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@JimboUK @laclongquan @Pellape and everyone else reading this.
I finally decided to completely finish the mod before releasing it, but just so you know, the mod doesn't stop at Hopeville and the Divide it extends to Primm as well! 😃 
So, it might take a bit more time because I want this mod to be perfect...
Thanks You

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Dont try to be too perfect~ That adjective just not fit with modding scene.

If it works, barely, it is enough to release... as long as you dont fear pages of bug reports in comments thread.

I mean, there's people going around to critize mods simply because it dont have VA, that's how they are itching to criticize anything, for any reason. If you release a perfect mod, do you think they would stop? Nah, VA here it comes.

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