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Oblivion ragdoll+elevation bug


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Ive recently returned to oblivion again to do a melee playthrough (mostly vanila) and encountered a problem with ragdoll physics and elevation. When enemies get knocked down the elevations - briges, oblivion realm citadel stairs - they dont fall down completly, instead after several seconds of fall their bodies return to "normal" non-ragdoll state and teleport back into their original position. I use backward power attack as a KD trigger.

I did a bit of digging, and several people also were having this issue. Notably, this reddit poster even recorded a self-explanotory video: 

Still, I wasnt able to find a solution. Ragdoll mods dont help. I can only deduce, that problem is somehow connected to railing, but I have mininal understanding of oblivion engine. 

Any idea how to fix this?

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9 hours ago, AndalayBay said:

Have you tried this mod? https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/51844

I think in the case of the Skingrad bridge, there might be a collision box to prevent NPC's from falling off the bridge. I know Arthmoor tried to address the issue by redoing the road records instead of using collision boxes.

Reddit poster said that this doesnt work for him, but Ill try this mod myself, thank you.

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Something that may or may not be related .... some users of any skeleton.nif replacer that is based on later versions of Growlf's skeleton.nif (as found in Universal Skeleton NIF https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/37596 and used as the base for killermonkey99's BBB Ragdoll Breast Physics - Growlfs Skeleton https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/40739 for example) get the flying through the air on death part of the bug shown in the video. The part where they then bounce back apparently unharmed is different however.

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After some tests I'm quite sure that it isn't skeleton related, as it manifests even with vanilla Oblivion. I suspect this is something like safety mechanism, similar which triggers in interior when you get outside its bounds. But only clue I got as workaround is it stops manifesting when a victim dies from fall damage.

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