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Chris Christie, the GOP's last national hope finished politically?


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it should be noted Susana Martinez is going to expand the Medicaid program in her state based off the new Healthcare law "Obamacare". Right there that should totally disqualify her from the base of the party unless all of a sudden the republican party becomes all for Obama's legacy.


If a Republican opposes the ACA you apply labels to them such as "far-right", "extreme", "outside the mainstream", and "too far from center". Now you are presented with a Republican governor who supports the ACA and you condemn them as nonviable for presidential candidacy. This is an illogical contradiction.


I never "condemned" anyone for supporting medicaid expansion under the ACA. I actually think what she is doing is great. Was just simply stating that expanding the medicaid program under the ACA law alone most likely "should" disqualify her as a potential candidate from the base of the party since for the past 4 years all that republicans in national office have tried to do is repeal the law.


Also you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth when you claim I apply labels such as "far-right", "extreme", "outside the mainstream", and "too far from the center" since I don't recall ever using any of these phases in this entire thread so far till this post...



Colourwheel, I love how you set up your topics with such a distinct left-wing spin on things. There is no flood of anything coming from any 4 day stoppage on any bridge.


You might not think so, but Chris Christie's approval rating have drastically dropped since the begining of this year... You can call it a "left-wing" spin if you want. Doesn't change the facts, he has had a huge drop in national approval in less than a month. Last month he was one point ahead of Clinton in national approval in some polls.

Edited by colourwheel
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I never "condemned" anyone for supporting medicaid expansion under the ACA. I actually think what she is doing is great. Was just simply stating that expanding the medicaid program under the ACA law alone most likely "should" disqualify her as a potential candidate from the base of the party since for the past 4 years all that republicans in national office have tried to do is repeal the law.

You acknowledge her support for the ACA, then immediately contradict that acknowledgement when you state that for the past four years "all that republicans have tried to do is repeal the law". If that is "all that Republicans have tried to do" then what was Martinez doing?



Also you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth when you claim I apply labels such as "far-right", "extreme", "outside the mainstream", and "too far from the center" since I don't recall ever using any of these phases in this entire thread so far till this post...


Here are some quotes to to refresh your memory a bit.....


"...after Obama was elected president in 2008 the republican party changed over night in a very extreme way."


"Rick Perry is too extreme"


"America will be in a perpetual state of political grid lock till one party becomes too extreme for anyone to handle. For the record the republican party seems to be heading in this direction at a fast pace as the years go by. I really don't see the republican party lasting very long if they keep insisting their party to keep moving further to the right of the political spectrum that only seems to be appealing to a base that has a stunted demographic growth."


"extreme social agendas!"


"The Tea Parties Core message sound great but the people who they advocate in office resonates extreme social ideology to even make life long registered republicans to even turn Democratic or independent....todays American Republican party has become the fringe of a conservative movement bent on extreme social ideology regaurdless if it's on their public platform or not... "


"... pushing for extreme social legislation"


"The republican party in American politics is unwilling to move closer to the center of the political spectrum"


"If the GOP really wishes to trap themselves in a political bubble again the republican party has more things to worry about other than just indefinitely losing TV network sponsorships. The GOP could just slowly disappear from the mainstream completely..."


"My thought is Radical Right wing rhetoric is to blame"


"The use of "God-given right" has been a repeated phrase used over and over again by the Radical Right wing in the political spectrum in the recent years."





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I never "condemned" anyone for supporting medicaid expansion under the ACA. I actually think what she is doing is great. Was just simply stating that expanding the medicaid program under the ACA law alone most likely "should" disqualify her as a potential candidate from the base of the party since for the past 4 years all that republicans in national office have tried to do is repeal the law.


You acknowledge her support for the ACA, then immediately contradict that acknowledgement when you state that for the past four years "all that republicans have tried to do is repeal the law". If that is "all that Republicans have tried to do" then what was Martinez doing?


Key word "National" office...



Also you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth when you claim I apply labels such as "far-right", "extreme", "outside the mainstream", and "too far from the center" since I don't recall ever using any of these phases in this entire thread so far till this post...


Here are some quotes to to refresh your memory a bit.....




Key phase "in this entire thread so far"...


Seriously lets not derail this thread anymore... posting quote snippets from "past debate threads" is pointless to the topic on hand...


If you think Susana Martinez is the republicans hope to win nationally, I guess we can leave it right there for now. Didn't mean to give you such a hard time on the subject...


Though it is worth noting, PPP shows Martinez in a hypothetical primary between all the other potential candidates coming in less than 1% but that poll was done in august. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt assuming her numbers have jumped over 20% since august.

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it should be noted Susana Martinez is going to expand the Medicaid program in her state based off the new Healthcare law "Obamacare". Right there that should totally disqualify her from the base of the party unless all of a sudden the republican party becomes all for Obama's legacy.


If a Republican opposes the ACA you apply labels to them such as "far-right", "extreme", "outside the mainstream", and "too far from center". Now you are presented with a Republican governor who supports the ACA and you condemn them as nonviable for presidential candidacy. This is an illogical contradiction.


I never "condemned" anyone for supporting medicaid expansion under the ACA. I actually think what she is doing is great. Was just simply stating that expanding the medicaid program under the ACA law alone most likely "should" disqualify her as a potential candidate from the base of the party since for the past 4 years all that republicans in national office have tried to do is repeal the law.


Also you seem to be trying to put words in my mouth when you claim I apply labels such as "far-right", "extreme", "outside the mainstream", and "too far from the center" since I don't recall ever using any of these phases in this entire thread so far till this post...



Colourwheel, I love how you set up your topics with such a distinct left-wing spin on things. There is no flood of anything coming from any 4 day stoppage on any bridge.


You might not think so, but Chris Christie's approval rating have drastically dropped since the begining of this year... You can call it a "left-wing" spin if you want. Doesn't change the facts, he has had a huge drop in national approval in less than a month. Last month he was one point ahead of Clinton in national approval in some polls.


Facts based upon polls are determined by who took them, the questions asked, the way they are asked and the person who correlates them. How far down was President Clinton when the Republicans took over congress and what was his approval rating when he left office?


Polls are as irrelevant as the mood we woke up in today. The day still goes on and at the end of the day, are we of different temperament?

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Facts based upon polls are determined by who took them, the questions asked, the way they are asked and the person who correlates them. How far down was President Clinton when the Republicans took over congress and what was his approval rating when he left office?

Polls are as irrelevant as the mood we woke up in today. The day still goes on and at the end of the day, are we of different temperament?


I will agree that "one" individual poll is not very conclusive when you can skew the questions in a way to favor one point of view.


But if you look at a collection of polls done nationally by many different organizations you can get a clearer picture of what is going on.


Polls are not as irrelevant as you may think...

Edited by colourwheel
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Facts based upon polls are determined by who took them, the questions asked, the way they are asked and the person who correlates them. How far down was President Clinton when the Republicans took over congress and what was his approval rating when he left office?

Polls are as irrelevant as the mood we woke up in today. The day still goes on and at the end of the day, are we of different temperament?


I will agree that "one" individual poll is not very conclusive when you can skew the questions in a way to favor one point of view.


But if you look at a collection of polls done nationally by many different organizations you can get a clearer picture of what is going on.


Polls are not as irrelevant as you may think...


Polls are opinions. How quickly do they change. This will have legs until something newer and more shiny comes along. Americans have a very short attention span. They get thet from their T.V. sets.

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Facts based upon polls are determined by who took them, the questions asked, the way they are asked and the person who correlates them. How far down was President Clinton when the Republicans took over congress and what was his approval rating when he left office?

Polls are as irrelevant as the mood we woke up in today. The day still goes on and at the end of the day, are we of different temperament?


I will agree that "one" individual poll is not very conclusive when you can skew the questions in a way to favor one point of view.


But if you look at a collection of polls done nationally by many different organizations you can get a clearer picture of what is going on.


Polls are not as irrelevant as you may think...


Polls are opinions. How quickly do they change. This will have legs until something newer and more shiny comes along. Americans have a very short attention span. They get thet from their T.V. sets.



We have a saying over here "A week is a long time in politics.", you can go from hero to zero in no time at all making polls useless for predicting anything for than a few days. They are useful for gauging what is popular and what isn't, make an announcement and then see what happens with the polls, that of course assumes that said polls asked the right questions and that the respondents gave truthful answers. The 1992 UK General Election is a great example, Labour went into the final few weeks with a reasonable lead in the polls which should have got them a majority, they then held a rally in which the leader made a complete fool of himself while the rest of those at the rally were carrying on as if they'd already won, the election returned a Conservative majority government.

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Considering everything that has gone on in the past five years, this is what the media concentrates on?


As for polls, then you'd agree Color, that Obama's support is decreasing, if you look at polls.

They concentrate on this because they think it is their chance to manipulate the news in the favor of their candidates. They don't report news any more they use it to get ratings from their targeted audience. They subduie what they can't ignore of what they find distasteful and emphasis what they feel is most damaging to those they oppose.

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As for polls, then you'd agree Color, that Obama's support is decreasing, if you look at polls.


Support? I can Agree Obama's approval rating have decreased a lot... But in comparison to national congressional Republicans, Obama doesn't even need to worry about his approval ratings... Congressional Republicans have a 9% favorability rating with 85% of voters viewing it in a negative light....


it has been found Congressional Republicans are less popular than cockroaches, traffic jams, and even Nickelback... :laugh:

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