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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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Not sure I love the new layout. I know, new things are hard to get used to. But it looks more like a wireframe waiting on approval than an actual layout. No colors, nothing really dividing sections, the arial font is boring. It looks like something made from a stock wordpress template and whoever built it forgot to load in background images and adjust all the options. I know it should make the whole experience easier to navigate, but it just looks like a sketchy site now with no thought to design or visual appearance.


Its not a joy to look at this new home page.

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5 hours ago, BleakBlack said:

Some tweaks I did for myself with custom CSS:


  Reveal hidden contents
  • Wider game name, no close button
  • Remove Breadcrumbs for Main Page
  • Removed Game Name and Stats header
  • Removed the horizontal line in "Trending Mods"


  • Highlight cards when Update is available
    • works on mods filter as well



Could you please post your custom CSS here? That close button is so pointlessly annoying. Other tweaks look nice too.

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I can at least post my own CSS tweaks I've just worked up in a stylesheet.

/* Big header below breadcrumbs (since we can't shrink it enough, just nuke it) */
#mainContent nav:first-child + div {display: none;}

/* Get rid of egregious vertical padding */
.pt-4, .pt-6, .py-4, .py-6 {padding-top: 0.5rem;}
.pb-4, .pb-6, .py-4, .py-6 {padding-bottom: 0.5rem;}
.pb-6 {padding-bottom: 0.5rem;}

/* Get rid of egregious spacers */
.space-y-6 > :not([hidden]) ~ :not([hidden]) {margin-top: 0.5rem; margin-bottom: 0.5rem;;}

.group\/mod-tile {
    /* Don't enforce tile min-height */
    &.min-h-\[28rem\] {min-height: unset;}

    /* Radically reduce egregious padding */
    & > :nth-child(2) {padding-top: 0.2rem; padding-bottom: 0.2rem;}
    .py-2 {padding-top: 0.2rem; padding-bottom: 0.2rem;}
    /* Mod title font was too big */
    .typography-body-xl {font-size: 1rem;}
    /* Smaller text for author/category/times */
    .typography-body-sm {font-size: 0.7rem;}
    /* 5 lines of description, not 4 */
    .line-clamp-4 {-webkit-line-clamp: 5;}
    /* 1.5 line-height wasted space */
    .typography-body-md {line-height: 1.35;}
    /* Bottom box with endorsements/downloads/size */
    .min-h-8 {min-height: 1.5rem;}

.mods-grid {
    row-gap: 1rem;

/* Too much space between mods-grid and pagination */
.xs\:mb-10 {margin-bottom: 1.5rem;}

/* Title on mod page */
#featured h1 {
    font-family: 'Saira Condensed', sans-serif;
    margin-bottom: 0.5rem;

/* Gradient on mod page covers too much of the header image */
#featured #feature .gradient {height: 100px;}


In making this stylesheet I noticed there's a real problem with the way CSS is being used. Those classes like pt-4, pb-6, etc. are basically little better than inline styles. Most of the elements on the page aren't given functional class names, but instead have classes that define styles on them. Styles like this are hard to maintain and hard to override for readability. The mod list page needs more functional classes like these:


Classes whose only purpose is to specify a specific amount of padding and such are fundamentally at odds with how CSS is supposed to be written. I know this kind of thing has infected a lot of sites, but I think we can do better here.

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Seems like something bled through back to the classic version. Clicking any of the MORE MODS or MEDIA tabs seems to open an entire Nexus.com/GAME/Mods or Media page with the correct filters but the Collections Header / Nexus Info Footer, Unable to 'View More', and the Top bar menus stop working.

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On 2/5/2025 at 8:07 AM, Battlestar1965 said:

I like this design


MUCH MUCH better than this design


Please don't change that.

Ah, yes, the infamous browsing disease of 2020s - detached light as clouds on a sunny day tabs, the worst the UI-designers could come up with in terms of inusability. Pretty please, return actual tabs with color-coding for our convenience.

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It would be nice if somewhere on the profile one could specify which categories to exclude permanently, such as, for instance "Translations" which clutter both the mod searching interface and the "This mod is required by".

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12 hours ago, iklutz said:

I love the new look and the search filter page. I'm experiencing a lot of lag while scrolling? Is this a known thing? Will it get better?

Thanks for the feedback.

Yes, this is a known bug and we'll fix it before we close the beta.

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