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How should reported replicate mods and what are Nexus policies regarding replicate mods?


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First of all I don't know if this issue is in this forum but I haven't found anything where I can direct my concerns and questions.

Hello I am a Spanish newbie modder and I would like to turn to the community or moderators to get some more detailed information on what are the policies on replicate and how they should be reported for action to be taken.
Lately I have found some of my mods replicate and reuploaded to Nexus, I have used the REPORT ABUSE tab but days have passed and no action has been taken and no one has contacted me, I don't know if the report messages are not really arriving or if I am not doing it right when sending the report reports.

What evidence do I need to provide to make a report suitable enough to be taken into consideration???

I have been reviewing all the Policies and Guidelines / File Submission Guidelines and I have not found anything about replicate of mods, it would be nice to add a few lines dedicated to explain what are the policies to follow in this matter.

Thank you very much to all of you who participate in this community, I hope to solve my newbie doubts and that this will serve as a forum for modders in which to raise such issues and concerns without disturbing users.


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The Nexus has strict rules against using other people's work. If they copied your work then you can have the mod removed.


If they copied your idea, but did all the work themselves, then you likely could not get it removed.


I'm not sure when you reported exactly, but the offices are closed Friday through Sunday so it might just be that you'll have to wait until Monday.

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Thanks for your answer, but I do not understand what you mean by copying the idea??? I only post fully functional and tested mods.

All the mods that I comment are almost a year old or more and some of them I discovered plagiarized more than a week ago and I reported them to Nexus, but maybe because of my lack of experience I didn't know how to report something that is evident.

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These mods I am referring to are quite simple, they do not use textures or personal models.

In the first two only the internal data of the asset is changed so that the duration is multiplied x2 and in the second ones it is only indicated in the asset to load another 3D model already existing in the game, with plagiarism I mean that the mods that the other authors uploaded do exactly the same or they were already inside mine.

To explain better, it's like if I take a mod set of costume change another author, copy a single costume change in an asset extracted by me and upload it separately, then I do exactly the same with all the costumes that has the mod of that other author.

Is this within the Nexus policy???

This is allowed in Nexus as long as you don't use model resources or textures from other authors???

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If it's just changing game data and there is no difference between you making the change and anyone else making the same change then you can't really prove that it's stolen from you.


The game data belongs to the developer. Any modder is able to change it.


For it to be disallowed they have to use your work. Not just do the same thing on their own.


Is there any evidence that they used your mod at all rather than just doing the same thing as you?

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First of all thank you for your clarifications, but I do not want to invent any new concept, I am sure that Nexus is not interested that their modders are dedicated to repeat, plagiarize, copy, replicate, reproduce, transcribe, etc ... call it what you want, all mods that do not contain assets created by other modders and only modify the original assets of the game because they would end up having the same mod uploaded 15 times on their servers and I do not think the servers are unlimited, not to mention how resentful the Donation Points system would be.

To give you an example I must have a total of 250 mods that only modify data from the original game, if 10 modders decided to replicate my work to earn some Donation Points would become 2500 mods uploaded to their servers with their respective images, that's really crazy for a community that has 487,000 mods hosted on their servers.

That's why I have put some emphasis on some moderator to get us out of doubts.

Edited by Gantz79
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At the bottom of this, and every other, page in the forums, is a link "Contact Us'. It might be a good idea to use that to be in direct contact with a moderator instead of just filing a report.

Edited by M48A5
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