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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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When clicking on updated mods in your notifications it goes to the Files tab instead of the Description tab of the mod page. I feel this discourages the reading of the mod description. Not all updates are just download and copy over the old version. Please revert it to go back to the main mod page, the Description tab.

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17 minutes ago, Appellations said:

Hi! So my silence won't be taken as approval, I'm being forced to post! Lovely.

I find the UI update to be unappealing. Aesthetically it feels too "mobile" for my tastes, but I also can't accept how much space a singular mod now takes on the page. Very style over subtance.

This bit is purely personal, but I recall it being mentioned that collections being shoehorned onto the mods page was supposed to be a positive thing? I felt fairly ambivelent about collections prior to this. Now that I'm seeing the same two thrown in my face as a PRIORITY above NEW RELEASES I absolutely abhor them. Congrats?

Also, will there be a publically available poll that site users can vote on? I say publically, since that last HotJar poll (that totally happened) flew so far under the radar there isn't a single person in this thread or on reddit that even knew it existed. If, by the staff's own admission, that's only a small sample size of the userbase, why not host a larger poll? Include it in an upcoming newspost for the site. Increasing the sample size can only benefit development, no? If feedback is as overwhelmingly positive as is being reported, there's no reason not to.

Pretty much my exact sentiment about all of this, just a bit blunter than I've said it.  Frankly, with how silent they've been to everyone but the bad faith actors, I wish I'd've started like this as well.  Been feeling obligated to keep an eye on this thread so that my silence isn't taken as a good sign by the team, so...chiming in to say yep, still unhappy!

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9 hours ago, mfPixel said:

That text size is incredibly small and not easy to read/accessible for visually impaired people. Increasing the text size to something legible makes it harder to handle all the meta-data while maintaining a balanced hierarchy. If you're used to this view, it'll seem easy to read, but for newer users, its a lot of info to take in. FWIW we're exploring further options for more compact/simpler tile views and we'll continue to tweak this layout. This is a great example of some UI that is seemingly simple but tricky to nail within the existing constraints. Thanks for the feedback though!

The  "copy-paste from mod.io UI" is a LAGGY, BLURRY MESS when scrolling, it has barely any information,  it's HARD TO READ, it's HORRENDOUS, it's an absolute nightmare.

This isn't a "new" UI, it's just a template that was ported over, slapped some new colors and called it a day. How does a "New UI" have more limits than an "old UI", unless YOU MESS UP?

Do you even have any clue about what WE want to see, HOW we want to see it, or did you just go with your personal preference? I think it's the second... no... I'm absolutely sure it's the second.

This UI is: 💩 🤮

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-Games not color coded anymore in bookmarks or on the website. (sad, this was useful)
-Ugly Millennial Grey EVERYWHERE
-does require 4+ clicks on average to accompany the same thing before the change that was a 1 click
-MODS on a modding website is not the first thing automatic selected while searching
-fewer mods per "line"
-less overall information about mods given
-size info missing
-Required mod's drop-down on mod page missing
-Automatically "selected 7 days range" WHY?


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I have to give it to you, Nexusmods, you did the impossible: you made me learn the bare minimum of CSS so I could understand and modify LummoxJR's custom style sheet. So, after actually using the site—both "vanilla" and using custom CSS—in an attempt to get used to the new UI, I have some further, more refined opinions.

Some points might overlap or repeat from from my first post, so in no particular order:

The site overall is way too dark, making it really hard to distinguish relevant information unless it's daylight or I have all the lights turned on. I'm not saying continued usage of NM will increase my power bill, but it is a possibility I have spotted.

Mod browser page navigation being relegated to the bottom of the page is annoying, and I can think of no reason there should not be one at the top as well if you know the mods on a certain page are of no interest to you.

The general lack of colour kills my will to live to use the site to find new, interesting mods.

I am aware it has been said a lot of times already, but the tiles take up way too much space vertically, it's not even funny.

I find myself leaning forward a lot as well, trying to read the text on the mod tiles while browsing. The gray-text-on-gray-background, which worked before, is not as nice when everything is grey scale as well.

The colour scheme on the mod page was easier to read before it was darkened to what we have now, now I can't read the pages properly any more, which might impair my ability to, you know, mod my games. It's kind of why I'm here.

Minor gripes, these do not matter as much to me as the above, please don't take these too seriously:


The tiles aren't a even number when the filter tab is collapsed, which irks me a bit.

(Might be a bug?) File size as displayed on the tiles are shown as '0B' when under 1kB, giving off the impression the mod might not have any files attached. Maybe add a '<1kB' if you can't display anything smaller than that?

Dear *Deity of unspecified religious denomination*, the amount of wasted space makes me wonder if the UI designers got a bonus depending on how much of the pages they could leave empty. Yes, the old UI also had large empty margins, I'm not denying that, but those weren't made up of an empty, black void that wants to eat my soul.

If the tag for adult content can have a red colour on it, can't the author name and mod category have them back as well? I know I'm repeating this, but the lack of colours really rubs me the wrong way after heavily using this site for some six-seven years.

This was a thing, but less of a problem, too in the old UI, but the way the page navigation is glued to the leftmost tile looks weird when the filter tab is visible. A more centred position would look a lot better, I think.

The darkening of the mod pages messed up a lot old text formatting, rendering them a lot harder to read, again reducing the chance I might read the whole page and receiving relevant information.

I much prefer the old style of date on the mod tiles, with uploaded first, then updated. More relevant to me. Also, an option to display 'updated' as a date instead of 'X hours/days/months/years ago' would be awesome.

After using the mod browser more, I find myself preferring the old drop down style for the filters instead of a side bar. But as i rarely use it anyway it matters not that much.

The new style for the search is currently not to my taste, but similar to the filters I rarely use it unless I know exactly what I want, rare as that is. I'll get used to that in time, with the promised improvements that is, I guess.


It's clear to me you (the UI/UX team) have put a lot of work into the rework, "mixed" reception or not. While I am (still) less than a fan right now, I do hope that, with improvements and listening to feedback NM might get back to how it was before, in terms of usability at least. I personally would not dismiss all the responses consisting of "don' like it!" outright, a general dislike without reason mustn't always be a knee-jerk response to anything new, it can stem from inexperience or a lack of ability to express your feelings about things; take me f.ex., to compile this trainwreck of a post it took me the better part of two days of just taking my time to really get a feel and opinion of how the site looks and feels. Not everyone are experienced UI/UX designers with the ability to express exactly what's wrong (not that I expect that's what you think). I just think there is a need for it to be said.

Again, I have to congratulate NM for forcing me to learn CSS, I had (sort of) sworn never to dive into the swamp that is HTML/CSS after I learned I have about a negative chance of ever getting good at designing anything more complicated than a .txt file. In Swedish there is a saying, "inget ont som inte för någonting gott med sig" (roughly "nothing bad that doesn't bring something good"), and it's true in this case. Good job! 🤪👍

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