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looking for a mesh


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is it already in the game? if so find it in the editor and duble click on it and see which mesh it links to :) if not i think a uv unraped ball would be easy for most 3d modelers to whip up for you in aww 2-3 seconds :)
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i know its in the game somewere, ive heard of a ball shape that came tih morrowind, but i don't know what to look fro, it may be misc or static...
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It's an ingredient, a pearl, that has a spherical mesh. Just go to the "Ingredient" tab in the CS, click the "Name" tab and scroll down til you find "Pearl". Double click on it and it'll show you the mesh directory. It's very small, mind you.
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In the properties for every item in the world, there's a scale option. But I believe it's limited in range, so it might not get it big enough for what you want. That and it'll probably be too low poly to use for something house-sized.
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No, static items are, well, static. You can't attach scripts to them. You'd have to use an activator (just give it no name and it'll act like a static). Then just attach the script to it. The script would be easy enough to do...


Begin WhateverNameScript

If ( MenuMode == 1 )

SetScale #



That should work. Just enter a figure where "#" is. 1 is normal scale I believe. 2 is twice that, and the object window cap. So just experiment with 3, 4, 5 etc. and see what happens.


Oh yeah, and you have to go in-game to observe the changes, the CS won't show the effects of the script.

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