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Neck Seams (FNV)


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Recently tried to install few mods for gameplay and two, changing female body model + few armour and faces for every NPC (New Vegas Character Expansions). After testing, found that every female NPC has prominent neck seams. Didn't notice those before adding face changer (maybe I'm blind). Thought, that this mod might be a problem and uninstalled it, but seams still on places. Tested game without mods and still they are present. 

Is this problem exist in a base game or did I break something? 

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Do you have a picture of the problem?

If I remember right, you can see the occasional subtle neck seam in an unmodded game.  But it's been a while since I've looked for them.

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I think TYPE4 advertising that their body replacer dealt with this seam from ground up.

I am unsure if other T3, or T6 dealt with this one as aggressive as T4.

I do remember, however, that after one (and only) extensive session with Type4 that run 100 hours, I return to T3 and thought "man, this neck seams sheeeesh just doesnt worth my troubles"

You can use T4 if your taste run that way (thin body form, modesty etc...) But if your taste doesnt run that way,  neck seams just dont worth your troubles to change to that

Edited by laclongquan
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