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Mod Browsing Overhaul Discussion


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1 hour ago, tpunk23 said:

Ah so looked at those and yeah what everyone said would happen is happening. These "new threads" are heavily moderated propaganda prop pieces. Basically the "stop telling us you hate it and tell us what we want to hear. Or we will delete your comment" threads. I stand by my last post ages ago. This is a waste of time and the ego is astounding. What these threads don't cover. Is when people hate ALL OF IT.

Not really. We just wanted to better organize feedback so we could collate the more constructive comments instead of them getting lost in this thread among the less polite/unproductive ones. We may add more threads should we feel there is reason to do so. Prioritising the bits of feedback that are more useful to help us improve things and still manage to be civil doesn't seem like a waste of time to me. Do not worry, your comment will still be here if it is not moved.

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  • Community Manager
20 minutes ago, HadToRegister said:

Hopefully all my suggestions for bringing back the Old Quick Search are included in that (Currently) empty thread.

People need to understand, When I use CAPS, I'm NOT yelling, it's for EMPHASIS, instead of going through the PAIN of Making those words ITALICIZED.

Unfortunately, moving things across is a manual process, one that will likely carry into next week, and as you can see, there are a few pages to get through here. Older posts are getting moved first, so it will take a while to get to the latest ones. There is currently a populated user-created thread supporting a revert, so that's where similar feedback will go from here. No comments are going to be deleted unless they are needlessly rude to staff or other users.

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18 minutes ago, Happybara said:

Unfortunately, moving things across is a manual process, one that will likely carry into next week,

Give me rights and can do that in a couple of hours alone. Honestly like everywhere on all sides, there is so much incompetence involved, in the simplest things. There are people who complain and have more than just 1 or 10 posts. Then there is something going on. Take care of those people.

Then there are those 1 to 10 post people popping out of nowhere late, when s#*! is smelling, and yelling all over the place that all nexusmods does is not good.

Its like a total mess right now right here.

Order the s#*! , think about the s#*! , restructure the s#*! and make it better. How hard can it be`?

By the time people telling me about ideas about a mod im doing it. Thats the difference.

Its just a simple drag and drop of some message into a new thread, its super simple.

Most of the messages are purest spam, of the sites is not good bla bla. Some very valueable feedback needs furhter order.

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  • Community Manager
On 3/26/2025 at 12:54 PM, HadToRegister said:

Discord just updated, and now you can change color themes with a click.
After the update, it picked a darker theme, and I was wondering WHY discord looked harsher then it did before the update.

The problem was, is that it automatically defaulted to a DARKER Theme, with white text, and quickly became a problem.
I went into the Appearance Setting, and THANKFULLY I just REVERTED the Theme color to the lighter gray, that it was set at BEFORE the update.

It was nice being able to pick which version of the UI works for me, and gives my eyes relief. 

You've made 61 replies in this thread @HadToRegister and offered some fantastic feedback. Thanks for taking the time to do this, all of your posts have been read.

To be clear, this update is not a 'stake in the ground - things will never change from here' update. It's worth bearing in mind that a large part of these recent changes are under the bonnet (or hood, depending on your location), our fundamental underlying tech has been improved vastly. This will enable us to develop more easily, use reusable components, react better to user input and expand on usability options. Previously, this was never possible, we were shackled somewhat by technical debt that had accumulated and made any change difficult and time-consuming, and often plagued by small bugs.

Some time over the next few days, probably Monday realistically, we will put a news article out detailing what we are doing with all of this feedback. Your feedback has all been read and has all been discussed, and a bunch of actions have come out of it. Towards the end of the month, we also put out our monthly roundup. In this, we will be breaking down specific actions coming out of this update and much of it is driven by your feedback.

As a power user, we know that changes have been made to fundamental parts of the website that have become a key part of your productivity flow for multiple years. It has never been our intention to make life more difficult for you, and there's a fine balance between improvement and continuity. Almost daily, we are treading new ground in terms of the scale of the site, and this means constantly evolving challenges, making continuity difficult.

My request to you is to bear with us while these changes roll out. Please continue to offer your valuable feedback, particularly once you see the monthly update and the planned work contained there. It might not seem like it sometimes, but we are absolutely on your side and want to build a usability experience that works for you, other experienced users and new users alike.

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2 minutes ago, FalloutModsDownload1 said:

I only got one complaint and it's that I liked the ability to sort by date range, e.g. 01/01/2022 -> 05/03/2023, from what I can tell the new UI only lets me search by dates up to 1 year old at max or infinite with no sorting.
Otherwise cool w/ me.

You can absolutely sort by date for more than one year. Just tested this back over 4 years using the date range filter.

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21 minutes ago, Demorphic said:

You've made 61 replies in this thread @HadToRegister and offered some fantastic feedback. Thanks for taking the time to do this, all of your posts have been read.

To be clear, this update is not a 'stake in the ground - things will never change from here' update. It's worth bearing in mind that a large part of these recent changes are under the bonnet (or hood, depending on your location), our fundamental underlying tech has been improved vastly. This will enable us to develop more easily, use reusable components, react better to user input and expand on usability options. Previously, this was never possible, we were shackled somewhat by technical debt that had accumulated and made any change difficult and time-consuming, and often plagued by small bugs.

Some time over the next few days, probably Monday realistically, we will put a news article out detailing what we are doing with all of this feedback. Your feedback has all been read and has all been discussed, and a bunch of actions have come out of it. Towards the end of the month, we also put out our monthly roundup. In this, we will be breaking down specific actions coming out of this update and much of it is driven by your feedback.

As a power user, we know that changes have been made to fundamental parts of the website that have become a key part of your productivity flow for multiple years. It has never been our intention to make life more difficult for you, and there's a fine balance between improvement and continuity. Almost daily, we are treading new ground in terms of the scale of the site, and this means constantly evolving challenges, making continuity difficult.

My request to you is to bear with us while these changes roll out. Please continue to offer your valuable feedback, particularly once you see the monthly update and the planned work contained there. It might not seem like it sometimes, but we are absolutely on your side and want to build a usability experience that works for you, other experienced users and new users alike.

Thank you for that insight. I really hope there will be the option to toggle the colors pallet at some point like a light/dark mode for example which I suggested a few pages ago. I would hate to see all this effort being for nothing. We all want this site to be great.

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The only thing I didnt like in the new UI is the font used in page titles. I prefer the old font. 

The rest is fine. The UI is more or less tailored for GenZ and TikTok users, which is what the modding community have been asking for in the last five years, with its focus in 15-minutes lol mods and little tweaks.

For me it is not a problem, since I only use the site to download resources. But it would be cool if you could give us a choice to choose the font. 

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45 minutes ago, Demorphic said:

You've made 61 replies in this thread @HadToRegister and offered some fantastic feedback. Thanks for taking the time to do this, all of your posts have been read.

To be clear, this update is not a 'stake in the ground - things will never change from here' update. It's worth bearing in mind that a large part of these recent changes are under the bonnet (or hood, depending on your location), our fundamental underlying tech has been improved vastly. This will enable us to develop more easily, use reusable components, react better to user input and expand on usability options. Previously, this was never possible, we were shackled somewhat by technical debt that had accumulated and made any change difficult and time-consuming, and often plagued by small bugs.

Some time over the next few days, probably Monday realistically, we will put a news article out detailing what we are doing with all of this feedback. Your feedback has all been read and has all been discussed, and a bunch of actions have come out of it. Towards the end of the month, we also put out our monthly roundup. In this, we will be breaking down specific actions coming out of this update and much of it is driven by your feedback.

As a power user, we know that changes have been made to fundamental parts of the website that have become a key part of your productivity flow for multiple years. It has never been our intention to make life more difficult for you, and there's a fine balance between improvement and continuity. Almost daily, we are treading new ground in terms of the scale of the site, and this means constantly evolving challenges, making continuity difficult.

My request to you is to bear with us while these changes roll out. Please continue to offer your valuable feedback, particularly once you see the monthly update and the planned work contained there. It might not seem like it sometimes, but we are absolutely on your side and want to build a usability experience that works for you, other experienced users and new users alike.

Oh, I am sure 'things will change', and you folks will make minor improvements, and likely add some features that folks want.... What I DO NOT expect to see, is a way to use the old layout, which was for more useful for folks on PC, showed more information, and, most importantly, MORE MODS, than the current design. Browsing mods at this point is a CHORE, not the the semi-enjoyable experience it used to be.

Given the new 'power' of the underlying infrastructure, forcing everyone regardless of what platform they happen to using, to suffer from the same interface, really doesn't go over well. I understand the desire NOT to support two different interfaces, but, the one for PC is ALREADY developed..... is quite obviously FAR preferred by your user base, and would be less effort to transfer to the new system, than building something from scratch, would it not??

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The new search is great. I used it a couple times now and i will never look back. Its much better to find specific mods. Though i would love to have the permission state per mod as filter. Like i want to search if the mod has open or not permission to share or something. If this is planned please let me know 🙂 

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