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Vortex 1.10.6 purge loop


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15 minutes ago, Furan316 said:


The purge loop problem has been corrected. However, I don't think the per-file conflict rules have been carried over. I reverted to version 1.9.12 and it is back to normal.

It would be good to look at your logs and state information - can you please create an archive which includes all of your vortex.log files which can be found in the `%appdata%/vortex` directory. As for the state -> inside Vortex go to Settings Page -> Workarounds Tab -> create backup -> save the file anywhere you wish; package the logs and state inside an archive and upload it to your preferred cloud service provider, then send me a private message on Discord or here on the forums which includes the link to your archive. Please make sure that anyone with the link can download the archive (only myself and @insomnious will be able to view it as long as it's a dm/private forum message)

If you opt for the Discord method, please send me a friend invite and I'll include @insomnious in our conversation (or vice-versa).

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The update has major issues with deploy order overrides, reverting to version 1.9.10 of Vortex and deploying my mods has corrected the issue with my deploy order overrides (i.e. specific texture files I preferred winning in conflicts etc.). I hope this helps anyone having the heart attack I just was.

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