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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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I have zero complaints about this new theme and UI look. I don't mind the more simplistic looks of what the classic theme offers, but this is right up a lot of people's alley. It's still simple but offers a cool "nexus" type look with the blurry multi-colored background; the new font is nice (I think it's new, I can't tell now, it's been 10 minutes with the new theme), the colors chosen for the download page are immaculate as well, that nice darker midnight blue.

I might just be having a moment but I genuinely enjoy new UI updates to websites or apps I frequently use, especially when they have a fresh, clean feel to it and utilize the entire screen!


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Looks and feels better then the old design. But the mod search really must have something to exclude Whole games.  there's couple of major games dominating the site ( nothing wrong with that ) finding something new and cool for something unique ends up being tedious because you have to go through "less known" games one by one.

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1 hour ago, Lollia said:

I want to voice an opinion about the "Popular Collections" section. Right now it's huge and sandwiched between Trending Mods and More Mods. 

Your love of Collections has never been in doubt, Nexus, but without the individual mods that go into them, they amount to very pretty looking but mostly empty gift boxes.

Warning: Long suppressed thoughts contained within:


  Reveal hidden contents

Speaking from my own experience, communication between Collections authors and the mod authors whose creations they utilize is essentially nonexistent. Unless you get curious as to why your comments section has become a ghost town but your download count has increased and look into it yourself, you may never learn that your work was even valued enough to be included in one.

Take it a step further--and off site--and you might learn that the Collections authors have found things that needed fixing. Were they ever going to inform the original author?

This isn't some conflict between thousands of mods, but something pertaining only to an individual one. Is it a matter of taste, or a difference in upbringing or perhaps culture? Or is it something that's actually broken? Because if it's the latter, the original mod authors deserve to hear about it. But we receive nothing.

Not the courtesy of knowing our work is being included, not a notification of a possible bug, NOTHING. And now you slam that gigantic "Popular Collections" section in a place that cannot be missed, a place that is normally allotted to individual mods that already struggle for visibility thanks to bulk uploaders. It is, quite frankly, salt to the wound.

Collections are FAR from invisible. Every thread with an apprehensive new mod seeker is immediately filled with recommendations to use Collections. They have their own section of the site. Please leave them there.


Agreed on everything that you said about collections, and more.

I don't get why they are popular, or why Nexus promotes them so heavily.  There must be some benefit to Nexus for doing so.  To me, they are very much akin to the old shovelware disks where transitory companies used to scrape the Internet for free content (in those days it would have been Doom and Duke Nukem mods, and freeware or shareware games) and throw them together on a CD (or even a set of floppy disks) and charge a few $ for them.

To me, there is no finesse abut them.  They are often massive bucket-loads of mods which may not actually conflict, but often don't compliment each other very well, or simply contain too much to suit most people.  Certainly, it would be a very rare situation where I would want all of the mods in a collection, and I don't really understand why anyone would choose to install one wholesale.  And that's on top of all the valid points you raise about the connections and feedback to original mod authors.

If some people like them, then more power to them.  But to have "Popular Collections" (I wonder how popular?) dominating so much screen real-estate in the new layout is a definite negative point for me.

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6 hours ago, Iluviel said:

Thanks for the feedback, this has been fixed.

Thank you, I would also like to share some changes that I think could be made to make things look nicer but are just nitpicks on my end XD

I think the buttons could be set to have a color change when hovering over them, especially if they are gonna be this color on all pages image.png.8fb55b4e4eabd97d0a9a1dd811476e28.png I think a lightening or turning an orange when hovered over would be a nice contrasting color. The orange color I am referencing is the one on the "Submit Reply" button for the forums.image.png.75b2c9271bb0af3be7ea4a08f021a632.png I think it would provide enough of a contrast. Really any sort of change to the buttons would help to make sure that we know that they are being highlighted and is a chance to be able to show off a bit more pizzazz with the new look. 


Reminder, these are nitpicks of my own, mostly going off of what I learned in school when it came to website design. Thank you for coming to my TED talk

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Bug (probably known): Trending Mods do not have the "Downloaded" or "Update available" badge
Seems to added, thank you very much 🙂

Please waste less space, especially vertical space!

Suggested tweaks:

  • Pet Peeve since the old design: Why a close button in the NavBar for the "Game Button"? The Nexus Icon does the same thing
    Also longer game names get cut off, even if there is space in the NavBar -> Remove the close button and make the name button wider.
  • Let users hide main page sections like "Popular Collections" or "Media"
  • Wider Main page for wider screens 
    • Growing "Trending Mods" cards might get to big vertically?
      Maybe show 3 mods on the first line on wider screens?
  • Remove the horizontal line in "Trending Mods"
  • Remove header with "Game Name" + "Mods 103.6k | Collections 5.1k | Media 234.3k" header, counts are nice but why not move them to the nav bar?
    • Especially applies to browsing mods where it just shows "Game Name" and "Browse the internet's best mods". WASTED SPACE!!!!111
    • For Collections it cannot just be removed, it has information, links and the Vortex requirement box
  • Highlight mod cards that have updates (the "Update available" badge is easily missable) 
    • Idea: change background of card and message

Some tweaks I did for myself with custom CSS:

  • Wider game name, no close button
  • Remove Breadcrumbs for Main Page
  • Removed Game Name and Stats header
  • Removed the horizontal line in "Trending Mods"


  • Highlight cards when Update is available
    • works on mods filter as well




Custom CSS (apply using a plugin like Stylus):
Might apply on other pages, targeting certain elements is annoyoing since tailwind is used.

/*--- Navbar - Game Name: remove close button, double max width ---*/
body header div.items-center > div:nth-of-type(1) > a:nth-of-type(1) {
    border-radius: .25rem;
    max-width: 16rem;
body header div.items-center > div:nth-of-type(1) > a:nth-of-type(2) {
    display: none;

/*--- Navbar: remove collections dropdown ---*/
body header div.items-center > div:nth-of-type(2) > div:nth-of-type(3) {
    display: none;

/*--- Main page: remove breadcrumbs and reduntant header (name, amount of mods etc.) ---*/
body div#mainContent > div.relative > div.relative > div.border-stroke-weak {
    display: none;

/*--- Main page: ALT to just remove reduntant header (name, amount of mods etc.) ---*/
body div#mainContent section[aria-labelledby="game-header"] {
/*     display: none; */

/*--- Main page: remove line in "Trending Mods" ---*/
section[aria-labelledby="trending-mods-header"] > div > hr {
    display: none;

/*--- Main page: remove "Popular Collections" ---*/
body div#mainContent section[aria-labelledby="popular-collections-header"] {
    display: none;

/* Mod Grid/Cards: make Update available stand out */
div.absolute.left-3.top-3.z-10.rounded.bg-neutral-50:has(span.text-neutral-inverted) {
    background-color: #5dc4f9;
div.\@container\/mod-tile:has(span.text-neutral-inverted) {
    background-color: #0b2e40;




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If "modern" means "wastes a lot of space" then I suppose it is "modern".
Then again, what do I know. I hate the new Windows settings app replacing the good old control panel. Having both would have been preferable.

I will stay on the old version as long as possible, and would like the classic layout to remain as an option for people that prefer that.

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A few things. 

1.) On the main "welcome to nexus page" the alignment of the top menu bar is centered perfectly.  When going to the individual games, however, they align to fill the width of the screen.  For those with wide-screens, it's a lot more tiring on the eyes as you have to turn your head a bit too much.  Nitpicking but I prefer the centered alignment. 

2.) Agree with the title of games being on the page as wasted space..  It's already in the top menu, having it show up again as a header is redundant. 

3.) Can't stand the new search screen.  I like the use of the search, but, It's more intuitive, when you're on a specific mod page and want to see at a glance the mods as they populate the drop-down search field.  You can basically compare mods or rather, multitask by seeing the search results while staying on the same mod's page.  

4.)Have no issues with having the Hot files be renamed as 'trending'. That's fine, personal choice as it doesn't affect anything.

5.) I also would love to have the option to customize the sections.  The collections is okay, except the most popular collections will Always be the same ones, as they are, well, popular. So, you will pretty much always be showing the same two static pictures. I would put collections as one of the menu buttons, but not as a dedicated section.   However, If we could customize how our layout would be or which sections we want to hide or not, that would be a step in the right direction. 

Can't think of anything else at the moment, but regardless, looking forward to the progress.  

Happy modding,


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