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Compiling Scripts

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At this point, I think it is time to consider that your current setup is broken. Not totally broken, since you can play the game, but broken for modding purposes. The fact that the papyrus manager will not open is bizarre and a sure sign that something basic is wrong.

I suggest you start a new install, using a mod manager (I use MO2; I have gripes; never tried Vortex or others). I understand your distrust of mod managers, and there are definitely caveats, but it has saved me many aches and I agree with the general consensus that modding, or just trying to integrate more than a few dozen mods, without a mod manager is a sure recipe for disaster.

At minimum, the mod manager, when properly used, will allow you to isolate your changes from the base install files, and allow you to efficiently and securely rollback failed experiments.

I know you have a lot invested in your current setup, time, memories, etal. But you have put a lot of work into trying to fix it; we tried to help the best we could. Sometimes you just have to accept failure and move on. We just don't have the tools that would be required to find where and why you are getting those failures.

If, on the other hand, you want to keep trying, we will keep helping, but as it is we are running circles, so unless you find a new data point to share, I can give you little hope for a positive outcome.
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3 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

At this point, I think it is time to consider that your current setup is broken.

I suggest you start a new install

Yes, I said a few days ago that I intend to do that. But a new install of the CK.


3 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

using a mod manager

Absolutely not. Under no circumstance will I ever use a third party program that knows less about my mods than I do. I used one once, more than 10 years ago, and it broke two very common, very popular mods. I don't even use BOSS or LOOT anymore. It's not difficult to see which mods replace meshes and textures, and which just add new things. EG, "Glowing Ore Veins" doesn't even have an esp, just some cubemaps that make the ore veins glow. I recently ran Wrye Bash, and it deleted SkyTEST Realistic Animals and Predators, deleted it from DATA, and scrambled my load order. No "Wrye Bash wants to do this - NO, OK", it just did it. It took me over an hour to sort out what it had done. It just did this automatically on launching.

Never again.



3 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

I agree with the general consensus that modding, or just trying to integrate more than a few dozen mods, without a mod manager is a sure recipe for disaster.

I don't. It just means one knows not what they do. I can work out which order to install manually from which resources the mod has and how to manually set load order. I don't use many texture and mesh replacers, anyway, and I don't unzip anything into DATA, they all go in their own directory first and I copy them in manually.  But I don't think I've added any new mods since 2015, but I am suspicious of SkyUI 5.1 atm. My own mods have their own meshes and textures.


3 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

We just don't have the tools that would be required to find where and why you are getting those failures.

Well, it might help if someone answered some of the questions that remain unanswered.

EG, I MUST delete the entire Scripts directory, and if I make a mistake, delete and start again? Why? How does the CK know this has been done, vs just adding the Scripts from Scripts.rar? It seems I might as well delete the entire CK as well and re-install it. But there seems to be no "Uninstall" option.

Why is the CK trying to find a script in the SkyUI 5.1 bsa?

And so on.


3 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

If, on the other hand, you want to keep trying, we will keep helping

Cheers, I appreciate it.

I'll come back when I've backed up and deleted all the psc and pex files I need to keep and reinstalled them.

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3 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

At this point, I think it is time to consider that your current setup is broken.

Do you think Windows Security/Defender might be messing with it?



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When you try to add a script to an object, CK presents you with a list of all available applicable scripts to choose from.  (Plus the option to create a new script).  I.e. if you are trying to add a script to a Quest, CK will build a list of ALL  scripts that extend Quest.  Including applicable SkyUI scripts. Apparently it ran into some issue there.    But unless you specifically select a script from that list, it will not actually "access" it.

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1 hour ago, scorrp10 said:

But unless you specifically select a script from that list, it will not actually "access" it.

Yes, I know that. I selected "New Script" and followed PeterMartyr's insctructions, but it didn't work.

But why is the CK giving a SKI_Widget error when that script is in a bsa?


Some good news - I deleted the contents of SOURCE, not the entire Scripts directory, and copied in the Scripts from Scripts.rar, my backed up scripts and manually installed SKSE. Of course, I left all the DLC psc files in their own directories, as they have always been.

I can now compile scripts, but the Script Manager still will not open at all and the "Compile Papyrus Scripts" still takes 15 minutes or more to open. I might actually have to delete the CK and Scripts and re-install.

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SkyUI has its script sources distributed separately from the main mod. You need SkyUI_SDK in order to compile certain mod resources that depend on SkyUI. I am not sure why the author of SkyUI did this...

ATM, I am not finding a public source for the SDK package though.
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8 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

SkyUI has its script sources distributed separately from the main mod. You need SkyUI_SDK in order to compile certain mod resources that depend on SkyUI. I am not sure why the author of SkyUI did this...

ATM, I am not finding a public source for the SDK package though.

SkyUI SDK These are the LE files and the ones to be used for SE as well.


Why delete the PSC files in Data > Scripts > Source? 

So that it can be re-built with the most recent and up-to-date versions of the files from their respective sources.  Scripts.rar > SKSE > any needed DLC scripts > any needed mod scripts   You appear to have gotten past this already.  You have reported successful compilation of scripts now.

Why was it giving a warning about the SkyUI widget thing? 

The CK will load everything available to it when it is opened (loose files and any BSAs defined in the INI file). If it thinks there is an issue with something, a warning will appear.  Most everything that pops up can be ignored.  The concern might be when loading a plugin, but even then some things are done intentionally that the CK will throw a fit about.

I do not know why your Papyrus Script Manager does not load and your Compile Papyrus Scripts take a while.  I just know that I stopped using those a long time ago.  Once I set up Notepad++ and then SublimeText to compile scripts, I haven't looked back.  I enjoy being able to utilize multiple source folders rather than having to carefully mix everything into one single folder.  Not having experienced this particular issue and not knowing how to resolve it is why I have not posted in this thread until now.

As far as uninstalling the LE CK, if that is your wish:

  • Open Steam
  • In the Library at the top left there is a dropdown box, click it.
  • It should open to show Games, Software, and Tools.
  • LE CK is under Tools
  • Right click on the appropriate CK entry and hover over Manage.
  • The option to uninstall will appear among others

Alternatively, on the CK's library page is a gear icon on the right, click it, hover over Manage, uninstall is an option.

Do note that uninstalling the CK may remove all files in your Data > Scripts > Source folder.  The CK originally installed the source files directly (without the scripts.rar file) and thus an uninstall would remove them.  If the uninstaller was not updated with the switch to the scripts.rar file..., let's just say that making sure you have backups in places is a good thing.

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8 hours ago, IsharaMeradin said:

Why delete the PSC files in Data > Scripts > Source? 

Yeah, but I was not told to delete the psc files in SOURCE. I was told to move all the DLC psc files from their own directories IN to Source, which made things worse, and then told to delete the entire SCRIPTS directory, including 748 pex files. That was the main blocker.

Clearly, I'm not going to do that without backing everything up first. But as I have many mods from years ago and some are not on the Nexus anymore, it would take days to make sure I had everything I needed to keep.

In the end, I just backed up the obvious psc files from my own and third party mods and deleted the contents of SOURCE, as above, and then restored it. Something got messed up along the way somewhere but, as I say, I've never uninstalled or re-installed Skyrim or the CK since I got this machine in Feb 2012; although, I have upgraded the RAM, SSDs and video card.  New PC soon!


8 hours ago, IsharaMeradin said:

Once I set up Notepad++ and then SublimeText to compile scripts, I haven't looked back.

As far as uninstalling the LE CK, if that is your wish:

Do note that uninstalling the CK may remove all files in your Data > Scripts > Source folder.  The CK originally installed the source files directly (without the scripts.rar file) and thus an uninstall would remove them.

Thanks for those tips and information, I might do a complete uninstall of the CK, just to see if that fixes the Script Manager and Compiler problem. But I have a work around for that, as you do!

I can now compile scripts, but the Papyrus Script Manager will still not open at all and the "Compile Papyrus Scripts..." still takes more than 15 minutes to open. So I can use the CK for everything I need to do to complete my Alchemy mod, except compile scripts.

So I am using Skyrim Script Compiler Light from Nexus Mods for Skyrim LE.

The only problem is that this compiler does not seem to give any information of why something will not compile, EG if I made an error in the script. But taking 20 minutes every time just to get CK output is such a pain. Maybe the Full version will do this? Waiting for a reply from the author.

One of the scripts I mentioned was for a potion of Philter of Nightblade. It compiled nicely with Skyrim Script Compiler Light, and I was able to add the IngNameArray and IngValueArray information in the CK. It displays the message I wanted and gives the big BOOM level up sound when I learn the effects. And I DO learn the effects.

Maybe, one day, when I have completed my mod, I can convert it to SSE? But I want absolutely nothing whatever to do with the Creation Club or paid mods. Or "Collections". And I'd also like to first remove dependencies on the separate Unofficial Patches and use USLEP instead.

This is the script:

ScriptName _shb_HP_NightbladeSCRIPT  Extends ObjectReference

Ingredient[]  Property  IngNameArray            Auto
Int[]         Property  IngValueArray           Auto
Message       Property  _shb_RecipeNightblade   Auto
Actor         Property  PlayerRef               Auto
Sound         Property  ReadBook                Auto

Event OnRead()
             Debug.Notification("You learned the recipe!")
             Int iIndex = -1
             Int IngValue = -1
             iIndex = IngNameArray.length
     While   iIndex
             iIndex -= 1


And these are the results

Message _shb_RecipeNightblade On Reading the recipe




The actual recipe, _shb_HP_Recipe_Nightblade:




The Alchemy Table makes potions of Bull's Strength from these reagents and I don't know how to make it give specific names for multi-effect potions. I can do it with the Dwarven Grinder because that's just COBJ and perk requirements for different levels of the potions. We cannot change the name at the Alchemy Table like we can when Enchanting items.

But with the Jaxonz Renamer mod we can change the name of any item. The only trouble is that identical items will no longer stack once renamed.

My Alchemy perk tree has Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Expert and Master Alchemist as a complete branch with separate nodes up one side of the potion flask "constellation".

Then after Novice Alchemist it goes up the middle to Herbalist, then splits into Healer and Apothecary on the right, and Poisoner and Toxicologist on the left. Experimenter is a complete branch of it's own  up the left of the tree which requires Herbalist. I never liked having the same tree node having multiple levels and I prefer my own arrangement. Herbalists, Healers and Poisoners can access Green Thumb and Snakeblood from either branch, Healer or Poisoner. Or both! 

So this is with Master Alchemy, Herbalist, Healer and Apothecary, but no Fortify Alchemy items:

Philter of Nightblade



And this is with the Purity perk to remove negative effects:

Purified Philter of Nightblade


It's SO Bethesda that a Purified potion costs LESS than one that damages your own Magicka Resistance! Even though the Restore Magicka is higher due to the Purity Perk.

Thanks to everyone who tried to help. It was a little frustrating sometimes that some seemed to think I am so dumb that I never had any psc files in SOURCE, or installed them incorrectly, when they've all been there since February, 2012. And even that I had "imagined" that I'd ever compiled a script in the first place! But I got it to work in the end.

Sadly, the Script Manager will still not open at all and the Compile Papyrus Scripts... still takes more than 15 minutes to open. But I have another Compiler now!


Cheers!  🤗

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