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Compiling Scripts

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Not sure what relevance the first half of post has, and what it has to do with script compilation.    Fact is, something is wrong with your CK install if you can't open Papyrus  Manager in it.

Now, on the subject of actual compilation:  PeterMartyr is quite right that your file organization is just WRONG.

..._shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT.psc(0,0): unable to locate script ObjectReference
This line means that first line of the script is something like:
ScriptName _shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT extends ObjectReference

And in order for that line to be compiled,  the compiler needs to be able to locate a file called ObjectReference.psc within your script source directory.   Incidentally, the very same directory that the _shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT.psc is in.   And presently, that file is NOT THERE.

..._shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT.psc(3,24): unknown type ingredient

This means that in line 3 of that script,  you are trying to declare a property or a variable of type Ingredient.    In order to compile that line, compiler needs to find a file named Ingredient.psc, in your source directory.   And it is NOT THERE.

..._shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT.psc(10,15๐Ÿ˜ž none is not a known user-defined type

This means that in line 10 of the script, you are trying to use a previously declared variable.    However, the variable failed to be declared cause it is of a type that compiler was unable to locate (most likely Ingredient.psc), cause it is NOT IN YOUR SOURCE DIRECTORY.

..._shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT.psc(11,7): variable Debug is undefined

This means that in line 11 of your script you have something like Debug.Trace("...").    In order to compile that, the compiler needs to locate a file named Debug.psc in your source directory, and presently, it is NOT THERE.

I really hope you are starting to see a pattern.    However you got your script sources (.psc files) unpacked, you did it WRONG, and you put the files in the WRONG place, and now your CK compiler is unable to find them.    A few posts up, PeterMartyr gives you a complete and VERY comprehensive step by step on how to setup your files.    I strongly suggest you follow that guide.

For LE version of CK, ALL source files must be in Data/Scripts/Source directly, and not in some subdirectory of it.

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It could also be the SkyrimEditor.ini that is missing or wrong.  It should contain a section that looks like this:

sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Source"
sScriptCompiledFolder = "Data\Scripts\"
sCompilerFolder = "Papyrus Compiler\"
bPerforceEnabled = 0
iMinMemoryPageSize = 128
iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 76800  ;75kb


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  On 6/6/2024 at 10:13 PM, xkkmEl said:

It could also be the SkyrimEditor.ini that is missing or wrong.  It should contain a section that looks like this:


Yes, it has exactly that:

sScriptSourceFolder = "Data\Scripts\Source"
sScriptCompiledFolder = "Data\Scripts\"
sCompilerFolder = "Papyrus Compiler\"
bPerforceEnabled = 0
iMinMemoryPageSize = 128
iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 76800  ;75kb


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  On 6/6/2024 at 8:31 PM, scorrp10 said:

However you got your script sources (.psc files) unpacked, you did it WRONG, and you put the files in the WRONG place


No, I never unpacked them at all, as I said. I never put them anywhere, as I said, as I've not had time yet. And this problem has been happening since before I came here, and everything worked perfectly  between 2012 and 2022.

I have had the game installed since February 2012 and never changed anything until someone here seemed to suggest I should move out Source files if there's more than 10,000 of them. I just left my own scripts source files in there. I'll copy them back. But I will not be using Scripts.rar as they are dated 2015 instead of 2012/13. 

Thanks for the help, you actually made some sense. ๐Ÿค—  So I'll see what happens.

But when I copied all the DLC scripts from the subdirectories into Source before, the Script Manager still did not work and the Compiler took 10 to 15 minutes to open, instead of 20 seconds.

And it worked with 8 GB RAM instead of the 32 GB I have now, and the 2 TB HDD instead of the 2 TB SSD I have now, so it's not because my PC is "old and slow".





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  On 6/6/2024 at 8:31 PM, scorrp10 said:

For LE version of CK, ALL source files must be in Data/Scripts/Source directly, and not in some subdirectory of it.


Maybe now, but originally the CK could see the scripts in the DLC subdirectories. It could, even before I started this thread. Anyway, I don't care about the DLC scripts, I don't mess with them. As I said, that was just for testing.

I put all the source files back and moved all the DLC pcm files to Source and it takes 10 or 15 minutes to open the compiler. I don't want the DLC pcm, anyway, so I'll get rid of them later.

The Philter of Nightblade potion recipe script can now find those missing things you mentioned, but now I get this:

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "_shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT"...

...\Source\Spell.psc(66,19): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Spell.psc(67,32): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Armor.psc(128,20): unknown type armoraddon
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(48,21): unknown type combatstyle
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(49,36): unknown type combatstyle
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(67,18): unknown type headpart
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(68,33): unknown type headpart
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(83,19): unknown type colorform
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(84,32): unknown type colorform
...\Source\Weapon.psc(58,19): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Weapon.psc(59,32): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Actor.psc(871,33): unknown type headpart
No output generated for _shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT.psc, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on _shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT.psc

What's it talking about? "equipslot", "head part", "colorform"? For a potion? Utter nonsense!

And YES. ActorBase.psc IS there in SOURCE, as is Actor.psc, Weapon.psc and Spell.psc etc.


My Ancient Silver Mace script is

Scriptname _shb_SUN_SilverWepSCRIPT extends ObjectReference

Perk Property _shb_SUN_SilverWepPerk auto

Event      OnEquipped(Actor akActor)
                        Debug.notification("Ancient Silver weapon equipped, +30 damage against Undead!")

Event      OnUnEquipped(Actor akActor)
                        Debug.notification("Ancient Silver weapon unequipped!")


and now the CK fails and says this:

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "_shb_SUN_SilverWepSCRIPT"...

...Source\Spell.psc(66,19): unknown type equipslot
...Source\Spell.psc(67,32): unknown type equipslot
...Source\Armor.psc(128,20): unknown type armoraddon
...Source\ActorBase.psc(48,21): unknown type combatstyle
...Source\ActorBase.psc(49,36): unknown type combatstyle
...Source\ActorBase.psc(67,18): unknown type headpart
...Source\ActorBase.psc(68,33): unknown type headpart
...Source\ActorBase.psc(83,19): unknown type colorform
...Source\ActorBase.psc(84,32): unknown type colorform
...Source\Weapon.psc(58,19): unknown type equipslot
...Source\Weapon.psc(59,32): unknown type equipslot
...Source\Actor.psc(871,33): unknown type headpart
No output generated for _shb_SUN_SilverWepSCRIPT.psc, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on _shb_SUN_SilverWepSCRIPT.psc

Again, what is it talking about? None of those things are in the pcm file and I never needed them before. AND they are all in SOURCE. I have Champollion's Decompiler, and the script that WORKS. IN. GAME. does not have any of those, either.

I created a new character, found the dead Wood Elf hunter between Helgen and Riverwood, got her spells (Summon Spirit Wolf and Discern Abilities) and her gear, read her Journal and the "Find Froki's Cabin" quest started.

Then I read the Note to Alvor and the "The Ancient Art of Silver Weapon Smithing" Quest Started.

Then I found the disgraced Vigilant of Stendarrr between Riverwood and Bleak Falls and read his journal, and the "Sun, Moon and Star" quest started, equipped the mace and the perk was added.

Then I went to Whiterun and went to the Court Mage's room and read his letter and the "Legendary Mithril" quest started.

Then I went to my Player Home behind the Riverwood Tavern, consoled in 10 of every ingredient in the game with a batch file and the existing recipe books I made, and they all worked and revealed the relevant effects of the ingredients.

So that is three of my mods working properly so far. Ancient Silver and Legendary Mithril are in the same mod. Four, including the Player Home and the Dwarven Grinder. I just can't make the scripts for the new recipe books.


So what is that error message talking about? If you could explain, I'd be most grateful. ๐Ÿค—


It occurs to me that before Skyrim patch 1.9.32 I always played off line and never went online with Steam, either for the CK or for Skyrim, because Stealth updates broke mods relying on SKSE until SKSE was updated. So I always launched Steam off line and started the game with the SKSE loader until SKSE had been updated. And I always used the CK off line, as I did not want any broken updates.

But that may have changed over the last two years or so. So, possibly, I may have a newer version of the Skyrim LE CK and still have the old scripts. So my CK might now need the newer scripts? Bit of a long shot, how different could they be?

It seems the only option atm is what Peter was saying between the lines: back up all my own scripts and those for mods I have, make sure I have the zips and rars for all the mods I use, delete the CK and the entire Skyrim directory and start again. Then install SKSE and all the mods I use, although the Unofficial Patches I think has all their scripts in a bsa, so I'm not sure what PeterMartyr was meaning there.



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  On 6/7/2024 at 8:05 AM, PeterMartyr said:

your getting there))) ObjectReference, is now missing, weird has, 

@Shadeybladey OH with your last error, I would just redo SKE and see what happen.. first 


OK, I'll try that. It's on Silverlock.org, IIRC? I'm sure I still have the most recent installer, but I'll download it again as it's very small.

I'd like to thank you all for all your help, I know this is very frustrating for all of us!

At first, I got errors for the Ancient Silver Mace like

unknown type perk
unknown type actor
actor is not a known user-defined type
variable Debug is undefined
none is not a known user-defined type
actor is not a known user-defined type

and now that I've moved those psc files back, I am getting

(67,32): unknown type equipslot
(128,20): unknown type armoraddon
(48,21): unknown type combatstyle
(68,33): unknown type headpart
(83,19): unknown type colorform
(59,32): unknown type equipslot

which all seem to be pointing to the default Skyrim psc files, as my script does not have that many lines.

And I am VERY rusty at this! Every time I try to finish my Alchemy mod, in between playing the Neverwinter MMO, I have to remind myself of everything I've done so far. I have huge spreadsheets with all the vanilla ingredients from Daggerfall, Morrowind, Oblivion and Skyrim and tried to reproduce some of the old reagents, EG "Gem Dust - Diamond", Sapphire, Emerald and so on, and I made new MGEF effects from things like Shouts and Spells. So "Crushed Carrot Extract" is made from 5 "Raw Veg - Carrots" at the Grinder and one of the effects is "Essence of Night Eye". I also renamed all the existing Skyrim reagents, but kept the Form ID.




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No luck, I'm afraid. Re-installing SKSE did nothing.

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "_shb_SUN_SilverWepSCRIPT"...

...\Source\Spell.psc(66,19): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Spell.psc(67,32): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Armor.psc(128,20): unknown type armoraddon
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(48,21): unknown type combatstyle
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(49,36): unknown type combatstyle
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(67,18): unknown type headpart
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(68,33): unknown type headpart
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(83,19): unknown type colorform
...\Source\ActorBase.psc(84,32): unknown type colorform
...\Source\Weapon.psc(58,19): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Weapon.psc(59,32): unknown type equipslot
...\Source\Actor.psc(871,33): unknown type headpart

No output generated for _shb_SUN_SilverWepSCRIPT.psc, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on _shb_SUN_SilverWepSCRIPT.psc

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it is still stating you have not unpacked the Scripts properly, are they like this


And the compiler like this

SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Papyrus Compiler\PapyrusCompiler.exe

all the psc need to be in the Source Folder..

installed like

  1. Default  unpacking to Data Folder
  2. Move DLC PSC to the Source Folder according to load order (over writing has necessary)
  3. then SKSE  (over writing has necessary)

the Compiler will use relative code to find to find the PSC so it need to be in the right spot too



EDIT btw this ..\Data\Scripts\Source this HOW the compiler finds the Source Folder, for advance users and maybe too much information, but my point is both have to be correct, for compiling to work. like I posted above

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  On 6/7/2024 at 7:29 AM, Shadeybladey said:

What's it talking about? "equipslot", "head part", "colorform"? For a potion? Utter nonsense!


Sense or nonsense, that's what it is.  The error messages are meaningful and you won't make progress until you fix them, at least the very first one (following error messages may be difficult to interpret as they may be based on erroneous compiler decision caused by prior errors).

Equipslot and the others may not be related to potions, but they are snagged in the script dependency chains rooted in your potion script.  Your script references a spell, therefore the compiler needs to look at the spell script to understand your script; the spell script itself references equipslot, and so the compiler is trying to look at the equipslot script to understand this reference.

Until you get all of the core dependencies covered, you won't be able to compile anything.  The core dependencies are those mentioned by PeterMartyr.  There are no shortcuts.  I do not know why you believe compiling scripts worked in the past... if it did, it's because you had done that work.  I think it more likely that you just forgot taking those steps at the time.

Also, compiling and running are two different things.  The compiler needs this intricate web of dependencies, but the compiled scripts can work with a lot less.  No source scripts are needed to run the game, which is why the sources files are packed in a *.rar file by default.

These dependency webs, and more specifically that they include large numbers of seemingly arbitrary elements, is a common feature of modern programming languages, and a common source of frustration for programmers, even experienced ones (you just want to know if a spell is hostile, and suddenly the compiler forces you to deal with equipslot, when you neither know nor care about equipslots).

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