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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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I have low vision, and while I do love the layout It's easier to see with the higher contrast. I would like more mods per page, maybe the side panel could be 'hover over' or click to expand on tabs other than the About Me section? That way you get as many as the old page. 


EDIT: image.png?ex=65fa691a&is=65e7f41a&hm=27d777c0566376dbc35b6ac7d7eaf4011a248b62a5b19ef13644f7bf093b04b1&=image.thumb.png.de96c98ba4ed114b4bf4166e723fe094.png

Edited by SirCromy
Added solution.
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Looking at the Profile page on the mods side (this new Beta) and the forum side (also new, as of December), they are vastly different. The layout, colours, information - everything. Yet both of them are referring to the same user, on the same site.

I understand that for technical reasons they may have to be different pages. But would it not be better to give them similar design, at least? If not completely identical, but at least resembling each other?

As it is, the page on the forum side is much better. It is on grey background rather than black (doesn't hurt the eyes with extreme contrast) and also the fonts are balanced as opposed to the new Beta on the mod side.

I wanted to upload some screenshots for you, but alas, it appears I have used up my quota. Oh yes, I have already uploaded a couple of screenshots for you in this very thread earlier. So I suppose you'll have to do without.


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Feedback time. So I like the new UI, it's nice. It lacks the coloured text from the "About Me" section though. While the presentation is nicer, the lack of colours let me doubting. It know it will be added later. I just wanted to tell about that.

The profile pic thumbnail for each mod is... kind of weird. I assume it might be to recognize the authour from the uploader, or something of the sort, but I don't know man, people generally don't look at that until looking the real mod page. Or at least I think but I may be mistaken.

Anyways the work is amazing and it's good to see some evolution. Keep up the good work.

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The Redeem button of the Free Premium Membership rewards can't be used or seen on the cellphone. Apparently is there but out of the limits of it's container.


I had to switch ON the PC View mode of my explorer to be able of receive the reward.

Thanks, by the way!

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6 hours ago, JustThatKing said:

This is currently in development. We hope to bring it to the beta soon!

Just out of curiosity, is any custom colour schemes or personal CSS going to be made available for the new update? I see some people requesting day/night mode, or want less dark or like the different link colours for each game like the old version has.

And are we getting a custom banner option? It just looks like we have banner space.

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