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Compiling Scripts

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there is another thread in  this forum where a window update broke the creation kit, I think this has happen to you too,  it was an elevation issue, the fix was either removing the update or running the kit as admin.  In that post it broke the cell window, maybe it broke even more, all the guys with issues there were using windows 10 tooo, I myself use 11 and I have no problems

in that thread un- installing and re-installing had no effect, but removing the update did, if it rans correctly as Admin too, I would simply leave updated installed and run it as admin. 

POST NAME: Suddenly the object preview window in CK stopped working properly.



Hello. I'm sorry for the late reply. I haven't looked at the forum for a while.

Although I have almost identified the cause of this problem(in my development environment), I have not yet reached a complete solution.

I'm using Windows10Home64bit, and this problem is with Windows Update. There is a security update program KB5036892 among the updates released since April, and this is the cause of this problem.
The only solution is to uninstall KB5036892 and restart PC.

I'm currently using CK Ver.1.6.1130.0.

If there is a problem with CK, I think it is an existing problem that has surfaced. If the problem is with the update (indeed, there are problems in other areas as well), I can only hope that a better update will be released in due course.




Update, I seem to have fixed it for myself but not through installing or uninstalling any Windows updates. I installed Creation Kit Platform Extended for Skyrim for an unrelated reason (I already had the older SSE Creation Kit Fixes, but CK is still volatile as all hell and I got fed up after experiencing 4 crashes in quick succession dealing with Havok physics) and it actually fixed the flickering on my end.

So, for anyone on Windows 11, installing that might work for you as well.




Ok, update...   yesterday I ran Windows Update, (Win 10 64-bit)   and installed available updates 

KB5036979 - I think this one was in the 'optional'  category

And now in CK, my Preview window is working fine again.


Try running window update too like above.. in this order

  • run windows update with optional selected
  • run as admin
  • install fixes of some sort
  • uninstall the update (extreme last resort) btw I did not experience this issue, and no idea if the OP even stated the correct Updated number 🤔KB5036892 

Told ya the devil in the details...  as the story unfolds... OFC you can compile using third party, as I  previously stated, and others added too  just for validation, does your cell window work? cos you might have more CK issues than your aware of? 

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6 hours ago, PeterMartyr said:

there is another thread in  this forum where a window update broke the creation kit, I think this has happen to you too

Wow, thanks for all that. I tried moving out all the Source pcm files (except for those for my own mod) as there were over 10,,000 of them. Now the compiler opens in about 4 seconds instead of 20, but the Script Manager will still not open at all.

And my computer is not THAT slow, although it is a 2012 model. I'm getting a new one soon. 😄

I am using Windows 10 Education 64 bit, but only because the Neverwinter MMO would not let me log in with Win 7 Home 64 bit. It decided to downgrade the requirements to at least Losedoze 8.

I'll check out those updates and so on and see if it works. Why on Earth Micro$loth do this repeatedly is a mystery. I won't be getting Win 11 unless I can remove all the spyware, bloatware, malware and telemetry.



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6 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

If you click on "Failed", it will show why...

Yes, but what it says is utter rubbish. It cannot find things which are definitely there because my mods are working perfectly in-game.



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21 hours ago, xkkmEl said:

If you click on "Failed", it will show why...


15 hours ago, Shadeybladey said:

Yes, but what it says is utter rubbish. It cannot find things which are definitely there because my mods are working perfectly in-game.


post it let us be the judge...

On 5/29/2024 at 4:36 PM, PeterMartyr said:

POST the ERROR message.. no one like guessing 

We are still waiting.. you will not get a definitive reply until you posted that error message

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On 6/1/2024 at 8:57 AM, PeterMartyr said:

post it let us be the judge...

Thanks for the reply.

This is what it says for a HearthFires Script that Failed to compile:

Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "BYOH_QF_DialogueDragonBridgeS_00052B90"...
<unknown>(0,0): unable to locate script BYOH_QF_DialogueDragonBridgeS_00052B90
No output generated for BYOH_QF_DialogueDragonBridgeS_00052B90.psc, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on BYOH_QF_DialogueDragonBridgeS_00052B90.psc

But the psc file IS there. The Source file, BYOH_QF_DialogueDragonBridgeS_00052B90.psc, is in C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\scripts\Source\Hearthfire


But there are no compiled HearthFires pex scripts in:


This is interesting, as recently I always get the letter from the Jarl of Falkreath, but he does not acknowledge it when I go and see him. I have no idea why the Source files are there but no pex files. It does not seem to affect Dragonborn and Dawnguard. But those also have Source files in their own directories, but no pex files. Are they in the bsa files?

Note that Scripts.rar also has only psc Source files.




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Looking at my install of LE and the CK:

So it shows that script in question does not have source.    Now, looking into Data/Scripts, the pex file is not there either, but that pex is inside a .bsa.    However, looking inside of the Scripts.rar,  I can see that it indeed has a folder structure where HF-related scripts are under Hearthfire.    This  is for potential developer convenience, to know which files belong to what.    For CK to actually see the source, all. psc files need to be in Data/Scripts/Source.   So I extract Scripts.rar elsewhere, and copy stuff from scripts/source/hearthfire   into Data/scripts/source.    (which includes the script in question).   Restart CK, and now:

For me, it succeeds compiling just fine.     Now,  I have to say one thing - it is a VERY bad idea to recompile scripts that are not part of your mod.     If a given mod overloads a vanilla script and that script in in a .bsa, you are now placing a .pex file in data/scripts that will overwrite whatever other version was there.    Also, some mods have .psc files which have just function stubs - for example SkyUI.    If you recompile something like   SKI_ConfigBase.psc,  you will completely wreck your SkyUI.   



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