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Simple Male Body Mod?


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8 hours ago, JimboUK said:

This armour uses the upperbody slot so the body mod being used shouldn't matter because it shouldn't be being rendered and that includes the legs, outfits that use the upperbody slot and that show a part of the body include the body as part of the outfit or at least the exposed part, they have to or there would be nothing there. There's no need to sacrifice anything, we just need to figure out why the body is being rendered when it shouldn't be.

I'm going to double check and make sure I don't have another mod somewhere that may be affecting which slots equipped armors appear as maybe that could cause an issue letting the body mesh and the armor mesh to display at the same time but that still doesn't explain why exactly, I did notice while removing a satchel from wasteland doctor fatigues it had the same issue, but I tried it through another method and managed to get it work with no problems, still using the body mod I had before and this outfit DOES have the arms visible. So modifying the armor wasn't an issue but modifying the body is. *DING* As I'm typing this I realized that i copied the export settings on nifskope to be the same as a tutorial I was following WHICH WAS AN ARMOR TUTORIAL. So I probably need different settings for removing wristbands off of a body mesh. Saving it with the settings I used for armor editing may somehow lead to the male body being displayed as an armor?

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Okay, okay, disregard the other part I said and just focus on the technical.

This is very weird because the very picture show that the leg part of the body nif has buggered up the leg part of the armor nif .

you said there is only the texture (aka the dds) on the armor mod, meaning it use Default nif of that item.


You said You install Better Vanilla Male Body right? Did that modder mention using some mesh to hide the ugly feet in v1.7? I think that's the cause of your problem right there.

+ In which case I would suggest install the nif file from previous version to see if it help. The textures dds of 1.7 you can just leave it there.

+ Also, do a test with that armor and the 1.7 nif before you messed with it. See if the bug occured because you mess with that nif, or it already has that error. And if it is because of (directly) changed nif, nothing going to show that in MO2 or Vortex

:musing: If it's the modded nif of the leg, which I am betting on, there's no help from us, as that require the work of nif guys. the legs look slightly bigger so it break the contour of armor. The only way out in that case would be either you change the leg smaller, or mod the nif of the armor following that modified body-leg part.

Edited by laclongquan
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When you nif bash armor onto a nude body, you can be pretty certain that there will be clipping with the various body parts.  The remedy is to run the new model through blender and either adjust the clipping mesh or remove it altogether.  Mod authors usually remove any clipping body parts.  I have done both.

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8 hours ago, AngryTexan92 said:

I'm going to double check and make sure I don't have another mod somewhere that may be affecting which slots equipped armors appear as maybe that could cause an issue letting the body mesh and the armor mesh to display at the same time but that still doesn't explain why exactly, I did notice while removing a satchel from wasteland doctor fatigues it had the same issue, but I tried it through another method and managed to get it work with no problems, still using the body mod I had before and this outfit DOES have the arms visible. So modifying the armor wasn't an issue but modifying the body is. *DING* As I'm typing this I realized that i copied the export settings on nifskope to be the same as a tutorial I was following WHICH WAS AN ARMOR TUTORIAL. So I probably need different settings for removing wristbands off of a body mesh. Saving it with the settings I used for armor editing may somehow lead to the male body being displayed as an armor?

Yeah. I would put my load order into FNVEdit, navigate to that armour and see if anything is changing the slot that armour is in, as said use of the upperbody slot makes the upperbody.nif you're using irrelevant, or at least it should do. 

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@AngryTexan92 can you try this

player.additem  NVDLC03PatientGown  

player.additem  OutfitNVSlave1  

player.additem  OutfitNVSlave2  

And have your male character wear it. These patient gown, slave rag, each doesnt have leg part, I think, so you can use this to see how this come with your modified leg.

Edited by laclongquan
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So as it turns out I'm just a cotton-headed ninny-muggins. After reading all the recent suggestions I decided to take another crack at fixing it, re-installing nifskope aswell to have a fresh clean start to have the best possible chance to have it work as intended, removed the block branches for the wristbands like I did in my previous attempts and loaded up the game and everything works fine, the desert ranger armor is completely hiding the upperbody mesh as it should and just to double check i also tested the armors that laclong suggested and was unable to find any issues, So it wasn't a mod compatibility problem at all! it must have been something I accidentally changed in my Nifskope settings (not very experienced with the software as you can probably tell) because I tried redoing the mesh edit several times but only after a clean install of Nifskope did editing the mesh work. Now everything worked as simply as it should have. And the strange texture glitch is gone now as well. I'd like to Thank you all for your help trying to diagnose this issue, I've never gotten this much help from any other modding community, I likely would have just given up if not for all of your suggestions, Sincerely, Thank you.




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