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Forum Style Update - 27/03/2024


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Hi everyone!

You might've noticed the forum looks a bit different this morning. We've been tweaking the design and added a handy new feature to user profiles.

Here's a quick summary of what we have changed:

  • Added a new link on forum profiles that points back to the Nexus Mods profile pages (the reverse is still planned!)
  • Updated colours to improve accessibility and align with our branding
  • Reduced the visual noise by limiting the number of orange "call to action" buttons and links. 


User Profile - Links back to your site profile

On any user profile, you'll now see a new block below the avatar which features a link back to the user's profile on the main website. 



Theme updates

Here's a side-by-side comparison of the board index in the old and new themes.




With these changes, we feel the forum is more visually appealing and easier to use! Do you have feedback on the new theme or suggestions for the forum? Let us know in the comments. 

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😆 I was about to ask if you guys made the background darker. 

I still kinda prefer the old theme -- but I suspect that's mostly from being very used to it now.  I do like the new one, and if it is more accessible overall, then all the better!

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Not thrilled about the higher contrast but might end up a moot point in my case, but it isn't as bad as beta's high contrast.

edit: but for the love of gawd, stop cutting off long names in the forums. It feels highly disrespectful and looks hella ugly.

Edited by HollownessDevoured
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7 hours ago, AaronOfMpls said:

I still kinda prefer the old theme -- but I suspect that's mostly from being very used to it now.

Honestly, after using the forums a bit more today, I think the older colors were easier on my eyes.  Can the old theme be brought back as an option, at least?

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Just now, AaronOfMpls said:

Honestly, after using the forums a bit more today, I think the older colors were easier on my eyes.  Can the old theme be brought back as an option, at least?

I have felt an onset of a headache for several hours today (hasn't fully developed into one yet though!) but have been trying to give my eyes a break every 5-15mins X /

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Oh, so I'm not crazy and the colours did change. Honestly, the super high contrast black/white is harsh, I liked the orange better.

Can the white at least be toned down to a softer grey? Or, as Aaron suggested, is there a possibility to get options?

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1 hour ago, Hanaisse said:

Oh, so I'm not crazy and the colours did change. Honestly, the super high contrast black/white is harsh, I liked the orange better.

Indeed, it was giving me actual eyestrain yesterday, after what had been normal amounts of browsing for me here.

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