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If Fallout would be real, how long does it take people to scrap things ...


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Look up a documentary or two of England in WWII during The Blitz.    

Should give you a lot to draw from to flush out some of those ideas.

Essentially, people defied law and order for self-presevation.   

They went back to their homes when the bombs stopped, and came back the next evening.

People brought what they needed for entertainment, cooking, etc.


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Fallout is not science fiction title. This is  satirical presentation in setting of retrofuturism. It is obvious that after 200 years not only cigarettes and vodka could not remain, but even the buildings in which this unimaginable luxury is scattered everywhere. Reinforced concrete structures are vulnerable to oxygen. The destruction of concrete will lead to oxidation of steel reinforcement and all buildings will crumble. The strongest buildings will last a little over a hundred years. In place of Boston there will be a dense forest and hills. There will be no radiation. Thermonuclear ammunition is equipped with lithium deuteride and its half-life is no more than a month.Even if we imagine that the Americans and Chinese installed Cobalt 59 casings on their ammunition, then all the same, radiation contamination will last no more than 6 years. Long-term contamination will only occur around nuclear power plants. Because there are tons of fuel in the form of Uranium 235. In fact, 200 years after a nuclear war, people will not even remember that there was a nuclear war. Society will be restored within ~50 years and no post-apocalypse will happen. Civilization is very difficult to destroy.

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18 hours ago, South8028 said:

Fallout is not science fiction title. This is  satirical presentation in setting of retrofuturism. It is obvious that after 200 years not only cigarettes and vodka could not remain, but even the buildings in which this unimaginable luxury is scattered everywhere. Reinforced concrete structures are vulnerable to oxygen. The destruction of concrete will lead to oxidation of steel reinforcement and all buildings will crumble. The strongest buildings will last a little over a hundred years. In place of Boston there will be a dense forest and hills. There will be no radiation. Thermonuclear ammunition is equipped with lithium deuteride and its half-life is no more than a month.Even if we imagine that the Americans and Chinese installed Cobalt 59 casings on their ammunition, then all the same, radiation contamination will last no more than 6 years. Long-term contamination will only occur around nuclear power plants. Because there are tons of fuel in the form of Uranium 235. In fact, 200 years after a nuclear war, people will not even remember that there was a nuclear war. Society will be restored within ~50 years and no post-apocalypse will happen. Civilization is very difficult to destroy.

Good post I agree with 90% posted except the very last sentence, Post apoc can happen but there will be a rebuild. and yes 200 years after the war only historians will remember.

Railroad bridge BTW have the potential to last 200 years for foot traffic due to their extreme construction .

In my mind while I play this game i imagine its been 10 yrs since the war, Cobalt 60  half life is a 5 years so ten years after you could sitll get a quarter of original radiation  (in Fallout areas only!)

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- There was never a nuclear war like the one present in the fallout universe, lore so we can only guess what will happen

- Nuclear winter is guessing

- Volcano eruption released more energy than the most powerful nuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba)

- Radiation might be far higher if nuclear power plants are destroyed by nuclear bombs (radiation by desotryed nuclear power plants) even recycling of nuclear power plants is tricky and is a compromise to offer power for the masses which need smartphones for there egomaniac lifestyle (irony off)

- Fallout 1 and 2 had no radiation like we know it in 3 and 4 ... its a BGS myth

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If fallout was real ...

We would need to rewrite all our 'laws' of physics & nature ...

Nothing about this game has any link with the real world.

No paint survives decades, let alone centuries out in the open. Most wood would have rotted away, within 50 years no window remains in place, no building is liveable (& starts collapsing around you. after 2 centuries there are only ruins.) Nature (flora) WILL adapt & thrive! The oceans will NOT get irradiated. (there might be some hazardous silt on the bottom, here and there for a while)

Most area's will be within acceptable levels of radiation after at least 2 weeks. Can be up to 25 years, but unless your inside a (former) nuclear power plant with 'china syndrome' there won't be any harmful site after 200 years. Rad storms are a myth, as are 'nuclear winters' (which was a "it might happen, maybe (not)" during the 80's, with 70.000+ nukes (but already debunked back then))


Injections don't heal broken bones & I can't build a big fence using the wood from 3 pencils.


...and it goes on and on ...

As South8028 put it, it is not science, but retrofuturism fiction. Presented in a cynical satire.


But to answer the question, it would take as long as it does "in-game" (as you just upgraded that to reality)

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58 minutes ago, RoNin1971 said:

If fallout was real ...

I like your list. I'd also like to add that if fallout was real, mirrors would work. It's always bothered me that a game made in 2015 still had no working mirrors. Even the original Duke Nukem game decade(s) before Fallout 4 had working mirrors. It's just so lazy not to have them *sighs*

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4 minutes ago, Karna5 said:

I like your list. I'd also like to add that if fallout was real, mirrors would work. It's always bothered me that a game made in 2015 still had no working mirrors. Even the original Duke Nukem game decade(s) before Fallout 4 had working mirrors. It's just so lazy not to have them *sighs*

There are mirrors in the game, but they don't work properly. The xyz axes are mixed up. The side view, with some fiddling with the materials, can pass for a mirror. But from the front, the actor sees the back of his head in the reflection. There is an error somewhere at the engine level, incorrect tracing. I think when the update comes out on the new CE, bgs will fix this bug.

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Duke Nuke'm was faked. There was no mirror, just a "mirrored" 3D scene.

The problem with mirrors is the infinity of depth. (Put 2 mirrors opposite of each other...) which is and will for a long time be a problem for 3D engines. But I agree some mirroring should be possible by now., to at least allow looking at yourself in a mirror.

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38 minutes ago, RoNin1971 said:

Duke Nuke'm was faked. There was no mirror, just a "mirrored" 3D scene.

I get that, especially since it was a 2D game. Thing is, though, at least Duke Nukem tried to make working mirrors. I don't forgive any modern game designer for failing to even try.

I understand that console developers (especially from the XBox 360 days of 2013/2015) had limited resources, but PC game developers have no excuse 🙂

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