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Chris Christie, the GOP's last national hope finished politically?


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Like how you once again try to flip it, like I care what their approval rating is. I see support overall for our government slipping because of boneheaded stands by both parties. Yes, I blame them all unlike many who don't question the party line.

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As for polls, then you'd agree Color, that Obama's support is decreasing, if you look at polls.



...like I care what their approval rating is.


Seems you care enough to point out Obama's so-called "decreasing support"...


Despite poll numbers Christie has been ducking the media. Even other governors seems scared to be caught seen in public with him... Chris Christie went down to Florida to fund raise for Rick Scott and himself as he is now the head of the republican governors association. There were no public appearances or press conferences. Just fundraising. Christie didn’t talk about his own escalating problems in New Jersey which could derail any presidential ambitions. There was no real photo ops....

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So he is hiding from the press. Is that really a surprise? The press smells blood, and just like sharks, they are circling in for the possible kill. This isn't an unusual story. It isn't even really important. Well, maybe to those directly involved... but, national news? Hardly. The press is only concerned with ratings. They say things that will draw viewers. Political scandals are one such tidbit. Seems like random shootings are now as well, as, every crime where a gun is involved is now national news as well. Things that didn't even make the front page of the local newspaper where the event actually happened, are now being screamed from the proverbial rooftops, as it is a "hot button" issue lately. This too shall pass. A lot like kidney stones.


This is all just part of someones political campaign. The days of trying to convince people to vote FOR YOU, because of your stance on the issues is long gone. Now, everyone is trying to convince you to NOT vote for the other guy, because he is 'of low moral character', or something equally as stupid. Political campaigns are just one long round of mudslinging by both sides. Used to be, that was a tactic that was frowned upon, and it made the guy doing the slinging look bad. Now, it seems to be the rule, rather than the exception. This is why I think we should restrict any type of political campaigning to within three months of the election that is involved. There is no reason to campaign THREE YEARS before an election..... given the sheer volume of information that is freely available, and global instant communication, there is no reason for any longer period of time, and, I think the viewing public wouldn't mind NOT seeing those campaign ads every 10 mintues as well.


Of course, that would mean the mass-media would lose millions, if not billions, of dollars in advertising revenue.... so, they won't go for it either.

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You have a good point... seems these days no candidate does really ever runs on stances and issues anymore...


This weekend on "Meet The Press" Rand Paul played an odd angle "trying" to attack Hillary Clinton bringing up the Monica Lewinsky Scandal. A scandal that had absolutely nothing directly to do with Hillary Clinton.... :laugh:


He suggested Sunday that because of this scandal the Clinton's don’t have the moral high ground when it comes to women’s issues because of Bill Clinton’s “predatory” behavior...


The irony is the "women's issues" are really about a woman's reproductive rights not the morality of Bill Clinton's behavior towards Lewinsky...

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They are basically slinging any mud they can come up with, hoping something will stick.


We also appear to be assuming that slick willy used his office to influence Monica to do his will. We weren't there, and so, have no idea what really happened. Who knows, maybe SHE seduced HIM. Wouldn't be the first time a man has given in to carnal pleasure, even when he knows it is morally wrong. :)

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I can see the attack ads now.... :dance:


"Hillary Clinton is not fit for office because she is married to a Man who had an inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky.... Vote for Rand Paul he truly holds the higher moral ground when it comes to 'women's issues'!!!!!!!!" :laugh:

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I can see the attack ads now.... :dance:


"Hillary Clinton is not fit for office because she is married to a Man who had an inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky.... Vote for Rand Paul he truly holds the higher moral ground when it comes to 'women's issues'!!!!!!!!" :laugh:

Please don't anticipate the level of pathetic stupidity in the upcoming political season. I'm sure there will be a mind numbing level of immaturity that will beacon in the next figurehead to the presidency so their party can manipulate the wealth others produce in order to placate their benefactors.

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I can see the attack ads now.... :dance:


"Hillary Clinton is not fit for office because she is married to a Man who had an inappropriate relationship with Monica Lewinsky.... Vote for Rand Paul he truly holds the higher moral ground when it comes to 'women's issues'!!!!!!!!" :laugh:

Please don't anticipate the level of pathetic stupidity in the upcoming political season. I'm sure there will be a mind numbing level of immaturity that will beacon in the next figurehead to the presidency so their party can manipulate the wealth others produce in order to placate their benefactors.


Oh Geez.... I almost wet myself I was laughing so hard at these two comments. The sad part is, they are SO TRUE.


Thank You very much for the laugh at least. :D

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Chris Christie had no chance of winning anyway. He's too moderate.

The GOP has been under the belief that the only way to have a chance at the election is to put up a moderate candidate.

They're avoiding pandering to their own base by putting up a strong conservative and instead trying to pull voters from the "left" spectrum by placing in a moderate. This is considered the sound strategy, but you can't go too moderate or you alienate your base. This is why we are getting break off groups of paleo-conservatives and tea partiers. These people will tend to lean more independent rather than moderate in local and state elections and be rather put off in Presidential elections.

Third parties are rising in the US and it's because people are seeing that there is no real dichotomy between democrat and republican. If you spent any time on the internet, I'm sure you saw Gary Johnson and Ron Paul supporters and even now with Rand Paul supporters. It's because they don't fall into the paradigm. They don't just tow the party line.


Of course though, It's foolish thinking to believe any politician to be honest. It is their profession to pander.

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Chris Christie had no chance of winning anyway. He's too moderate.


I would have to disagree with you. The only reason why he "could" win is because he is moderate. He might not have as much support from the conservative base as someone who would be farther right on the spectrum. Before these scandals, Christie's national approval ratings for almost over a year were in par to those of Hillary Clinton, which is far more than anyone else who is already "known" for presidential ambitions from the Republican party. It would really be shocking to see someone come forward who could actually have a chance to win nationally who would not be moderate conservative to even stand a chance nationally, in my opinion....

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