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A Fix for All Plugins Disabling after 1.6.1130


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FYI - the Beth LO routines and LOOT or any other LO tool are almost guaranteed to conflict with each other.  Use one, and not both.  I had troubles in the past when I used the Vortex LOOT and then checked with a standalone LOOT installation.  Conflict resolution between mods is highly dependent on LO.

Once again, only use one LO tool.

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On 12/20/2023 at 1:38 PM, Merridyn42 said:

The fix didn't work for me. I might be done with Skyrim. 😞

Exactly, by definition of fix. I am looking at LE. You can get 1.6.1130  to run with the SkyrimSELauncher and the information here. No SKSE fix yet but when it arrives I may be just someone that hears rumor of it and I can return to what I had previously, all is uncertain about that. No fun to just wait.

It is hard to overcome the loss of what you had. There are several factions that have evolved to keep their Skyrim as they like and preserve it from updates. You probably know about those using 1.5.9, GOG, LE. some have held on to 1.6.640, downgraders etc.,  I am bringing this up because I hate to see you have your vision destroyed and maybe consider other paths to return on.

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On 12/20/2023 at 3:56 PM, 7531Leonidas said:

FYI - the Beth LO routines and LOOT or any other LO tool are almost guaranteed to conflict with each other.  Use one, and not both.  I had troubles in the past when I used the Vortex LOOT and then checked with a standalone LOOT installation.  Conflict resolution between mods is highly dependent on LO.

Once again, only use one LO tool.

Yes 👍 ... I have had my share of back and forth to consider and do the best I can with the load order and plugins I want. In past years Beth has always turned off several of my plugins and changed my load order after getting a mod from them. I would have to return to Vortex and enable them and fix my load order.

1.6.1130.0.1 is asserting mangement with saved games I am not using a LO tool in that regard.

load order.png

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On 12/18/2023 at 11:58 PM, 7531Leonidas said:

@Ardolon - I 'think' that Backported Extended ESL Support ( https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/106441 ) allows for one to use the newest CK with older versions of Skyrim SE.  Check it out.

That was an interesting update in 1.6.1130.0.8, the enlarged capacity of the .esl file in Skyrim. Where I noticed this used was the _ResourcePack.esl and I was warned this would ruin my 1.6.640 saves.

The author Nukem is a quick thinking person to get right on this. Reading posts though other dependencies need to catch up with Nukem.

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On 12/17/2023 at 3:58 AM, 7531Leonidas said:

BTW, there is a post on making SkyUI work with 1.6.1130 at the SkyUI mod page here on the Nexus.  I sent the author (Wolfpack49) a kudos.


Thank you! I will try this out, sounds wonderful.

What?, the link didn't come in with the quote for others to see... OK I will fetch it and put it here.

got a hold of it...


This is not going to work for me until I can start the game with SKSE64_Loader...

I get a dialog box to not proceed with loading when trying to start with SKSE64_Loader. I proceeded anyway. The game tried to load but failed to produce a menu and crashed back to desktop.

No cigar... 😄

That's a bit like putting the cart in front of the horse isn't it? SKSE has to work first.

I do give credit for doing it and thank you!

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56 minutes ago, 7531Leonidas said:

Using BEES has not harmed my save games in 1.6.640, as far as I can tell.  I have been playing with it installed since 14 Dc.

My 1.6.640 is gone and so are the saved games it generated. I only have 1.6.1130.0.8 saved games. I now just have MSBeth Skyrim and LE.

BEES? Is that the new acronym to adapt for 1.6.1130.0.8?

The update was not a large one it was, what? 450 MB? One file, _ResourcePack.esl was unusual. It had an increased capacity outside the usual .esl files previously used. Your 1.6.640 saves... well give them a try with BEES.

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From the BEES (Backported Extended ESL Support) page - Do not install this mod if you're using game version 1.6.1130 or later. It's redundant.

@Ardolon - did you go to the SKSE logs in your My Games folder (secondarily also .../steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/Data/SKSE/plugins) after the shutdown to see if you can identify which SKSE mods are breaking?

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On 12/22/2023 at 5:37 AM, 7531Leonidas said:

From the BEES (Backported Extended ESL Support) page - Do not install this mod if you're using game version 1.6.1130 or later. It's redundant.

@Ardolon - did you go to the SKSE logs in your My Games folder (secondarily also .../steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/Data/SKSE/plugins) after the shutdown to see if you can identify which SKSE mods are breaking?

OK I erased my previous long message.

I am guessing that I can use the Unofficial Skyrim Downloader and revert to whatever Skyrim I choose from Steam archives. In your case you are using 1.6.640 and selected best of both worlds and you are using the new assets of 1.6.1130 with the help of BEES.

Is that correct?

The posts at Unofficial Skyrim Downloader are negatively alarming. Better reports for downgrading at Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Downgrade Patcher. See current Dec. 5 2023 post sticky.

For my answer about the SKSE log, I do not have that log. SKSE does not report in with SKSE64_Loader unable to start the game. I am aware of the SKSE plugins not working but it is about the SKSE64 2.2.5 not coming onboard.

Trying to use the Silverlock current SKSE 2.2.5 with SKSE64_Loader results in an attempt to load and crash to desktop. Maybe a crash report is what I have to help our problem. Again,... I am running 1.6.1130 using SkyrimSELauncher. The game is running stable without crashes after learning the saved games system. The lack of SKSE64 is very apparent but Skyrim is getting crash proofed, I may just hang out here, curious about what happens next for people in my shoes.

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@Ardolon - Wolfpack49 made the following comment on the SKSE64 mod page (It is relatively concise and thorough:

19 December 2023, 11:19AM

Folks, there is no single mod or item that is borking your game with the 1.6.1130 update.  It's a series of things you will need to address based on core changes made by Bethesda to .1130.  Yes, SkyUI, SKSE and Engine Fixes all work with 1.6.1130. Below is a decent starting point to check once you have updated your game -- you are always free to downgrade your game back to 1.6.640 to get things back in order:
  1. SKSE must be updated to version 2.2.5
  2. Use the latest version of USSEP for 1.6.1130 if you use this mod
  3. Add the SkyUI SE - Difficulty Persistence Fix to address changes to the menu structure by Bethesda
  4. Update any dll-based SKSE plugins to 1.6.1130 versions. Mods that have not been updated must be disabled.
  5. If using Engine Fixes (or any other SKSE plugin that requires Address Library), Address Library must be updated to the 1.6.1130 version.
  6. If using Engine Fixes, settings in EngineFixes.toml must be adjusted to work around the exclusion of Steam integration by Bethesda with its update. Set to false:
  • EnableAchievementsWithMods
  • SaveAddedSoundCategories
  • SaveScreenshots
  • Thanks 2
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