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Reasonable Question, Ridiculous Answer

Guest deleted156886133

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A: Because one is made for people living near swampland and the other is made from cactus with worms to drain the poison out of the bottle.  (Don't eat the Worm!).

Q: Why do some children seem to feel trapped where they live and don't have the means to think of a way to enjoy life outside that zone?

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Guest deleted156886133

A: Because social media.

Q: How much of ancient Native American tobacco production --from seed to end product-- was adopted and carried forth into today's industry? 

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A: The spelling. 'Samaritan' is spelled S A M A R I T A N. And 'Philanthropist' is spelled P H I L A N T H R O P I S T.

Q: Why are rugby balls oval-ish*?

* elongated ellipsoidal to be a bit more precise.

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Guest deleted156886133

A: It sounds like you just had an Impossible burger. Cows everywhere moo a moo of thanks to you.

Q: Why is it imperative for the foundation of a building to be level?

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A: So those people who believe the Earth is Flat so they don't fall off the balcony when they lean over the rail to take in the view down at the pool where people are only two feet below the railing and won't drown in the oval shaped swimming pool.

Q: If I spell two words incorrectly does that mean the two words don't mean anything?

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A: Yes, if the two words were kuleqvatz and gfslimnnola.

Q: How often do people look up dictionary in the dictionary?

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A: Only if you want to listen to Steely Dan or Steeleye Span.

Q: Why is a flute called a woodwind instrument when it isn't made of wood?

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