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Scripting Problem


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Okay, Im a total noob at scripts so dont laugh at me :tongue:


I have mad a script simillar to the summon daedra script used on items in shrines to summon a daedra. The script works and my creature appears when a certain item moves to the inventory but there's one problem. When loading my savegame with the mod these error messages appear: Script 'Float' in file 'Oceanic Armor' has not been compiled , Script 'sign' rotate in file 'Oceanic Armor has not been compiled.


Whats the problem?

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Themis' post deleted, and deleted Kissimurra's post along with it since it didn't make sense on it's own. ^^


Themis, please only post if your post actually adds to a thread, not just "oh, I can't help at all". :P That is considered as spam.

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Same thing is happening to me with my Ravenhold Castle mod. I started a topic about it somewhere else (cant think of where it is right now), but I'm still not sure how to fix it. Does it say something about needing an 'X' or something on (I know on script 'Sign Rotate' its line 42, but not sure about float) certain lines? I'm heading out to find the post about it and will post the link as soon as I find it.
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Strangely, these two scripts keep getting changed when working on plug-ins although one has done absolutely nothing with them.


I'd suggest to simply delete the related two entries in your Oceanic Armor.esp (via the "Details" button in the data files dialogue of the TESCS), and see whether that works.

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I think that I have solved the problem. If you have made your own script and other scripts has been modified (by some reason), just open the esp in tesame and remove the scripts that has been modified and only leave your own script left in the esp, it worked for me. But I still dont understand how these other scripts gets modified without being touched.
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Okay, just got a another problem


When I pick up the Item, the NPC appears and starts to fight with me, it works as it should. I return to my house and and takes the item and put it on the floor, when picking up the item again, the NPC appears! I just want him to appear one time! Anyone who knows how to fix this?

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Create a variable which is updated the first time the NPC appears, then a condition dependent on the state of the variable.


something like:



short OnceOnly as your variable




add this condition just after the bit where you declare your variables:



If ( OnceOnly == 1 )

Activate (I'm assuming you still want to be able to pick up the object)





add this command to the clause where you make the NPC appear:


Set OnceOnly to 1



Hope this works (I'm a bit out of scripting practice).

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