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New to Modding. Are there any steps i should follow before starting?


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  • 2 months later...

i have been modding for only a month roughly, and reache like 500 mods pretty quick, one particular tip i can give u is this: back up ur gamefiles (savegames, and find a mod that removes/backs up all mods, simply for troubleshooting and convenience, it will be super helpfull to determine if problems that pop up are mod related or not) and one step pretty much everyone ignores is this: put in one mod at a time, start the game, see if it works as intended, and only then add another mod. mods can (unintentionaly ofc) interfere with another despite being of completely diff categories! i just now ran into a "bug" that makes modded jackets go haywire (litteraly mesh start to spin and strech in all direction in erratic manners) when i put on the boots of another mod. so yeah, if u dont want to waste hours of ur life figuring out which of the last 10 or 20 mods causes a certain problem, go slow and controled * ^^ *

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/25/2024 at 10:08 AM, Naomy1701 said:

put in one mod at a time, start the game, see if it works as intended, and only then add another mod

This, emphatically, is the best advice on planet earth with regard to modding a PC game.

Even though I know better, from time to time I make the mistake of installing a dozen or so mods without testing them one at a time, and I always end up having to uninstall them and then reinstall them one at a time to figure out which crashes my game.

Even if a mod by itself is well made and safe, often they conflict with each other fatally.

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