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User Profile and Direct Messaging Improvements Beta


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i just came to tell that on top of all the past issues:

Media tab currently have nothing on it

i believe its temporary, but prefer to mention just in case

good luck with that

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After checking on both my laptop with 1920x1080 with 125% scaling and my PC with 1920x1080 with 100% scaling, i can say that the mod author name in the left column is indeed too big. Mod names are too big too, but the author name is just enormous. My name "lilebonymace" takes something about 1/7 of my screen horizontally and that's on PC. Also, the whole left column is a bit too big, it would look nicer if it would be a bit smaller, though the page will then no longer be divided into 4 vertical columns of the same size.

In general the page feels like i accidentally increased zoom in my browser or increased scaling in windows settings. That may be just because i got used to the old design (which never looked too small for me), but everything also looks too big compared to most other sites, for example youtube.

By the way here on the forum the names in posts are a bit too big too.

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For me, this is not a good change. The lack of specific dates on mod publish and mod update are not good, they need to be there. The tiles are too large and clunky, there is way too much wasted space and the author's column is way too big. In all honesty, it l;ooks like a free TV app from 2020. If you cannot change the layout to shrink the entries or add more columns  and thus more entries per page, you going backwards from the functionality we currently have. I mean, this iteration may look okay on a smart phione, but on a gaming monitor, which is the only way I interact with this website, it looks childish and oversimplified. Add useful information, like an actual description of what the heck the mod is and not so much on the pretty thumbnail,  which, in case you haven't noticed, the best and most useful technical mods rarely have. Change is always part of the process, but let's move forwards, not backwards in clarity or usability. Thanks for showing me this, but I really do not find it an overall improvement. It find kind of frustrating to use.

Edit: My comment on descriptions not appearing was the user page I was on not the fault of the interface change.

I would like to add that the user avatar/thumbnail appears at the top of the page by itself which leaves a large gap of blank space. If I scroll down, it adjusts which is fine, but if I page down the first row is cut in half, I can see the second row fine, but the third row is cut in half. Could the user's avatar start flush with the first row and lose the huge swath of blank space? I realize the dream is 2 columns of ad space that was previously occupied by useful information, but couldn't you give one of those columns back to your product?


Edited by shazatan
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17 hours ago, osmelmc said:

The Redeem button of the Free Premium Membership rewards can't be used or seen on the cellphone. Apparently is there but out of the limits of it's container.


I had to switch ON the PC View mode of my explorer to be able of receive the reward.

Thanks, by the way!

This is a different unrelated issue, but a known bug that the team are looking at.

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Hello, I want to give feedback, and although it might've been suggested already (I'm not going to read through 26 pages), I find the trend of making everything BIG just a huge mistake that targets only mobile phone UI/UX, and ignores completely the traditional monitor and keyboard UI/UX. Making everything too big makes everything too noisy - everything wants your attention, and my vision gets overwhelmed by the size of things. Keep things more compact. Human eyes/brains analyze rather than reads at first.

I have added two mockups of suggestions to keep things a bit more compact.

1. You can see that I melded the information (endorsements, views, kudos) into one bar, because they are not buttons - the consitency is broken once you turn them into button shapes.

2. I placed the interactive buttons (message, kudos, donate, track) into more traditional layouts, and much more compact. When we analyze, we don't want to move our hand/eye too much when hunting for information. Having the clickable options very close helps us target and exectute faster. The second version utilizes what we are very used to already, with a horizontal layout. This layout can work and give more breathable space because it is horizontal - if it is spaced out too much vertically, it doesn't work anymore.

3. I moved the misc info (location, activity, joined), under the About Me section. It just makes more sense.

4. I offset the block and report buttons to stand out more, so that they are much easier to recognize and locate than the others, and that they are seperate from the more "positive" buttons - they are not supposed to be weighed the same as the other buttons.

* I also would really like to customize what the first tab be. IMO having an option to set "Mods" as my first tab, rather than "About me".






edit: v2.5: The pic is overrated, not that important compared to the name. Keep it in the about page.



And to mention: sticking to the layout you already have is much more important than makign it more "friendly" to new people. Your current userbase is always going to be your largest demographic that is used to this:


Compact. Information areas are not buttons. Although it is actually messy, it still has a base layout that should be improved uppon, rather than revamped compeltely.


And I want to say that the new "Mods" tab is beautiful, those cards look very neat and are designed perfectly imo. I would perhaps add an overflow button as "manage" option for the owners of the profuile, for quick access.

Edited by Vorono
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8 hours ago, shazatan said:

>The lack of specific dates on mod publish and mod update are not good, they need to be there.

Do they really have to have the speicifc dates on the preview tiles like those? Once you click on the mod tile you get your full infomration there. Honestly it's fine the way it is now, with the approximate dates (3 months ago etc). I find that more useful.

Your follow up comment about how lacking of information it is, is also a bit misguided, since the point of those tiles is to preview the mods the user has, not to have the entire mod page in one tile. The info is still going to be there once you click on it. It's not that much different from the original one.

On the other comment about size I agree.

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Upcoming Changes:

We have committed to making changes to account for many pieces of feedback that have been put forward in this thread. Here is a taster of what is still to come:

  • UI changes to display more content on the content tabs. We will be reducing the size of the avatar, sidebar and banner as part of this change. 
  • The revamped Activity Feed will be returning. It will/will not be shown based on your existing preferences. 
  • As we have said before, the game dropdown filter will be returning. 
  • Last remaining bits of HTML in "Mod Tile" sections will be automatically removed.
  • The report button will be returning, with the ability to report Profiles for rule breaking avatars or "About Me" sections. 
  • Mod Tile status indicators (Downloaded, Update Available, etc) will be returning
  • Many of the removed sorting options will be returning. In addition to this, the default sort for Mods and Media will be reverted to "Recently Added". This is the same as the default sort on the "Classic" version of the page. 
  • Fixing a bug with the 'Media' section that's causing videos not to display.
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On 3/3/2024 at 3:41 PM, ElSopa said:

Like Faisal619 said, no empty spaces at the sides please, if its for ads remove those spaces for Premium users. I want a ton of information on my screen, I dont want to scroll three times for 5 mods, rescaling the site in the browser didnt changed the thumbnails layout 😮‍💨




I disagree completely with this. "All the information from side to side as much as possible" is going to overwhelm people at an instant. This page is not meant for you, it's for people who download your mods. Those people are going to be less comfortable and used to these pages, and will definitely be overwhelmed in an instant.

There is a reason no professional website actually fills their window like you want to. It's worse for 95% of the people who are going to view the page. Whitespace is not just "empty space", it is there because our screens are actually too big for the content we need. Have you ever tried reading a book the size of a wall? It's worse than a A5 page, for a good reason.

Edited by Vorono
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Figured out why the mod count was different, one was showing with adult mods, the other was not. Understandable, not a bug.

Captured a comparison of old and new, on the old I can see 10 mods (including titles) by default, on the new I can see 3 mods. Attached.

Even here, there is tons of space on either side that could easily be put to better use.

I also attached a above/below comparison, showing 3 mods per line, vs 5 mods per line.

Someone mentioned Youtube as a comparison, they show 6 per line, and fill the whole screen with menu text along the left (sample attached). Fair to say that Youtube has a lower text requirement, you need to provide more information than they do).







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