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A bit confused


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So I was interacting on a mod authors page today trying to trouble shoot and issue.  Asked questions, provided info, and when I finally resolved the issue went back to the authors page to let them know I had resolved it, and leave a compliment about the mod, and discovered I was blocked from interacting with the page.  I have no warnings, formal or otherwise and was not banned as I did or said nothing that would warrant that action.  I honestly have no idea why this happened. Any advice, or direction would be greatly appreciated.

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There are mod authors who will hide/block any perceived problems or criticism in order to make their mods seem "perfect".  It might be ego, it might be an attempt to farm Donation Points, or simply the inability to accept that their mod is not as streamlined as they believe.

Or, of course, it could be an honest mistake and they meant to block someone else.

Personally I'd just uninstall the mod and refuse to use any mod by that author, but if the mod is important to you, reach out to the author and politely ask why.


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@Aurreth...Thank you.  The mod isnt that important to the game.  I liked it but its not game changing.  

I did politely ask if there was a timeline for an update the mod author outlined on the description page, maybe that was it. I dunno.

I did attempt to contact the author, but was unable to.  So I uninstalled the mod as you had suggested.  Sad really.  Is what it is tho.

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