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The 120(ish) limit comes from the way that FNV handles mods. The game opens multiple file handles for each esp, and somewhere around 120 to 130 mods or so, the game runs out of file handles which leads to all kinds of problems. The mod limit fix that M48A5 linked to fixes this issue by increasing the number of total file handles that the game can use, so that the game won't run out of file handles even with 255 esp files.

By the way, the 255 limit includes esm files, and also includes all of the files that come with the game like FalloutNV.esm, DeadMoney.esm (and other DLC files), GunRunnersArsenal.esm, MercenaryPack.esm, etc. If you have all of the DLCs, then there are a total of 9 esm files that come with the game, leaving you 246 slots open for your own esm and esp files to be added.

You can easily run into other limits with mods. Fallout New Vegas is a 32 bit game, which means the most memory that it can access is 2 GB. It doesn't matter if you have 32 GB of RAM in your PC, the game can't use it. The game can only use 2 GB no matter what. There is a patch where you can increase that limit to 4 GB, but that is as far as you can ever take it, because a 32 bit memory address runs out of bits at 4 GB. You need a 64 bit memory address to go beyond 4 GB, and Fallout New Vegas is not a 64 bit game.

The game has several memory leaks. One of the most notable is in the game's texture caching system. The longer you play, the more memory gets leaked, and eventually the game runs out of memory and crashes. High resolution textures use more memory, so using texture mods will make the game run out of memory faster. This leaves you with the unfortunately choice of either a prettier game or a more stable game. Higher quality textures look better, but will crash the game sooner. Lower quality textures don't look as good, but the game will run a lot longer before crashing. You can't have high quality textures and a stable game. It's one or the other.

Large mods that add a lot of content can also cause your save games to get larger, and there appears to be a limit here as well though it doesn't seem to be known exactly where things break. But if you use a lot of large mods like TTW, you will start to experience weird things caused by save-game corruption.

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