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Mod Browsing Overhaul Open Beta


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25 minutes ago, boyoyolo said:

General Feedback
link doesn't work. Anyway I just was list view to back added back

If it doesn't work, it's caused by your browser addons or privacy settings. Some adblockers will prevent HotJar from working leading to that page not loading. 

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9 minutes ago, Pickysaurus said:

If it doesn't work, it's caused by your browser addons or privacy settings. Some adblockers will prevent HotJar from working leading to that page not loading. 

Without any extensions Hotjar says "There's nothing here". If (nebulous) privacy settings are preventing feedback, please use a better survey provider. Even Google works with basic privacy settings enabled.

Edit: it works now, must've just been down

Edited by boyoyolo
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I have a suggestion to make for the new UI.

There should be another search bar right above the filters for ease of access to search.

There's a logical reason behind it, when I'm looking at the filters my eyes are focused on the left side of the screen, when I want to search for something my eyes start wandering upwards because that is naturally where a seach bar should be. I understand that there's a "search parameters" under the filters, but I think there should be another overall search bar at the top of the filters that doesn't require users to be so specific, especially for non-power users like myself. While we do have the good ol' search bar up top right of the screen, but its "too far" from the filters.

Screenshot 2025-02-05 223704.png

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Just a quick feedback:  The "downloaded" or "update available" tags are missing on the mods list images.

Also I prefer the old version, but I even prefered the version before that, it's all subjective of course 🙂  I guess I'm too conservative.

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You guys broke the "bugs" tab. With the beta enabled, I cannot add new replies to bugs. I had to switch back to the classic, it worked there.

Steps to repeat:

1) Open "bugs" tab of a mod, open an active bug

2) Click on any bug to see messages, click on "reply"

3) A text edit popup is shown. Write something (a response), then click "sumbit"

Expected result: a new message is added, the pop-up is closed

Actual result: nothing happens, the new message is not added, the pop up stays

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The mods filter was replaced by an explore collections banner which is not only redundant by the collections tab up top now requires me to go to the "explore all mods" link when searching through mods in order to apply filters, this extra step makes the site less accessible. Considering people search through new mods far more often than applying collections I'd like to revert this design flaw.

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I want to voice an opinion about the "Popular Collections" section. Right now it's huge and sandwiched between Trending Mods and More Mods. 

Your love of Collections has never been in doubt, Nexus, but without the individual mods that go into them, they amount to very pretty looking but mostly empty gift boxes.

Warning: Long suppressed thoughts contained within:

Speaking from my own experience, communication between Collections authors and the mod authors whose creations they utilize is essentially nonexistent. Unless you get curious as to why your comments section has become a ghost town but your download count has increased and look into it yourself, you may never learn that your work was even valued enough to be included in one.

Take it a step further--and off site--and you might learn that the Collections authors have found things that needed fixing. Were they ever going to inform the original author?

This isn't some conflict between thousands of mods, but something pertaining only to an individual one. Is it a matter of taste, or a difference in upbringing or perhaps culture? Or is it something that's actually broken? Because if it's the latter, the original mod authors deserve to hear about it. But we receive nothing.

Not the courtesy of knowing our work is being included, not a notification of a possible bug, NOTHING. And now you slam that gigantic "Popular Collections" section in a place that cannot be missed, a place that is normally allotted to individual mods that already struggle for visibility thanks to bulk uploaders. It is, quite frankly, salt to the wound.

Collections are FAR from invisible. Every thread with an apprehensive new mod seeker is immediately filled with recommendations to use Collections. They have their own section of the site. Please leave them there.

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