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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

Guest deleted156886133

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Because there is also a bread called flute which isn't made of wood either.


Why is the Superbowl called this way since it is not at all bowling-related?

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A: Because a Superb Owl would have even less to do with football.

Q: Does bowling 🎳 have anything to do with bowls? 🥣

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Guest deleted156886133

A: Yes. Well, at least it used to when the game was invented back in the 16th century by Sir Ima Bitdum. He constructed a bowl like wooden structure that was about 20 feet in diameter and 10 feet deep, similar to what today's skaters would use. The bottom of the bowl was flat to allow for the pins to be set-up in what was then a circular fashion. It was a four player game, so there were four platforms surrounding the top of the bowl. Positioned around the bowl, the players were to take turns, bent over, holding the ball on the edge and then release it into the bowl to knock down the pins. He was perplexed about how to exit the bowl after resetting the pins so he calls on his brother, Sir Mybrosa Bitdum, for advice... and a hand-up out of the bowl. 

When he was so proudly demonstrating his invention to his brother, Sir Mybrosa couldn't really see the point of the game. Each player theoretically could knock down all of the pins in one turn because after release, the ball just rolls back and forth. So, how do you win? Setting up the pins wasn't his brother's problem. The problem was, his invention was stupid. But he loved his brother so instead of telling him of his true problem, he offers a better design. He explains that by building a flat lane with the pins on one end and the player at the other, it would be much easier to set up the pins then walk away. Dismayed about the time he wasted building the bowl yet pleased to have a solution, Sir Ima conceded to his much smarter brother. He did ask that the name Bowling be kept and Sir Mybrosa agreed although he now thought it to be an odd name. Sir Ima also contributed to the scoring system by using his name as the symbol for the strike. Since he only knew how to sign his name by writing an X... well, you get it.

The two brothers, Sir Mybrosa mainly, eventually created an early version of what is now today's game.

Q: Who likes fish eggs?

Edited by UsernameWithA9
Changed some wording
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A: If the employees make a strike bowling it was likely a slip up, and they got lucky.  But also likely means they get a picture of beer on the house for it and enjoy the rest of the evening with the team.  Making all sorts of sounds to psych out the other teams before the end of their third round of the games.  Not beer, scoring round three.

Highest scores among the teams makes them champion of the weekend games.  Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble's bowling team in Bedrock were good bowlers.

Q: Does anyone play Quidditch?

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A: Three, plus however many you decide to cover it with.

Q: Why were the uncool called squares?

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Guest deleted156886133

A: The term square was coined during America's hippie movement back in the '60s. Since the hippies were more in tune with the Earth and more specifically, the Circle of Life, they considered anyone that didn't align with their beliefs close-minded and incapable of thinking outside of their box or square. As such, it wasn't uncommon to find a copious amount of squares at a Flat Earther convention either. Idiots. Oh! I almost forgot. John Lennon told me all of this in a dream, by the way.

Q: How was temperature measured before the invention of thermometers?


Edited by UsernameWithA9
Added some clarification
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A: No one measured temperature before mercury was discovered.  Those were the days though.  People followed their shadows because they believed their shadow was their guide.  Once their shadow disappeared beneath their feet they stood there staring down at the ground.  When their shadow appeared again they walked carefully so as not to trip it.  When their shadow got longer they picked up their pace eventually racing to get it shorter.   When it got dark they thought their shadow was all around them and dug in; that is, if they could loosen the ground where they stood.  They spent the night with just their heads sticking out waiting for their shadow to be restored so they could follow it.  Lemmings would laugh when they saw the shadow chasers go over the edge where the Lemmings road's had disappeared.  Which saved the lives of many Lemmings when they saw their brethren on their backs holding their stomachs and laughing out loud as the pointed at the shadow people.  One day a shadow chaser got the last laugh because they saw the Lemmings going over into the nothing below, and fell to their knees laughing which got the attention of all the remaining shadow chasers and Lemmings.

They stopped chasing their shadows and hung out with the Lemmings rolling around holding their stomachs laughing and pointing at the others and laughing at the others who had not stopped yet from that day, on.  Eventually there were some Shadow chasers and Lemmings that when laughing got rolled over the edge.   That day some of them got lucky and learned to grab on to anything they could and began climbing back to the top of the ridge.  Climbitters.  Which later became known as climbitised Lemming and Shadow people discovered the changes from warm and cold, thus they joined forces and became The Ologgins.  Which the Climbitised specialists argued about the spelling of, until they came up with Theologists.  Generally skipping around with gee that was a long drop ologists friends.  Which later they changed so the young could say the word gee ologist.

Q: Why does pain always give us a headache when we fall and bump our knees?  Then after the headache goes away it's just our knees that still hurt?

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Guest deleted156886133

A: Really? That never happens to me. Maybe you also bumped your head during your fall and don't remember. The next time that happens, I suggest you go get checked for a concussion.

Q: What would happen if cockroaches and termites cross-bred?

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