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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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My feedback on the new design:

Please provide different color icons for different games as in the old design. Color coding really helps to affirm which game and which game's mods you are looking at.

The "Update available" tag on mod thumbnails is now skinny black text on a white tag, and it is much harder to notice than the old colored tag with thicker text font.

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15 hours ago, Qrsr said:

I wish you add the option to let mod authors merge their mods, i have alot of mods i would rather combine to reduce clutter.

This is an excellent idea, to add to the new mix of the website. I see for example a lot of 'compatibility patch for' at like 10-15 modpages by same author.. wondering is that guy doing this to get attention? Forces a click page 2 to see what new mods came out. Definitely add this idea and reward Authors for merging mods which are.. 'the same' thing, and make common sense to be clustered into a mega mod page, instead of all the micro ones. I'll opt in to support the new website and try to help shape it with beta feedback for the overall experience. 

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Mainly reiterating what others have said.

Narrow pages are less useful and more difficult to read.

Collections are irrelevant to me and should not be placed higher that the actual, you know, mods. The reason folks use the site? those mods.

Additionally, the pages themselves are less responsive in my browser.  Swing and a miss in every respect here.

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I disabled ublock, not sure what prompts the feedback survey, maybe more use of beta it will show later the survey.


So for me, the thing that I want most under the Mod List Page, Sorting by 'Endorsements', is to instead make it dynamic but not complicated (complicated is adding month and year, and date...) So make it so we can filter mods to sort based on Endorsements earned in the past month OR year, but in X, where X is a number we input. So I can have the highest endorsed mods sorted up to down, from X amount of the past year(s) or past month(s). 


So for example, TTW 3.3 when it released...? So we search 'TTW' for mod name, then input 3, and year(s). Then I can see what mods have been endorsed the most for TTW 3.3 , filtering out the broken ones, saving me 'more time' from having to click each, get excited over it's 10,000 endorsements to find out its broken based on reading 1-2 comment pages etc. That's an example. Setting it to a flat past year endorsements option isn't good because I might find out my results end up nil, so then I have to crank it up to past 2 years etc. Or if a major update comes to a mod breaking 'all mods', or update to Fallout Vegas from Bethesda due to their remakes... then I resort to most endorsements in the past X months instead, to find mods that are getting endorsed with the latest fallout base game.


I have to rely heavily on 'most recently updated' currently, to attempt to weed out broken and dormant mods. 'Endorsements' search as a game 'ages' with aging mods, loses its value in some ways. 


A great example of a mod that is OLD, but is 'worth the aged endorsements' is Alstewies Tweaks for Fallout New Vegas. The author is still active on that mod, and absolutely deserves its thousands of endorsements. So with any algorithm, would keep that as a prime meat for quality. Another is MCM, and 4gb patcher, maybe less active, but worth the thousands of endorsements. 

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23 minutes ago, haerik said:

Mainly reiterating what others have said.

Narrow pages are less useful and more difficult to read.

Collections are irrelevant to me and should not be placed higher that the actual, you know, mods. The reason folks use the site? those mods.

Additionally, the pages themselves are less responsive in my browser.  Swing and a miss in every respect here.



So it happens a lot with translation language mods. I personally would love if it was just 1 mod page, then the download section lists the various esps  for various mods. And the mod page shows a nice ctrl-f search of all the listed translated languages for what mods. I feel this bogs down search pages. 


I'm talking about mods that an author could theoretically combine together as 1 mod, or supply a modpage to list various esps instead of listing. each. esp. as. a. modpage. which. pushes. other. unique. mods. 'that are newly added'. to. page. 2. 


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Following up on my comment about the title font on the mod pages being terrible, I have some alternative suggestions from a quick browse of Google Fonts. All of them are condensed or have a bit taller aspect:

Athiti: Highly readable sans-serif, with a little bit of personality.

Antic: A humanist sans-serif that isn't quite as wide as Inter.

Open Sans Condensed: (I'm not sure why it disappeared from Google Fonts, but it's free for commercial use.) This one has a slimmer profile that's more in line with what Bebas Neue brought to the table, without being all-caps.

PT Sans Narrow: Condensed humanist font with a high midline. Not my favorite, but it is distinctive.

Encode Sans Condensed: Another condensed humanist font with a high midline. It has a lot of similarities to PT Sans.

Fira Sans Condensed: The midline on this one is more pleasing IMO, but it still has a nice tight presentation.

Saira Condensed: This one has a slight sci-fi feel, but only slight. I think it maintains some of the visual interest that Bebas Neue had.

Any one of these would be a better font for the titles on mod pages than Inter.

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More feedback ... after trying out for a couple of hours ...

  1. The "Popular Collection" is what i dislike the most. I want to get rid of them.
    • BLOCKING the author does not let me remove the damn collection box of certain MAs
    • Please get rid of that it makes me feel super distant to all the changes and what you have in mind
    • Please add "More mods on top of collections" i give a damn about collections as a modder. It doesnt interest me at all and i dont want to see it
  2. Every time i go to the main page i see a super enlarged image and endless waste of space ... omg just why ... scrolling and scrolling it is disturbing
  3. Also, the new scrolling is super laggy. Why? It feels like it tries to auto size in the back. Good lord is it laggy ...
  4. To circumvent the scrolling add folders/tabs which people can use to select, mods, collections, media, etc. see the image below
  5. I love the dark design and how the predominant color of the images float into space thats very nice tbh
  6. The new mod page layout looks perfect, everything size of boxes, fonts, great



I must add, you already added folders to your page, ... see here:


Games, Mods, Collections, Media, Community, Support, ...

Please do this for the sub-pages as well. Thats the way to go.

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Why should we say our opinion? You're forcing the new "update" on us anyways and by that worthening te experience. Just like you did years ago when switching from the "old, classic" interface to this one.

So but the first bad thing that jumped into my eyes when openeing the new interface was the "Populare Collections" thing. Get rid of that. Put it on the bottom of the page if you really insist of havening that on your mod page.

I like this design



MUCH MUCH better than this design



Please don't change that.

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Please, please, please, PLEASE do not make the beta design mandatory. I can not stand it, especially the home page. It looks awful. Please just put a button in that lets you switch between the old and the new. Please.

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16 hours ago, Faarok said:


But, can you please bring back the "Downloaded" / "Update available" label on mod images ? I don't understand why you make them disapear.

THIS is soo true. Very important feature that you need to keep, if you really must change the design. Btw, "looks" doesn't matter, "functionallity" matters, if anybody thinks it's time to change to a more "modern" design.

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