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(Mod Alternative) Is there an alternative mod to Pretty Face?


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To be honest only the male version of pretty face didn't look very good. It looked out of context. I don't mind women with extensive skincare, but viking men? Ahm... No. I'm looking for face textures only, because I already have another mod that changes the designs of vanilla NPCs. Is there a mod out there that focuses on beauty, can replace Pretty Face and look different?

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I never heard of Pretty Face before this post. Most people use HiPoly Face and supporting mods for that. I'm pretty sure it's an off-site link, but you can just look up any RaceMenu preset you like for the required mods on it, and those usually have a link to what you'd need to download (including not only HiPoly face but recommendations for hair, makeup, etc.).

On related note, have you installed The New Gentleman for your male characters? I use that, and I'm pretty sure that mod page will also have links to other mods that use that for male characters

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