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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Give us an option to revert back to the old site. I'd be perfectly happy sticking with that one till the day I die. For now though I'm gonna avoid using this site for a while. Wish you all the best and have fun scrolling and scrolling and scrolling.

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Joined on 15 Jan 2014, but somehow I have "joined recently"?!

Oh boi what happend to the mod page? Where is my DOWNLOADED/UPDATED sign on a mod to quick search for updates on my used mods. There is a little arrow now, like woooow - groundbraking new design.. Like who the f thinks this is better then before? WHY would you make it less user friendly? Utterly underwhelming design. I could choose to test the beta design, please add an option to going back to the previous design. THANK YOU!

Edited by 0ktai
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I get wanting to modernize a site, but this update is a mess. So much wasted space, filters feel broken and less useful than before. Important information is buried under unnecessary clutter. The old layout wasn’t perfect, but at least it was efficient. Now, basic tasks take more clicks, and everything feels sluggish. Instead of improving usability, this redesign has made things more frustrating. Please listen to user feedback and refine the layout. Or better yet, just rollback. The old version worked far better than whatever this is.

Functionality should come first, not aesthetics.

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Such a shame, creating a new layout and not even implementing dynamic scaling .  image.thumb.png.e56947ea8a21bb7bb5245a9292c79a4f.png the amount of space that is not used because its fixed is just amazing,.  4 more collumns could have been in there.  

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The new UI is frustrating to use,

Just like how Microsoft abandoned a functional and very usable UI of Windows 7 in favor of a more "stylish" and frustrating to use UI in Windows 11.


Nexus mods is unusable to me now because of the UI.

Edited by brodyy
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1 hour ago, FriendlyFirePL said:

Hey so I came here just to ask one question: where the heck did "tracked content updates" tab went? What should I click on now to get the functionality to look at new comments across all my mods at a glance? Personally I don't really care that much about how the site looks, but I'm flabbergasted to notice one of the key functionalities missing from the page.

If anyone could point me in the right direction, it'd be much appreciated. Greetings

It was intentionally removed and they 'hope to bring it back somewhere else' (paraphrased). In the meantime I've set my notifications to ping me when someone comments on one of my mods.

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8 hours ago, LordRegal said:

First time ever on this forum. I have always, without exception, gone to nexusmods via a bookmark. I go to check on new mods and then hop right out after. I personally was not aware a redesign was there in opt in status and was caught blindsided as a result. Partially on me I suppose for not being engaged in the community, but even so, poorly communicated to the broader, less engaged with site changes users.

My screen on the mods page, until I scroll down, is almost entirely blank space. I have the top five hot mods and half of the new collections suggestion, and the rest is blank (possibly ads being blocked?) Compared to yesterday, when I could see the entire top two rows of the newest mods (what I go to check).

Needing to scroll just to see the newest 16 mods, arranged in a 4x4 grid and refusing to use half of my monitor width, is abysmal design. Needing to click on "show more" and then scroll past those same 16 mods to see something new (rendering page 1 mostly useless) and also still refusing to use a quarter of my monitor width...also abysmal design.

From one staff comment, 40% of people use mobile to browse, which explains this mobile layout.  The push to mobile friendly stuff is a constant frustration - but on a site that is only to look at and not to DO anything with unless you're on a PC, to not focus first and foremost on the desktop experience is...insane to me.

40% of mobile devices to be exact - they're repating it like a mantra. Problem is that if picture posted by @chwony on page 85 (on my computer) is genuine, the result is even worse. Two noodles over almost entire display with almost no information in it... are they serious? As I'm trying in futility to point out (third time I think) that a smartphone isn't the only one type of mobile device around and if results even on it (as seemingly targeted one) are that bad, I'm questioning the quality of their dataset or ability to analyse the data properly. It seems that they only saw what they wanted to see.

All work presented in this UI area so far reeks of amateurism - in preparation, execution and handling of consequences. All team, including the ones responsible for comunity,  completely shutted down and they're doing nothing more than boucing off every negative response and feedback (no matter how valid) as "non-constructive" and just sulking in a corner. Like bunch of kids, really. 

All of it resembles our quite famous local saying "He opened a pub, but people actually went there! (Otevřel si hospodu, ale chodili mu tam lidi! - in Czech)"

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This new UI has broken so many things. I don't usually comment, i find what mods i want download them and use em. But god damn this is horrible. The option to list mods by small tiles, big tiles, or a list is completely broken by the new UI and the only place where that option appears is in profile settings. So theres that, The whole list 20, 40, 60, 80 mods thing is also whack as again and I'm parroting a whole lot of people but there is so much wasted space and heck if they wanted to have a proper update to looking though mods, they should just remove it all together and do dynamic mod loading. you can fit 4 more whole mods into the bottom of the page with the filters hidden. This wasn't an issue with the old UI. If this was just to bring the rest of the site in line with the UI that the collections page had congrats you did it and somehow made it worse. The games tab is just the epitome of wasted space tiny pictures and the name beside them somehow takes up no space and all the space plus even with all that new space you can only favorite 24 games even though there is so much more space you can fill. 

Why constrain the page to the middle 3rd of the screen, theres not even banners to flank each side. I looked at the scores you aggregated and when you have 60+ million users and can only get a fraction of a fraction of the userbase to respond to the changes via "pop-up's" there's a massive issue. Oh the "surprise" button does not even generate a new batch of mods when you click off of it then back on to it... so what's its use? 

This feels poorly thought out and rushed out while using data from a fraction of a fraction of the userbase. 

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