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Vortex is Downloading Mods to Skyrim VR instead of SE(Don't have VR installed)

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I've been modding for the last few weeks and everything was doing fine when all the sudden Vortex created a new folder "Skyrimvr" and moved the downloaded files in there. I don't own VR so why the sudden switch? I'm playing on a downgraded version of Skyrim SE (1.5.97) and the last mod I downloaded successfully was BnP Skin, I tried downloading High Poly Hair when I noticed I didn't get the option to install them like usual, finding them in a newly created folder "Skyrimvr".

I tried going to settings and changed the downloads folder to Skyrimse but no luck. Any help would be appreciated. I can move the .zip files into the SE folder manually however I'm not sure what kind of consequences that could bring. I'm very close to finishing my mod list and I REALLY don't want something like this to break my build.

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I've had this happen to me after I got the latest update for Vortex. I usually avoid updating because in the past issues have come up when I do. Seem I should have waited a bit longer. You could just download manually and never use the Download with Mod Manager. Just drag the zip file into Vortex itself, not the folder. Then you'll be able to install it. However it still moves the mod to the Skyrimvr folder for some reason.

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Having this happen as well and started noticing it around the same time ago as your initial post. For now I've been manually correcting it by going to 'Downloads' and then double-clicking each mod and adding SSE as a game for that mod and then removing Skyrim: VR, but a PITA to do for each download. 

I could swear I've had this happen before, long ago, and figured out a permanent solution, but it's eluding me now. 

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Hi guys,

Just spent a good 60 minutes trying to reproduce this while managing SSE and VR alongside each other, switching between them, installing mods, intentionally changing the target gamemode for the downloads, etc. Each operation was reversible and at no point were the mods assigned the wrong primary gamemode. The only thing that could potentially cause something like this would be if the VR extension gets loaded before SSE but that's impossible as they're loaded alphabetically.

Can you try to set all the downloads to SSE and then disable the bundled Skyrim VR extension in the extensions page and let me know if the downloads are still set to skyrimvr.

Edit: My assumption is that you're all using Vortex 1.13.3 - if you're not, please update.

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Hi Nagev, thanks for taking the time to look into it.

I can confirm disabling the `Game: Skyrim VR` extension in the extension manager (and relaunching Vortex) fixed the issue with downloads defaulting to Skyrim VR. New downloads are back to defaulting to SSE as the managed game now. 

My memory may be a bit fuzzy so take it with a grain of salt, but I seem to recall having some kind of extension update through Vortex just prior to noticing this issue (a week or so ago now). I wonder if that's what caused this.

I don't play Skyrim VR much so this isn't a troublesome solution for me. 


Thanks again for your time and input!

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I don't know how this even happened to me since i don't own skyrim vr or have the extension enabled...

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