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Why the Palworld situation should matter to us


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Nintendo's behavior borders on fanaticism and one can speak of copyright abuse and tyranny, but above all corporate autocracy.

What is clear is that:
Nintendo is struggling with an obsolete idea of commerce.
Its attitude implies that it has no new IP but wants to milk and profiteer on fossils. Listen to me!
The time of all these boomer fascists is up.
Copyright does not mean arrogance and oppression, it is a right and not a weapon to bully and protect the profits of larger companies.
If it had happened in Europe, Nintendo would have been investigated a long time ago, as happened to Intel with the Blizzard acquisition.
I guarantee you that very soon copyright will be updated to adapt to new technologies such as 3D printing and homemade production and art that cannot be banned in some sort of 1984 dystopia just for a company that makes f*#@ing pokemon;
that feels like it owns the world.
One day, you will understand that copyright is just a tool of multinationals and corporations to be able to live on their laurels, without producing and giving anything to the world;
but to perpetuate greed for greed's sake.
Abandon fanaticism, defending false flags that do not belong to you, because in the end we are always the ones who get screwed.
These acts of terrorism and oppression towards free people are only proof that the enemies of the free world have now been flushed out, along the road to their failure they desperately try to pick up the misfits and maladjusted to feed the delusions in which they are trapped and condemned to die. When the suffering is over a new world will be born and it will be beautiful because only our world is capable of improving itself again and again as a mod of Nexus, because what unites us is us, who are perfect and are destined to dominate the earth and soon also plastic and pollution.
Don't try to understand the world around you through Netflix series and virtual worlds that only represent fantasies that do not correspond to the free and progressive world that we will build and deliver to others, act with love, use the only right weapon ... Love and ask yourself if what you do is moved by the latter or by failed hatred.
Then yes, we will all win with love!
With the love you have in producing mods or in anything that you are capable of sharing.


Copyright is not an ideology, it is not a weapon;
it is a democratic right, reasoning with a capitalist mentality and look at your interests and profits without being exploited for free.

Thank you

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Nintendo for me is over-glorified artifical legend. Yes, as they introduced Famicom/NES, they managed to bring a fresh air to a world of mostly arcade conversions, bringing new type of games in Super Mario Bross, The Legend of Zelda and Metroid. But that time is long gone. Maybe that's why they're clinging to these so much and they're "defending" them to the point of absurdity. Because now they can't offer more than iterations of these, over and over.

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OP, you know you're full of crap, right?

Copyright exists to allow creative people to profit from their work without having to worry that others will steal that work and attempt to also profit from said work.  That corporations choose to aggressively protect and defend their copyright is to be expected, and even cheered.  Instead of bashing businesses whose success is based in their intellectual property, you should be railing against the thieves; big and small, who think any published work is theirs to use as they see fit, regardless of copyright.

Yet here you are, denigrating the victims of intellectual property theft while ignoring the thieves.  You should really see an optometrist, as your vision is horribly skewed in the wrong direction. 

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13 minutes ago, JimboUK said:

Without copyright laws none of these games would exist, no sane person would invest millions into creating something that a third party could take and sell. 

Without copyright laws, a whole host of media forms wouldn't exist. Books, published music, movies, likely even a bunch of television shows......

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3 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

Without copyright laws, a whole host of media forms wouldn't exist. Books, published music, movies, likely even a bunch of television shows......

And without patents we wouldn't have anything to watch movies on or listen to music with, we wouldn't even have computers to be able to post on here. 

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1 minute ago, JimboUK said:

And without patents we wouldn't have anything to watch movies on or listen to music with, we wouldn't even have computers to be able to post on here. 

It is all a plot from those evil corporations to prevent us from living full lives outside our homes. We are addicted to the various media they have created, and patented, and copyrighted, to keep us in our place. 😄


Ok, Tin-Foil hat is coming off now. 😄

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9 minutes ago, HeyYou said:

It is all a plot from those evil corporations to prevent us from living full lives outside our homes. We are addicted to the various media they have created, and patented, and copyrighted, to keep us in our place. 😄


Ok, Tin-Foil hat is coming off now. 😄

We can't even enjoy prolonged agonising deaths because of their patented pharmaceuticals and patented medical equipment making us well again, capitalism is truly evil.  

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honestly you don't even realize what you're saying, but I want to respond to prevent this hate and misinformation campaign from spreading.
I don't know how Nintendo could be a victim in the Palworld situation, as it is clearly a multinational that is persecuting what could be a family-run business.
Copyright is in no way fighting piracy and literally now companies don't care, just look at how they created gamepasses whose games are almost all cracked.
Therefore they invest and how despite piracy because unfortunately you live in an illusion where there are good and bad guys.
But Pokemon Scarlet was undoubtedly a fraudulent product designed to make some easy money.
So without patents and copyrights we wouldn't be here talking?
In truth IBM tried to sink Apple and the personal computer also using the copyright tool...
it was exclusively thanks to Steve Jobs who implemented the surplus policy on a global level if now everyone can have their own PC.
I add that this luxury will not last long, since there are people who live in the land of fairy tales.
I really do not know how you can talk with so many insults based on pure misinformation and hatred.
If it is as you say...
Then why does Nintendo sue by exploiting its dominant position in the market in order to destroy the lives of developers, instead of dealing with the famous pirates who crack games undisturbed?

Maybe because they do not care about pirated games?

They are more interested in exploiting a dominant position in the market to earn without producing games.

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I conclude by saying that your observations are inappropriate and as expected transcend fanaticism and discrimination for which I must necessarily be an outcast, unfortunately,

I believe that at this point no further evidence is needed to support them, I fear that you are the only fanatics who live in terror of illusions far removed from those that are reality.

  • I am saying that copyright is only useful for abusing it and making unfair competition,
  • you speak of piracy that proliferates undisturbed (20% of copies are purchased 80% are pirated)

do you realize that the facts alone contradict your fanatical delusions?

You understand that the facts are not to be seen according to personal interpretations, it is evident that copyright is all useless

if we do not delay the release for all of "steambot willie" & block the growth of the video game sector by preventing new companies from entering it.

scientific patents are one thing, the patent on pokeballs is ridiculous because it has no scientific basis and cannot be owned because it does not exist. IT DOES NOT EXIST.

Instead, currently if you have the money, anything is possible.

Tell me, is copyright fighting custom pokemon cards? Apparently, you can now have cards that are identical to the originals.

Your precious collections... of sheets

It seems to me that your God Nintendo doesn't give a damn, he only cares that you buy,

the rest... Your rights...
It depends on how much extra money he can make.

Edited by IlComico
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