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how to stop the automatic purge?

Go to solution Solved by Nagev,

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hi, i notice the new vortex auto start some purging and delete some links (no idea what they are ) after every change of rules in the file deploy order (manage file conflicts changes), without waiting me pressing the deploy button. I used to make changes while alt tabbed in game and now this would make vortex mad say it can't do cause files are taken by other app and can't do its purging... this is very annoying. I have all the automatic settings turned off, but I didn't see any about this purging. Also in the old version I could even start (mistakenly) a deployment with game open and there was a message about resources taken but it didn't show an alert for every single esp of the game like it happens now.

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yeah I was about to add it, all custom single file conflicts rules are gone... still that is less pain than clicking hundreds (as the esp) times cancel or ok to the alert or kill the app... I wish i didn't update...

Edited by Tenz81
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of course after I restarted vortex, deployed again, let it finish all it needs but it randomly forget the single files rules, so I ended up deleting the files conflicting the I don't want... 

also I found textures deployed that were third or forth in the conflict queue, just randomly. 

Is there any way to go back to previous version?

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