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Vortex auto purge after enabling or installing mods for Skyrim SE

Go to solution Solved by insomnious,

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Same thing. Every change in mods, even just downloading one leads to forced purge. Judging from Vortex logs forced purging is used to manage overrides throughout different mods, but everything was just awesome before, using only deployment without purging, so why force it now? Purging is slow, it ruins users' bodyslides and minor edits of SKSE pluging configs. I personally just close vortex in panic as fast as possible when I see purging process begins.

2024-05-28T16:14:42.779Z [DEBUG] [mod-dependency-manager] check conflicts and rules {"gameMode":"skyrimse"}
2024-05-28T16:14:44.251Z [INFO] [mod-dependency-manager] starting overrides update 
2024-05-28T16:14:44.268Z [INFO] [mod-dependency-manager] starting purge activity to update overrides 

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Purging shouldn't ruin anything.  It merely remove the links between the staging folder and the game folder.  Just re-deploy if necessary.

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Mostly It's just slow and annoying because vortex initiate purging on every conflict resolved and on any mod added in library, and is pretty persistent with it. Personally I just ask to allow user to disable forced auto purging, like we can already disable auto deploying - and all will be just fine. I'd really like to decide myself when to purge ang when to deploy.

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