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n00b questions, cannot get mod activated


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Hello, I know nothing of modding except that I download stuff, put the files somewhere and the game should "see" that and be modded.


I am using GOG Skyrim SE on linux, and I'm downloading stuff like Apoc magic, ordinator, world map, etc and it looks like none of it is active. 

After I download these mods manually and extract them into the data folder, is there anything else I need to do to "activate" them?  I am not using a mod manager.



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Y'know, I'm not even sure they still have one in the GOG version.  I believe you need to go into the Creations menu after starting a game and then go into the "load order" option, but I'm not sure that works for non-Bethesda mods.

It's way easier to just use a mod manager.

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On 10/18/2024 at 10:27 PM, SirCadsimar said:

Do mod managers even work in Linux?  Is the next important question..

Mod Organizer 2 does.  I've described my own experience here.  Though that was in the first few months of 2024; MO2 and the install script I used have both been updated since then. 

EDIT: Plus that installer is for Steam versions of games; I imagine with GOG versions, you'd have to install MO2 manually in the same Wine prefix you're using for the actual game.

There's also a Vortex for Linux thread in the Vortex Support forum here.  (Though I haven't used Vortex myself.)


Edited by AaronOfMpls
added Steam vs GOG note; corrected time; typo
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On 10/19/2024 at 8:23 PM, blaczero said:

even when starting the game with skse64_loader.exe i am not getting any mods. What else do i need to do to enable mods?

I haven't really done this without a mod manager myself.  But it is possible.

I think the game launcher (not SKSE's) used to have a menu option (like the Data Files option in LE's launcher) that would show which .esm's/.esp's/.esl's it could see in your Data folder.  But that was removed some time ago.

Instead SE now has Creations in the main menu. 



In there, you can hit Load Order at the bottom, to see which .esm's/.esp's/.esl's it sees in your Data folder.



In there, you can enable/disable and reorder your .esm/.esp/.esl plugins. 



(...Which can also be done by editing your plugins.txt file.)


EDIT: Disregard this; seems this menu isn't available in the GOG version.

Edited by AaronOfMpls
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Elaborating a bit further, you can install MO2 in the same Wine prefix as the game. 

Though if MO2 complains about Steam, you might need to grab MO2 2.4.4 instead, and the SSE GOG plugin, both under MO2's "old files" on its download page.

(Definitely read the description page too, though.  MO2 likes you to have an unmodded Data folder, since it keeps mods in its own folder system outside the game.)

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