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Random immersion idea, re Walter's products, and his money, + player homes... or, not quite player homes....and down time.


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Specifically. NPC/Companion homes. 


Vlad has his home on Symerna or what not... and that is cool. But he is never there. Probably because he does not have a spaceship. Why? I mean, doesnt Walter MAKE SPACESHIPS? Surely he has procured a few ships for Constellation? Is he really going to let them just fly around in a ship which cannot make it out the system? Ok so the Frontier KIND OF can....but takes a whack to get very far in it... and talk about cramped, and barebones. Yet this mofo is hitching rides on it? But he makes Starships? Nah, I call BS. 


So I am visioning a mod.... with dual aims... firstly...to give Constellation their OWN Spaceports on key planets, even if only say Alpha Centauri, Mars, Cheyenne and say Porima. Maybe each with a custom voiced NPC technician, that has a bit more depth than the average vanilla one, who is technically a member of Constellation. At these, you can... BORROW, a ship. You would still be limited by skills and such, you could not sign out a C Class ship when you are only able to fly A Class ships, for example. Also, most the ships would be Stroud Eklund ships. Say each base has a mixture of 20 ships, 7 A, 7 B and 6 C, most of them, would be S-E ships, with just say, one or two in each class at MOST other makes or custom mix-n-match jobs. 


Pursuant to this... you could then find any Constellation member, so long as NOT assigned to YOUR ship... randomly out in the Starfield, or in the same city as you, or at some dedicated location.... like Vlad, at his home. 


Now, I hear you, Vlad has a home.... but do the rest? 


Well true. But that can be changed. That is the second part. 


it always irked me you do Andreja's personal quest, you rescue Jada, but you never DO end up having that conversation, or she and Jada do not... you go wreck a stooge cliche of a bad guy, Fearless Leader:Starfield Edition... but that is it!  WHAT A WASTE. What would NOT be a waste, is, if, even if off screen... Jada and Andreja make peace, kiss and make up, so to speak, and decide to take over their dead pals newly available home on Hyla II. Now Andreja has a home of her own. 


Barret mentions maybe selling his husbands apartment in Gagarin Landing.....well HIS apartment, now.....but he aint for 20 years.... but sweet Jesus, it ground my gears that he's just LEFT IT TO ROT for all that time! Of course, could be time he undoes that, has it renovated.... and moves in. Now he has a home, even if never really there. Might even find out what's at the bottom of that elevator!!!!!


So Sarah, Walter, Matteo and Noel do not have homes. But there's real estate galore for the taking in New Atlantis.... an upper middle class bureaucratic family originating, university educated, former military officer, now director of Constellation, like Ms Morgan, definitely has a nice apartment somewhere. Might not be in NA at all. She might have a place in Hopetown, she's a bit of Ron Hope fan, or her own place like the dream home perk, but much nicer, on a much sexier planet, who knows... but she definitely has to, for sure. Noel is a MAST'er who came over to Constellation after working at upper level management in the UC, so she deffo has  nice penthouse IN New Atlantis.... but likely a room at the resort on Porima too. Walter likely has a house just like the lodge, on its own platform ,with its own hanging gardens, somewhere near Neon, on Volii, AND a NA Penthouse, and beautiful retreat just like Vlads on some tropical paradise planet, maybe more like Di Franco's place. 


So they SHOULD have them... in game. 


Matteo is more like Sam... at least that is my gut... like.. he is some wealthy behind the scenes UC nobility faceless-man's trust fund preppie kid, who went in to theology over doing an MBA. Sam does not have his own place, because he has the Coe family home, and his old man makes it cleat THAT IT IS HIS HOME... and I think Matteo is the same. Somewhere on the other side of the planet to New Atlantis, there is a compound, on a lake, with its own landing pads, beautiful manicured gardens, greenhouses full of exotic alien botany, huge mansion in the middle, where Mateo Katri Sr, the guy who owns 70% of GalBank and 90% of Chuncks, as well controlling shares in Deimos, SSNN and Molly's shop in Akila....awaits with both love and loathing for his disappointment of a son to come home for a while as he is want to do. Just like Jacob does Sam. 


And, if they had ships... and were NOT part of thy crew.... they COULD... they could show up randomly, at different locales, like your Parents....or as random encounters upon the blackest sea.... but they would always be at The Lodge if they had a mission for you.... but if not.... they could be at those places... OR... if you could not find them at the Lodge, or at any places they seemed to rotate between outside of it.... you could check their homes.... homes they could easily get to, now that Constellation has more than one decrepit ship!!!!!!


Of course... you're the Captain... their dearest friend and colleague taking point on the great mystery of the Artifacts and Temples....of course they'd always have a room for YOU too, at those places... you'd have your own key even... 


.....I mean it would certainly save Walter Noel and Matteo, even Vlad to some extent, sitting around literally DOING NOTHING for MOST OF THE GAME. 


Make the whole thing feel more realistic, and tie off some badly ended BS storylines too. 


Anyway, just planting seeds, like with my follower suggestions. 

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On 7/1/2024 at 10:55 PM, HeyYou said:

Not only that, but the Frontier is made by Nova Galactic, Constellation doesn't have a Stroud-Eklund ship. 😄





We are supposed to believe they have ONE ship? 


But obviously they DO NOT have just ONE ship... on the quest that introduces you to Andreja, she somehow got to that mine... and more, she tells you she has her own way home and will meet you at The lodge. Whilst you guys are plumbing the depths of that mine, Matteo is away, said to have gone out in to the Starfield to follow up a few leads... and we have no reason not accept that as truth... and somehow, he gets back when you do... but not with you. Also, somehow Vlad has made it down from The Eye, to The Lodge.... maybe with Andreja... maybe with Matteo... but maybe on his own.... 


....so we have to assume that Constellation, or the members, at least, have access to more spaceships than just the outdated old jalopy that is the Frontier. 


Yet, we NEVER see them. EVER. 


I mean, it makes sense... especially since... like... their... what... treasurer and financier is what.... idk... owner and CEO of the SHIP BUILDER OF THE YEAR multiple years in a row. 



So where THE F ARE THEY? 


Just TERRRIBLE story telling and lack of imagination on BGS' part, to overlook those holes in immersion. 



Yeah they game can only be so big, sure... fine.... but you mean to tell me, we need to have long winded mission that takes us to another planet in another sovereign domain, about a mutha effing VIBRATING TREE.... more than we neeed that code spent on plugging this idiotic lazy gap in storytelling and immersion? LIKE F we do. 


I do not know if anyone would bother, or even COULD make a mod like this... but it IS absolutely needed if you ask me. 

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I'm not following your reasoning.  You're essentially saying "I can't visit another country because I don't own an airplane."

Andreja was catching a ride with one of her smuggler or snake contacts.  Matteo bought a ticket to wherever he had to go.  I'll give you the transit from the Lodge to the Eye; maybe they have a small orbital shuttle.

Walter can't just give them ships.  You think the CEO of Boeing can just say "give a jet to my little hobby club"?  Corporations don't work like that.  Walter probably has a corporate ship for his personal use, but that belongs to Stroud-Eklund, not him.

Space ships in this game are massively ill thought out.  First, they are way too cheap.  Second, you don't have to pay every time you land for the ship to be serviced.  Once you buy a ship there is zero overhead.  You don't even have to pay fees to occupy a landing pad.

Walter is funding Constellation out of his own pocket.  Not Stroud-Eklund, Walter.  Sure, he's rich, but most of that wealth is tied up is S-E stock, property and other investments.  Constellation comes out of his liquid funds, which is a small fraction of his net worth.

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21 hours ago, aurreth said:

I'm not following your reasoning.  You're essentially saying "I can't visit another country because I don't own an airplane."

Andreja was catching a ride with one of her smuggler or snake contacts.  Matteo bought a ticket to wherever he had to go.  I'll give you the transit from the Lodge to the Eye; maybe they have a small orbital shuttle.

Walter can't just give them ships.  You think the CEO of Boeing can just say "give a jet to my little hobby club"?  Corporations don't work like that.  Walter probably has a corporate ship for his personal use, but that belongs to Stroud-Eklund, not him.

Space ships in this game are massively ill thought out.  First, they are way too cheap.  Second, you don't have to pay every time you land for the ship to be serviced.  Once you buy a ship there is zero overhead.  You don't even have to pay fees to occupy a landing pad.

Walter is funding Constellation out of his own pocket.  Not Stroud-Eklund, Walter.  Sure, he's rich, but most of that wealth is tied up is S-E stock, property and other investments.  Constellation comes out of his liquid funds, which is a small fraction of his net worth.


Mate, Walter takes a PUNT, a HAIL MARY punt... on an absolute NO ONE who has JUST joined Constellation, to take over a design the next SE Starship, and he DOES THIS even when you are on a brand NEW game and HAVE ZERO STARSHIP DESIGN OR ENGINEERING EXPERIENCE. 


Then? No matter WHAT... he GIVES you THAT SHIP, or one of. 


The CEO of Boeing, does not OWN Boeing, but back when William Boeing was the OWNER, he could, and DID, give anyone anything he wanted. When Walter meets with Isa Eklund, you overhear him talking about how he is always imagining how she might be scheming to entrap him and wrest control of his company from him. HE is the top dog, and whilst there MAY be shareholders, though there seems to be NO stock market in either the FC OR UC... so all investors are private contract personal investors.... HE is the one who ultimately calls the shots. Yes there is a board, and he does fight with them... and yet, he wins. No one stops him sending a nobody from Constellation, to take over control of the companies next major ship project, and they do not step in to tell him they or HE need to set the parameters for the project, rather than letting someone go in and work with them to see what they come up with, and might try sell the execs on. 


Where are you getting your facts? 


Where do you get Metteo took a commercial flight? We meet a few civilian transports, but we see NO commercial space travel companies. So he put in a request at mission board? Because that is how commercial space travel seems to be done, and only that way. There is NO SF equivalent of Emirates, QANTAS or United Airlines. OK, since you stated it as FACT, prove it? I see NO evidence of that. More, I see it as highly dubious Matteo would involve a third party outsider with anything to do with thee artifacts. Additionally, this is time sensitive, he knows that, he comments that he was too slow.... you cannot rely on privateer charter in that scenario, so, sorry, unless you have EXPRESS evidence, I just think it most assuredly improbable that Matteo put in a job request on a mission board to charter a spaceflight, for some privateer captains to take a week to bother accepting. You just sprout your theory like they are FACTS, and sorry, they just ARE NOT. 


So again, what is more likely? To me, and I would say many people who take time to think about it... it is MORE LIKELY that Matteo USED A SHIP he flew HIMSELF, rather than chartered a third party private operator to take him. 


This is JUST as true with Andreja!


What Snakes? The Va'Ruun have withdrawn from contact with the other factions. Only Zealots left... you are claiming that Zealots ferried her to a mine, where she just happened to kill two other Zealots... because Zealots have repeatedly tried to KILL HER.... but those first Zealots... were... a friendly exception... and what, took her home to New Atlantis again, no problems? Do you really think Andreja would let Zealots ANYWHERE NEAR an Artifact? So smugglers? OK, who? Andreja has not been involved in smuggling for a while. She is new to Constellation, but been there long enough to question fitting in, and talk to Sarah about how she does not feel like she is liked by the other members.... no one does that after a week. Again, I ask you, too, would Andreja even want to let those kinds of people ANYWHERE NEAR an Artifact? NO and NO to both groups. 

Again, where is your proof? 


Once more, NO, it is FAR MORE LIKELY that Andreja had her OWN mode of transport. A ship she used on her mission. Again, it was time sensitive, and something I doubt Constellation would involve third parties in AT ALL, especially Smugglers or Zealots. 


The final nail in the coffin for your position, is even if you say that Andreja and Matteo fly around the galaxy by the grace of others, and Vlad just... turns in to a cloud of space gas and floats back from The Eye... Cora Coe CLEARLY, IRREFUTABLY, states that HER DAD, definitely DOES have a SHIP... because yours is WAY bigger than his. 


A Ship we NEVER SEE. 


Sorry, but I stand by everything I said in my OP and I think the game makes it evident I am right to.... this is a failure in storytelling on BGS part, and a mod as I have outlined in my OG post, would be something amazing that fixes it. 


Edited by Apis4
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