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Your favorite fictional creature.


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Elf, orc, dragon, centaur, fairy, mermaid, vampire, werewolf, etc.

It doesn't matter what it is or where it's from. As long as it's from fiction, feel free to post it and explain why. However, it must follow community guidelines.

I like elves, but I'm more of a fan of the ones that are more human-looking. They're mostly beautiful, wise, and powerful.


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Hmm, I'm going to have to think about this one a while.  I've long had a thing for orcs myself, but there are plenty of others I like too, from griffins to dragons to lizardfolk like Argonians.

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Zombies.For me, its Zombies 😄 Always loved the genre - as a teenager, I liked the TWD comics a lot (the series not so much, although it has the best looking zombies ever made in a production). Also, George A. Romeros movies and my favorite Zombie splatter of all time would be Peter Jacksons "Braindead".

My favorite RPG characters (species) are elves for the same reason that Redheadangel already mentioned and because of their long lifespan. Orcs are a close second (they look the best ^^ and are fierce and loyal)

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I have a few faves but dragons are to the forefront be they four legged ones or wyverns; not all dragons fly but I like them all.

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  • 3 months later...

I would say, "An honest, nice person", 

but I am sure you mean 'in-games"....

( my answer is based on the thread title )

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13 minutes ago, MalachiDelacot said:

I would say, "An honest, nice person", 

but I am sure you mean 'in-games"....

( my answer is based on the thread title )

I see what you did there.

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