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Vortex V1. Load order and Plugins.txt not working correctly


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I'm at my wits end here.  Since Febuary 2024 I have not been able to use Vortex with Starfield.

Since then I have tried starting fresh 3 times - Uninstalling Vortex then going in deep and finding all of the other files your program fails to uninstall and detete those as well of my computer.

So here is what is happening now with all the latest updates, and all drivers are up to date as well:

The only game I got on my laptop is Starfield, all of my other games with Nexus is on my main computer.  Before when trying to start Starfield in vortex it would not load at all.  NOW with your latest update, it does start the game "ish", but if I'm try to load a saved game it would get to the point of starting the game and then crash taking me back to the vortex screen.  On trying to start a NEW game - it would go into an endless loop of waiting the planet orbit the sunrise.

 Now before Feb, it was working great, I had around 23 mods going and life was good. Then the game updated and this hell started.   NOW I do find that the you have issues with Vortex not working correctly (or at least I can't get it do anything).  Also note I do not have Chrome installed.

 I added a bunch of photos, everything I thought you might want to see.

Starfield Version BCC496f5 V1.11.36.0    WITH Vortex  same & (SFSE .0.2.71)



Now remember I dumped all the mods off this computer and only reloaded the following:


     SFPTE-1_2 (SFSE-1_8_86)

     Baka Achievement Enabler 

     Address Library for SFSE Plugins- All in one - V11( Address Library

     dm LegendaryRecycler_v130

     Shade's Immersive Looting.

The Load Order in Vortex still shows all the mods I ever used with Starfield, I tried all of your buttons in different combos hoping something would change; they seem to do nothing except the View Plugins File button, that does work.  which brings me to the next issue:  that file also has all the esm files of all past mods. I did try and attempt to delete all that was not needed manually, saved it and then it gets changed by Vortex back to this mess. 


I did include in the photos all of my paths.  I have two drives C, I try and keep clean, having any program I put on the computer to D drive.  Vortex seems to sill like putting junk on the C as well as the D.   like Vortex-updater  even though I told Vortex to put Vortex on D, I included that photo as well.  And before you ask,  yes it was working like this in up to Feb, and NO I do not want to put Vortex and my games on C.


I really like playing using MODs  and I do like Vortex (when it works),  can don't know anything else to try.  The game works fine without Vortex. With the mods I played Starfield 750 hours, then this happened.   I think its that plugins Txt file and the Load Order that is messing me up but I can't fix it.  Vortex on your end keeps messing it up.


HELP please  and thanks for Reading  Wizzarin.

Chrome is Closed - error message.jpg

File Path 01.jpg

File Path 02 .jpg

Chrome is Closed.jpg

Files Vortes puts on C drive even though my game and Votex is on D.jpg

File Path 03 .jpg

Load Order error 1.jpg

Load Order error 2 .jpg

Load Order error 3 .jpg


Load Order error 4 .jpg

Load Order error 5 .jpg

starfield achievements note.jpg

Starfield version in settings without vortex loading.jpg

Starfield version in settings.jpg

Vortex setting mods screen.jpg

Version of Vortex.jpg

Diagnostic file.txt plugins dump-& save.txt plugins.txt

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Sounds like your mods are broken rather than Vortex itself. Disable all mods and see if the game launches, then enable SFSE and plugins.txt enabler and slowly-re-add mods until it stops working again.


I'll move this to the Starfield forums. 

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10 hours ago, Pickysaurus said:

Sounds like your mods are broken rather than Vortex itself. Disable all mods and see if the game launches, then enable SFSE and plugins.txt enabler and slowly-re-add mods until it stops working again.


I'll move this to the Starfield forums. 

Did that twice.   It's not the mods it's Vortex , as it tells us they are in control of that file; I tried to fix it my self, just to have it put back to this mess by vortex


7 hours ago, HeyYou said:

Vortex should have a button for 'purge all mods' somewhere.

The game updated again on May 15, have you updates SFSE?

If there program would work then yes I think there is a button but when pushed nothing happened.   When I posted my original message all programs where up to date.    What  is upsetting, when I tried to reach out to Vortex direction with an email.  The only response was to  "For help with Vortex, please create a thread in our official support forum "     So they do know this post is here, but I have yet to have a response by them,

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47 minutes ago, Wizzarin said:

 So they do know this post is here, but I have yet to have a response by them,

Their response was to  move it from the support forum to the Starfield forum.  Which they shouldn't have done.

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