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Latest Vortex update changed color scheme -- how to revert it?

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Other users with sight problems can suggest a good combinantion of theme settings that is easy on the eyes?

The last update of vortex made me unable to read using the default dark theme settings (it was already a little difficult), I had to ask my brother to change the theme to "compact" because It's easier on the eyes but it's still not optimal.

Any user with impaired vision can suggest good color combinations for theme settings? I would like to keep a "darkish" feel but I think my eyes can't fully keep up

Edited by compare123
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Thank you for your answer.


Have you tried the "Contrast" theme? 

I know that many accessibilty interfaces in many programs use the more contrast option but unfortnately with too much contrast I get severe migrain very fast.

Of course I'm not demanding changes in vortex, just tips on color combinations from other users with poor vision (astigmatic + hyperopic + migrain) <- not sure they are the correct terms in english, I use google tranls for words I don't know


I'll pass your comments to the Vortex/Design team.

ok, thank you for your time

Edited by compare123
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@compare123 - When I was running Windows 98, and later, Win 7, the ability to manually change window colors and other attributes allowed me to have a medium intensity and brightness cream/buff background, with a black or dark brick red font color, even in many programs (apps).  That was much easier on my eyes, and I curse the day that Win 10 took away those options.  My eyes are always crying when reading pages of text in my mail program, Notepad, and WordPerfect.  Here is an example from my current Firefox scheme:


Even the url background is a small bit off-white...


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I allowed Vortex to update and install today (11-March-2024) and the color scheme totally changed. Some of the colors hurt my vision. I see in settings that the dark mode is enabled and I can't de-check it. I know dark mode is all the rage these days, but I really dislike this theme. How can I revert to the color scheme that was in place before the update?

Edited by InsaneGizzardSauce
Just saw wrong punctuation and fixed it.
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Seeing posts like this make me count my blessing day in and day out that I have good eyesight because some of the adaptations you guys have to put on just to be able to look at it easier is wild. I have a colorblind friend so I definitely feel for the users that constantly have to use accessibility features.   

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