongue:


As for 7,8, and 9, Lucas has the stories written out (I believe.) He's debating on whether or not to hand them over to Spielberg...


P.S. A little hint: early in the movie, on the desert-like planet, when the ships are flying around, look at the bottom right hand corner...

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Yes I must say that episode 3 is better than 1 and 2 combined. My only complaint is that some of the dialogue was poorly written. But I loved how badass Anakin became. Also, I think it might be the only movie in the series that has a sad and depressing ending, so I actually liked that the last half-hour of the movie made you want to go kill yourself.
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Liked the film, but a few things I was wondering about.


What was the point in sticking in the part at the end with Yoda telling Obi-Wan about being in contact with Qui-Gon Jin from the ether? Wasn't really listening at that point, but did they stick it in there to try and explain how Obi-Wan can communicate with Luke after being killed by Vader in Episodes 4 - 6?


Similarly Luke asks Leia in Episode 6 if she remembers her mother, and she says only a few images. Now is Leia talking about Padmé or about her "fake" mother?


Luke knows that his parents aren't Owen and (???), since he calls them Uncle and Aunty, so what does he think happened to his parents? He seems to know very little about his parents.


Was the whole Anakin turning to the Dark Side to save Padmé meant to be ironic since Padmé wouldn't have died if he hadn't turned? Was half asleep when I went to see it, so humour me ;)


Is it me or does the whole emperor taking power seem to stink of Nazi Germany in the 1930's?


Think thats about it for the time being.






























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OK, here come spoilers, in an order to attempt to answer Dark0ne's Questions...








What was the point in sticking in the part at the end with Yoda telling Obi-Wan about being in contact with Qui-Gon Jin from the ether? Wasn't really listening at that point, but did they stick it in there to try and explain how Obi-Wan can communicate with Luke after being killed by Vader in Episodes 4 - 6?


I believe so. At least, it is the only explanetion I can come up with.


Similarly Luke asks Leia in Episode 6 if she remembers her mother, and she says only a few images. Now is Leia talking about Padmé or about her "fake" mother?


Good question. Who does remember things from when he/she was a baby? I think this is just a hole in the story which Lucas overlooked.


Luke knows that his parents aren't Owen and (), since he calls them Uncle and Aunty, so what does he think happened to his parents? He seems to know very little about his parents.


In Episode 4, Luke's tells Obi-wan that he thinks, his father was a freighter pilot. Obi-wan corrects him, of course, and tells that this was uncle Owen's doing who didn't want Luke to end up like his father.



Is it me or does the whole emperor taking power seem to stink of Nazi Germany in the 1930's?


Interesting indeed, isn't it? Someone on IMDB.com compared what happens in the movie to what is happening now in the USA:


- Certain people believe that the so called democratic and free countries are in fact corrupted and evil; they begin to fight against them (Seperatists - islamic extremists)


- The one in power begins a war and feeds his people with fear in order to gain more power over them (Palpatine, Clone War, special powers of the chancellor -Bush, Iraq war and patriot act)


- The ones in power utter sentences like "If you are not with me, you are against me" and only think in extreme terms (Anakin - Bush)


- The democratic elected leader receives more and more power until he is a dictator (Palpatine - Bush in the future?).

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