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Access spell script from an ability given to a reference alias

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In my script that is attached to reference aliases I wish to refer to the instance of a spell script from an ability that has been given to the ref alias.

I can make that spell script a property of my refalias script thus:

dz_outfits_ability_effect_script Property	ability_effect	Auto

but I will have to set that for each refalias defined in the CK (that has the script attached) and some of those aliases will already have been filled in a save.

I want to call a function in the spell script so:


Since the script is attached to the spell and not to the refalias this will not work (I assume):

myRefabilityScript = myRefAlias As dz_outfits_ability_effect_scrip

is there a better way than the above mentioned?



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If you have a quest that handles background stuff and runs for the entire duration of your mod (which may be the entirety of the game), placing the function on a script attached to the quest will allow both the spell's effect and the ability's effect to remotely access the same function.  It is easier to go from a specific level (a spell) to a broader level (a quest) than the other way around.

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I think I may have been unclear, I wish to access a function that is already in the ability spell script from a script that is attached to a lot of refaliases, this is in an existing mod so I don't want to rewrite from scratch, I am trying to add an edit to the refalias script such that when an event occurs an existing function in the spell script runs.



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Thoughts:   ModEvents

In the ability script (which extends ActiveMagicEffect) call RegisterForModEvent(eventName, "ModEventHandler")   
Then you make a function: Event  ModEventHandler(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender) which calls whatever it is you want.

In the script attached to RefAlias:   SendModEvent(eventName,  strArg, numArg) 

I assume you want a unique pairing, where an event from a specific RefAlias invokes the function only in the ability targeting same entity as the alias.

In the ability script:

String MyModEventName

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
	MyModEventName = "OutfitEvent_" + akTarget.GetFormID() as string
	RegisterForModEvent(MyModEventName, "OutfitEventHandler")

Event OnLoad()
	; from what I heard, one needs to re-register for those on a game load
	RegisterForModEvent(MyModEventName, "OutfitEventHandler") 

Event OutfitEventHandler(string eventName, string strArg, float numArg, Form sender)
	dz_dress_outfit() ; well, you will somehow need to find a way to pass the parameters. You get one string and one float, hopefully thats enough

In the ReferenceAlias script

; when wanting to invoke the function
SendModEvent("OutfitEvent_" + GetReference().GetformID() as string, strArg, numArg)


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