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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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I'll add my two cents of constructive criticism, but the all black look really makes the site look "soulless"

The whole collection tab should be moved somewhere else as it's far better not having to scroll too much to look for what new mods came out

Edited by vaval02
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new ui filter being off to the side is trash compared to how it was on the top. looks like poorly designed mobile webpage now. Then certain games have the old UI still, so its not even consistent.
Only way theyll make a change to this is if people cancel premium. Which ill be doing until its fixed

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I'm not going to lie, the new design looks really bad, it's so simple compared to the old version that it looks like it was made in but someone just learning web design. It's just a bunch of boxes separated by a line with a blank black background. The old website wasn't amazing, but at least it was unique. It looks so boring now.

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I've never posted on the forums until today. The redesign has made the site slower, uglier, and worst of all, harder to use.

All the new fancy effects burn processing time for no reason (it's a file distribution website, does it really need all these bells and whistles?). Scrolling the front page of a game slows down my browser, seriously.
The theming feels a lot more generic and bland now, having everything monochrome with only the occasional splash of color is boring (and arguably, makes the site harder to use).
Search now being a modal that blurs the rest of the site and takes up your whole screen makes it less of a "quick search".
And so on.

I don't see what was wrong with the old design to constitute such radical changes.

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Please bring back the old trending sort function. This was functionally different than endorsement/downloads/unique downloads sorts as it looked at rate of interest by the community within a time-division rather than total interest all time.

The current trending and popular mods sections and tabs are either functionally broken or mislabeled. Currently, trending can only show total endorsements all time filtered by mod release time frame, and popular is the same thing substituting in total downloads all time. The way these should work is sort based on total endorsements/downloads filtered by time frame, filtered by mod release time frame. This does a better job a showing where the current interest in the community is at a given time.

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I know others have probably explained things better and in depth, so I'll be brief. 

This new layout/UI/whatever is absolutely dog water. It's missing features and functions that the old one had. We also learned that people hate mobile looking stuff and that's why everyone was in an uproar with windows 8 all those years back.

Speaking of mobile, I frequently browse mods on my phone to later open and then download on my PC. One of the problems is with this new mobile look is that it doesn't do what the old one did and that is displaying the entire name of a mod. It just cuts off with ....

The old one displayed the full name and I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up yet with viewing on mobile.


Please give us back the old layout or at the very least make this new stuff look like the old stuff and give us back the missing features and functions of the old stuff. The stuff that was kept doesn't even work correctly as others have mentioned, so that would need to be fixed too. What isn't broken doesn't need to get fixed.

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I think the first rollout was mostly fine. I thought the contrasting colors change in the recent activity tab made it easier to read. However I did not like the new search pop-up window, it obscures too much of the website preventing you from using the site without closing down the pop-up.

The second rollout hit me today, radically changing the landing page for each game. It feels more compact and so far I'm finding it confusing and harder to find and discover mods. This, along with first rollout has resulted in more clicks/key presses being needed to navigate the site. The black background behind the mod tiles is probably a big issue for readability - mod tiles don't "pop out" any longer. It was previously lighter or used a varied image as a background which I think made the contrast more clear and visible.


Overall, I think the site UI update made the website look more modern, more sleek. However, it reduced usability. Right now I would prefer to have the old design back.

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