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A Fix for All Plugins Disabling after 1.6.1130


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3 hours ago, AaronOfMpls said:

@lilmetal Is your view sorting by the wrong column heading?  Click on Priority in both panes once or twice, make sure it's sorting with 0 at the top.  Sorting by another column won't change how your mods get presented to the game, but it will change how they're presented to your eyeballs. 🙂

(Most programs with column headings like this, you can click the column heading to sort your view by it.)

No, the order actually gets changed by the game. I can even run LOOT after launching, and it will fix it again. However, it seems fine either way.

Like I said, it's only 1130 and 1170 that have done this, so I think it's just something that happens in these versions, though I've never seen it reported anywhere.

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  • 3 weeks later...

This means that if your Skyrim SE version is either 1.1130 or 1.1170, you may have an older, unmodified version of Engine Fixes (now at v. 6.2 - it is not supposed to have this problem), or just need to change the value in the EngineFixes.toml (found in your ...\steamaapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins) to false.

This is the line you need to change, if you can't/won't update:

EnableAchievementsWithMods = true       # Enables achievements with mods active

There is a separate mod that will do the same thing to replace this setting, I think that it is OK with both 1.1130 and 1.1170 (or corresponding GOG versions).

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  • 1 month later...

I am having a similar issue.

I created my dream collection and everything works perfectly, that is until you load a save... When you load a previous save the mods no longer work, not Bat Travel, Hunter's Vision, or anything else mod-related. Been stressing about this for a week, hope this is the fix I've been looking for. 


Try out my collection and see what you think... 


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